Wolf Play : The Return || Lion RP || Semi-Literate || Open!
06:07:55 (She) Cat {no bob}
Your wolves played: Peril tackles DarkDeer to the ground.
Leave your elder alone!!!
 the Wayne pack
06:02:31 Waning
Oh I nearly had a little heart attack- thought I accidentally closed the tab I was editing a character form on.
05:57:50 = Manor =
Firefly *-*
 Meliora Wolves
05:56:54 crow (he/they/zae)
-WP Click- guys would he look better with a quasar or firefly dye
 Doomsday Blue
05:44:41 Doom (they/them)
-WP Click-
Just slipping this here
 Sharp Fang
05:44:40 UcanCallmeFang
Ah. I've three or four. Figured out my alpha is a dunce. 0 heard him today, 0 howled back
 Meliora Wolves
05:44:01 crow (he/they/zae)
excellent howler
 Doomsday Blue
05:43:31 Doom (they/them)

 Sharp Fang
05:43:31 UcanCallmeFang
Whats an ExH?
 Doomsday Blue
05:42:47 Doom (they/them)
I read like ten pages :'/
 Meliora Wolves
05:42:35 crow (he/they/zae)
turns out the puke stain wolf i got for free is an ExH how amazing
05:42:27 = Manor =
Am I hearing something about Harry Potter? *0*
 Doomsday Blue
05:42:17 Doom (they/them)

Read it at school, didn't finish it
 Sharp Fang
05:41:13 UcanCallmeFang
Who knows Fantastic Beasts? I've the biggest crush on Newt Scamander
 Doomsday Blue
05:41:10 Doom (they/them)
Yeah, just uhh.. making a forum for potterheads
05:40:55 Queen / Jo
lol canÂ’t deny they are good movies
 Doomsday Blue
05:40:40 Doom (they/them)
 Doomsday Blue
05:40:30 Doom (they/them)
potterhead unite
 Doomsday Blue
05:40:05 Doom (they/them)

 Sharp Fang
05:39:56 UcanCallmeFang
I am a potterhead


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The Return || Lion RP || Semi-Literate || Open!August 5, 2021 09:20 PM


Posts: 4518
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The pride was prospering, cubs were being born, and food was plentiful. The King and Queen were gracious and fair rules and the pride was satisfied. One day on a border patrol, the scent of a lone lion and lioness were found. The patrols were stepped up just in case they decided to try something but it wasn't enough. The two loners challenged the King and Queen, but the two current rulers were no match for the loner's brute size and strength. Furthermore, after losing the challenge they were killed to ensure the New King and Queen would have no more challengers.

The pride was furious but no one was strong enough to challenge the new leaders, and most feared for their lives, no one was going to step up against them. The years went on and they had an heir, one that they would train to take over for them once they died. But they couldn’t prepare her in time, a terrible drought struck and killed the King, Queen and a couple pride members. Leaving their young inexperienced daughter in charge of the pride.

You would think the pride would have been satisfied, having the hated King and Queen, and now they were gone. But they wanted more. They wanted back the peaceful years they had seen before the two loners arrived and couldn’t risk having more treacherous years to come. The heir had done nothing wrong, and hadn’t yet proved that her ruling would be different from her parents. A rebellion was staged anyways and the young Queen was overthrown. Beaten and bruised, they escorted her to the edge of the territory, the two older lionesses that walked with her, jabed her with insults and shouted threats at her back as she dragged herself away from the territory. She seemed to be on the brink of death, so no one followed her to make sure she did die, and was proclaimed dead by the two lionesses that had led her out there.

But they couldn’t have been more wrong, little did they know that the heir was still alive. She now returns, older, stronger and with a pride of her own, to take back what should have been hers.

My Co-Host is Spellbound :D Treat them with respect, they have the same authority as me!

Edited at August 5, 2021 11:39 PM by Ciao
The Return || Lion RP || Semi-Literate || Open!August 5, 2021 09:39 PM


Posts: 4518
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  1. Eve’s rules trump all.
  2. No Gary/Mary Sue’s, OP characters or God-Modding. Don’t have your character be “that guy”, constantly making everyone mad or always breaking the rules.
  3. No clogging the thread with talk that should be saved for the dissuasion, any questions can be sent to me!
  4. No OOC drama, RP drama is welcomed, as long as it is run by me first.
  5. This spins a semi-literate RP, your posts should have between 200-500 words though you are welcome to do more. Decent grammar is required as well. Put a plant name in other. I understand writer's block but no one liners.
  6. No orphaned cubs, they must have at least a guardian to look after them.
  7. Reservations last 48 hours, and you can have/reserve up to 2 powerful roles. If one of your high ranked characters dies then you can create another in its place.
  8. Please keep your characters realistic! This includes heights, weights, colors and more. I don’t want to see blue sparkly lions. Keep any actions your lion may have realistic as well, as hunts and fights will be. While the ranks are fictional, the rest shall be close to realism.
  9. Please, if you sign-up, and especially if you have a high ranking role, be active! Post at least once to twice a week if the RP is moving fast. Let me know if you will be gone for any extended period of time as well.
  10. Make sure any images you use are properly credited, come from an approved stock site, and are hosted on an approved image hosting site. I don’t want this thread locked! If you have images, you must also have a written description.
  11. Take as many characters as you can handle.
  12. Have fun! Any questions should be sent to me :)

Edited at August 6, 2021 12:55 AM by Ciao
The Return || Lion RP || Semi-Literate || Open!August 5, 2021 09:41 PM


Posts: 4518
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Pride rules:

1. The Queen’s word trumps all

2. No outside relations with those from another pride, or loners. If you are caught, you will be expelled from the pride as it is considered treason. If they were sister Prides, that would be another thing and possibly considered, but with tensions between the two running high it is unlikely.

3. Heir’s must be respected

4. Cubs must NOT leave camp at all until they are full members of the pride

Possibly more to come.

Challenge rules and information:

When challenging one of the high ranks, a duel between the two will commence. There will be witnesses from the pride, the Senior Warrior and the other high ranks may join as well. Both the Queen and King can be challenged at the same time, the duels will happen simultaneously if it comes to it. The winner(s) will take over the role that they challenged for.

It is the winners decision on weather you get to stay in the Pride or not. It is rare to see the loser killed, being expelled from the pride is more common, but not everyone chooses that. If one of the two most high ranks is challenged (Ex. Only the Queen) and they lose. The current heirs will be invalid, since they are not descended from both the Queen and King, now that one of the parents is dethroned. The new Queen and King must have new offspring to replace them. If this does not happen and it is time for the Heir to take over, then the eldest invalid Heir will replace them.

Edited at August 6, 2021 12:22 AM by Ciao
The Return || Lion RP || Semi-Literate || Open!August 5, 2021 09:52 PM


Posts: 4518
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Pride 1:

Kufanikiwa Pride - Prosperous in Swahili


This rank is the highest a female can achieve in her lifetime. The Queen is truly the brains behind the operation, making the majority of the decisions for the pride. She also will deal out punishments, which should not be questioned. If they are, it is taken as a challenge for the rank, and if you refuse to partake in it, you will be kicked out of the pride. This rank can be challenged. The Queen and King have to be mates.


This rank is the highest a male can achieve in his lifetime. The King does not have nearly as much power as the Queen but can advise her on her decisions. He will also lead border patrols, and decide when to send out a hunting patrol, as well as who is on it. This rank can be challenged. The King and Queen must be mates.


The Heir’s are the offspring of the King and Queen. The eldest will be trained on how to run the pride, and when the Queen and king become too old or decide to pass on the role, they will become the pride's new leaders. In the first week of ruling, they must have a mate to fill the other position. So, if the eldest is a lioness, she must choose a lion to rule as her King, and vice versa. If they are too young to have offspring when they initially start ruling, they don't have to have cubs. But it is expected of them to do so once they are old enough, in order to produce a new Heir. This rank cannot be challenged.

Senior Warrior

Often the eldest and most experienced of the Warriors. This is the second-highest rank a male can achieve in his lifetime. They can lead border patrols and are the most respected of the Warrior’s. This lion will also give patrol reports directly to the King, and can advise him on small decisions. This rank cannot be challenged, it goes automatically to the oldest and most experienced Warrior.


The lions of the pride. Their job is to protect the pride from outside threats, such as loners or other prides. They mainly partake in border patrols, but will also occasionally go on hunting patrols if necessary. They are allowed to have a mate, but in order to have cubs they must get permission from the Queen. If a lioness would rather take on this role, she must consult the Senior Warrior and they will decide if she can,

Pride members and Lead Huntress

These are the lionesses of the pride. They help each other raise cubs and will hunt for the pride. When hunting, the oldest and most experienced hunter will take on the position of Lead Huntress and will help organize the hunting patrol. They are allowed to take a mate, but in order to have cubs they must get permission from the Queen.


The offspring of the pride members and the warriors.


The lions and lionesses are too old to defend the pride or hunt. Their job is to watch cubs when no other pride members are available. As well as share any wisdom with the younger Warriors and Pride members. One of the elders was one of the young lionesses that brought the dethroned Queen to the border and proclaimed her dead when she returned.

Pride 2:

Kisasi Pride - Vengeance, revenge in Swahili

Queen and King

Same rank descriptions apply, except the King and Queen do not have to be mates.


The offspring of the Queen and her Favorite male. The eldest will be trained to become one of the next leaders while the rest will remain heirs in case the eldest dies. The eldest among the living Heirs would take over if this happened. The Heir’s must be treated with respect. The current Heir’s are 1 year in age.

Favored male

This rank could technically be the second highest rank a male can achieve in this pride. This male is the lion that the Queen will have cubs with and prefers above the rest, they may be mates, or she might just prefer him over the rest. He is also one of the Warriors, and cannot be the King.


Same rank description apply, except the Senior Warrior is an unspoken rank among the Warriors, and he is often close with the King as well.


These are the prides “Pride members” the only thing that separates the from the Kufanikiwa Pride members is the rank name and that they may also help the Warriors defend the pride if necessary.

Locked Ranks

Mother’s [Locked for now]

When a female is expecting, she will give up all of her Hunter duties when she is nearing the end of her pregnancy, and take on this position until her cubs are grown enough to join the Hunters, or Warriors. They do not participate in battles unless their cubs' lives are on the line. They will occasionally go out on a hunting patrol if another lioness is watching their cubs.

Cubs [Locked for now]

The offspring of the Pride. They are not allowed to wander outside of camp. Once they are 1 year of age they become a full pride member and will train in their duties as a Hunter or Warrior immediately.

Loners [0/3]

-Lions or Lionesses outside both of the prides-

Other information:

The reason for having both the Favored male and the King, is so the Queen has separate males, one for politics and one for love.

This pride is too young to have Elders.

This pride is too young to have cubs, though one female may be early on in her pregnancy.

Edited at August 6, 2021 12:15 AM by Ciao
The Return || Lion RP || Semi-Literate || Open!August 5, 2021 10:19 PM


Posts: 4518
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Available Ranks

Kufanikiwa Pride

Queen [1/1]

Ashanti/F/5.5/Ciao - Page 1

King [1/1]

Taf/M/6/Meian - Page 2

Heirs [0/1]


Senior Warrior [0/1]


Warriors Unlimited

-Mzamo/5/M/Imp - Page 3

Pride members Unlimited

-Ekua/F/3/Spellbound - (Lead huntress, from experience) Page 1

-Kudadisi/F/4/Meian - Page 3

Cubs [0/3]


Elders [1/2]


Kisasi Pride

Queen [1/1]

Tiwalade/F/5/Spellbound - Page 1

King [0/1]


Heirs [2/2]

Kuza/F/1yeae/Meian - Page 2


Favored Male [1/1]

Taji/M/7/Wanderlust - Page 2

Warriors Unlimited


Hunters Unlimited

-Izula/4/F/Imp - Page 3

Mothers [Locked]

Cubs [Locked]

Sign-up Sheet:
Desired Rank:

*= not required

Certain reservations have been extended if I have received a PM!

Edited at August 11, 2021 10:40 PM by Ciao
The Return || Lion RP || Semi-Literate || Open!August 5, 2021 10:44 PM


Posts: 4518
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Edited at August 6, 2021 01:17 AM by Ciao
The Return || Lion RP || Semi-Literate || Open!August 5, 2021 10:50 PM


Posts: 22525
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"Tragic? Oh honey, there's nothing tragic about me. I choose to be this way - You see, it's much more fun. And besides, 'villain' is just your interpretation, love."
'Crown Is Mine'
Five Years Old
Desired Rank:
Queen of her rightful pride.
"I shall not remain idle when important manners are at hand. Something has been stolen from me, and I will get it back. "
" I have the face of an angel - yet I'm the farthest thing from it."

This female stands at 3.5 feet in height. So she's tall, but it adds to her lithe beauty. When she's eaten well she weighs around 330 lbs. Her coat is your normal tawny color, but it's a bit darker than average giving it an almost golden near bronze look. Her underbelly is a bit lighter with a cream appearance. She has some scars littered about, her body. The most noticable, a slash against her thigh that heald to appear like stripes on her body. Her body size would be considered medium sized in terms of lionesses. The perfect mix of lithe and muscular, she has a well-formed body. It is agile and nimble, while also being tough and sturdy. She is able to put up a good fight against someone, and able to hunt with higher success rates. This female has a very femenine and gentle face. Her eye color can be described as a light olive green with mixtures of amber-gold and the blue-greyish tones of her childhood, and they can grown serious or in rare cases warm. Yet, they always seem a bit impassive or stoic. They are framed by dark lashes, and a white stripe under them. This female has long ivory claws that are well-formed and are used for hunting or slashing someone's face.

All Image credits go to windfuchs on DA
This female can be described as strong-willed and resiliant. Highly autonomous so she won’t give in easily to the demands of others. If she doesn't want to, you can’t make her. It’s as simple as that. Her devotion to personal sovereignty gives her the ability to maintain strong boundaries and resist peer pressure. Failure is not an option for this female. Hardship only makes her stronger. She is a survivor . She will persevere through even the most difficult of circumstances. This female is fiercly independant, not needing someone to coddle or look after her. She can do it on her own goddamn it, however , she is not beneath asking for help or admitting her faults. If it's one thing she's not it's arrogant.

If overwhelmed and embittered, the she may detach and withdraw. She shuts-down and become resigned to a life she sees as a prison sentence, something that must be endured or tolerated, no matter how tortuous the path or the circumstances may seem. At this point, she builds an inpenetrable wall around themselves to shut-out any feelings or emotions that could distract them from their focus on a task or just getting through life in general. Becoming indifferent to the world, however, may alleviate some internal strife, but it also creates barriers that block emotionally fulfilling relationships and other outlets of joy that make life worth living. You'll never see her cry publicly, only in her private will she weep or grieve. Her face can be described like a mask and is often long-drawn as if weighted by the gravity of her burdens. When her eyes are not frustratingly impassive, they can appear, in a poetic sense, like dark chasms that act as reservoirs for the failures, disappointments, and losses of humanity.

Becase she has the right amount of wit and intelligence, she developed sass as she got older. Just like you learn to think before you talk, she acquired the skills of speaking her mind, but in a less childish and overt manner. Very diplomatic and has a calculated approach in what she's going to say and how to act, and uses a certain degree of logic and know-how to keep herself in tact. Known to be smartass. She’ll be the first one to call you out on your overt attempts of impressing someone, but the difference is, they’ll do it in a playful manner because she means well. She doesn't give a crap about what others think about her, how come comes off, doesn't take bullshit or disrespect from them, and she does what she wants, when she wants, period.

Sometimes she finds herself in awkward situations where she has to explain their intentions to prove that she's not so bad after all. Opening up, being vulnerable, and talking about emotions is not really an area where the female shines. She would rather hide her emotions in a chest, to be buried in a deep, dark cave, never to be retrieved again. She grew up emotionally distant and can sometimes feel that talking about emotions is pointless. She’d much rather find solutions to problems and look at situations objectively. You’re just wasting your time coaxing her out because she's hell-bent on keeping that door shut. She spares no time thinking about how circumstances affect them; she want to get straight to the solution, at whatever cost. Explaining her thoughts to other people ends up feeling like an incredible burden because emotions are pretty straightforward in her head. Talking about emotions often feels like a social burden more than a necessity. As a result, she may come across a little uncooperative. As much as she comes off as cold, aloof, and standoffish she is their. Listening, observing, trying to be better for her pride. She just has trust issues.

She seems to have some sort of “autodetect” mode for the soft spots in others. Once these qualities are noted, suprisingly she is intuitively aware of how to approach those vulnerabilities with respect and kindness or even gentleness. She's well atuned to the needs of those under her. She would do anything for them, if you dared to touch or harm them she'd raise hell. If one her people are taken, she'd destroy nations and prides just to get what she needed to save them or get them back. She used to be forgiving and see the best in all, but now she's more of a realist.

This female has experienced pain and seen death. She's grown numb to it which is a horrible thing to say, but it's true. Now she does like inflicting pain upon others or hear them begging her for mercy. She's cold-hearted in this way, but this is only reserved for those she doesn't like. She won't lower herself to pummel you if you upset her, but instead will speak with a venomous and cruel tone. However, if you have really done something to displease her, like disrespect her siblings, she won't hesitate to send her claws to your face. Very cutthroat. If you make her suffer, then she'll reign it back down on you with tremendous force. She does believe in vengeance and karma. She is patient enough to wait days, weeks, or even years to ge back at you. And she will make it hurt. This female is quite spiteful and venomous. If you try and kill her, she'll live out of spite and find a way to kill you twice. Her words are cold and malign when you ask her how you are doing on a job. Very observant and critical, she'll point out every single one of your flaws with a smile on her face. She's tough and gritty with an uncompromising morals and resolve. She's also very firm and stern in nature.

This female is very authoritative. She's very self-assured and knows who she is and her ambitions and goals. Oddly enough in this pack, she is reliable and able to be trusted. She respects her pack members and expects respect back, and someone will pay hell if it isn't given. When she speaks, she expects to be listened to and not interrupted and if she is then someone will pay. Her words are to be listened to and obeyed, and if they are not she'll find a special little task to torture you for not listening. Very strict and firm, she will not tolerate disobedience or disorder. She also gives respect and honor as due. She is also very influential with her words and actions, as she knows they hold weight within the pack. Very lively, bold, full of spirit , and most definitely cheeky. This female's words drip with sass and sarcasm if she's doesn't have her 'resting bitch face' on . She is very social and quick to go find others to talk to. She can be nice and kind when she wants to, but if you don't reciprocate or appreciate it then she won't be kind. She does have a lot of energy, and can be seen moving about and rarely sitting still, but she also likes to laze about. However, she does so in a regal fashion.

Now this female does want to be on top. She enjoys and moderately desires power, but it's not at the top of her list. However, if she ever does become power hungry she'd be a fearsome creature. She'd be hell-bent on getting what she wants and whatever is needed for those under her care. This female would raise hell to make sure her home and pack was safe and cared for. She also wouldn't stop until she had toppled every obstacle in her path. However, for now she's content with where she is now, but she will be the next Queen of her rightful pride. She doesn't give a damn what her pther thinks. It's a woman's world and she plans on owning it.
Classified c:
Two, they are the heirs
Both Females
Sangodele - Father ; deceased by drought
Omoyeni - Mother ; deceased by drought
Ashanti - This lioness was like a sister to her. More than a best friend, family. It broke her heart to be betrayed by her friend. She still loves this female, and doesn't want to kill her, but she does want what's rightfully hers. These two swore to be friends forever and serve as Queens together, and take the lands for themselves. However, this female succomed to peer pressure and broke the promise. She does care for her still, however what ever familial bond they had is gone.

"You stole my title, rule my lands, humiliated me, and left me to die. And you thought me weak enough to die by your claws? Laughable."

Themesong: Dynasty by MIIA
Born to a King and Queen, she was destined for greatness. However, being born in a Pride that hated her parents didn't help. Not to mention the way they treated her. Yes, they taught her how to be eloquent and rule, but she didn't agree with some of their methods. She was spiteful and rebellious towards them. Not wanting to make the same mistake as them, she swore to be better ruler. One kind and fair, yet firm with her people. It may seem callous, but she was sort of elated when her parents died. They being bad influences on her formerly nice soul. When she was enstated as Queen, she knew she'd have to show she was different and would bring relief. But, it seemed fate hated her. It was stolen from her due to rebellion, and even worse she fought who she thought was her best friend. She was humiliated, bruised (literally & figuratively), and bitter. Was she not enough? What had she done wrong? She changed her name from Cwazimula meaning Shine Bright to Tiwalade meaning Crown Is Mine, which she finds appropriate for her. With a newfound confidence and rage, she began finding those in need and building a pride. She became a respected leader, and built her own dynasty and home. They are now her family, and she will do anything to protect them. Now that they are strong and healthy, she is hell-bent on regaining her rightful place as Queen of Kufanikiwa. It is her birthright that was stolen from her, and she won't take it lying down.

Edited at August 5, 2021 11:34 PM by Spellbound
The Return || Lion RP || Semi-Literate || Open!August 5, 2021 11:22 PM


Posts: 4518
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[ uh-sh-AH-n-t-ee ] African origin, this regal name means “undefeated, divine and peace”


Age: Five and a half years

Gender: Female / Lioness

Pride: Kufanikiwa

Rank: Queen

Desired Rank: Achieved


stock (c) to landkeks-stock on DA


This Queen is a larger size, with her strong build adding on some additional weight, which ends up coming to about 350 pounds, standing 3.5 ft at the shoulder and being 4.9 ft long. She is quite strong, which helped her overtake the previous Queen. Onto her fur, it is considerably short and coarse in texture, though on her longer tufts it does soften up, especially on the little fluff at the end of her tail.

Ashanti’s eyes are more noticeable than others, they are orange but take on a brighter version of the color. They stand out against her pelt and are more stunning up close.

The color of her fur is Tawny, though it takes on more of a golden hue, the color also lightens up near her paws, though stays consistent throughout the rest of her. Under her jaw and around her lower muzzle is a white patch, she has no other markings or cub spots. Ashanti does have a few scars through her fur, they are small and generally unnoticeable except for one larger scar. This one is over her right shoulder, she was clawed there during a fight earlier in her life, which resulted in the scar, it’s quite visible and no fur had grown over it.


This female once allowed herself to be forced into something, peer pressured and persuaded. But boy has she changed, this lioness has her own thoughts and opinions that she won’t let outsiders influence. She won’t be forced into something ever again, she was grateful to become Queen after the death of her parents, but looking back it shouldn’t have gone the way it did. Loyalty is something she valued and still does, but she wasn’t able to show that to her best friend, the former Queen. She acted like a hypocrite, and she knows it. Ashanti has now changed and given the chance to go back and repeat her early years, she would. This lioness was arrogant, but now she has become intelligent. She puts the pride's needs before her own and is a quick thinker, coming up with solutions to many issues in good timing.

Ashanti radiates authority, she is a powerful female and shows many leadership skills. She was born to be Queen, quite literally. This lioness is not afraid to assert her dominance if she feels threatened or if she is disrespected. She prefers not to, and treats her pride with respect if they show some to her as well. If you happen to forget yourself in front of her and treat her as if she is another pride member and you are not close to this female. She will forgive you but do it twice and she will remind you of who she is. She will be more forgiving towards her family if this were to happen. The values them.

This lioness has little, to no temper. She is a very level-headed leader and while she has strong opinions and beliefs, she is open to constructive criticism or advice from those who mean it respectfully. Meaning that she is not too stubborn, but if she truly believes in something she will follow through with it, she is the Queen, after all, who's to stop her? Ashanti can be passionate about things, of course, family, but when she does go out to lead a hunting patrol, which she may do on occasions. She gets into it. Before becoming Queen she would go out with hunting patrols in order to serve her pride and see how they operated. She still enjoys doing so and it helps to relieve her of the stress of running a pride.

When raising her cubs she makes sure to teach each of them to respect the higher ranks and expects them to stay in line more and more as they age. She has high expectations for her cubs and expects the pride to treat them with respect, if they refuse then you can expect to see a mother's rath come at you with full force. Now if you inflict physical pain upon them, well, I guess your luck has finally run out, run for the hills while you still can. This queen doesn’t hold a grudge, but will remember whatever you do to her children. She is not afraid to aim a sharp blow towards you, and being the literal Queen any refusal to take a hit for your bad actions can result in punishment. She loves her children fiercely and will always be protective of them. she wouldn’t be considered an overbearing parent, but is still involved.

If war was ever declared on her pride, this lioness doesn't plan to go down without a fight. You will have to kill her to get Tiwalade back as Queen. If Ashanti did end up surrendering and going rouge, that wouldn't mean you saw the last of her, oh no, she will return stronger than ever with reinforcements to personally take you down, much similar to what is happening to her now. She is not one to give up, so unless you want this relentless lioness trailing your pride you better get rid of her when you have the chance. As I mentioned before, she feels guilty for taking over the pride in her best friend’s place, but won’t appear weak in front of her pride. A fight will be coming if her friend makes an appearance, unless another way is found, no matter how much she wishes it wouldn’t come to it. She still feels the need to prove herself to her pride, especially since she is still a young leader and will fight with whatever she has.

Crush: N/A

Mate: The King

Cubs: Her heir


Akili-Daughter/Heir; Alive

Omari-Mother;Deceased, killed after a challenge former Queen

Bakari-Father;Deceased, killed after a challenge former King

Open for a sister


Tiwalade: Her former best friend, and the former Queen. The two were close growing up, and were basically sisters. They planned to rules as Queens together but Ashanti succumbed to peer pressure and helped taken her friend down. She never harmed Tiwalade, or placed a claw on her, but she did end up supporting the rebellion. This young lioness was near horrified after she realized what she had done, but being the former King and Queen’s Heir, she was chosen to take over in her friend’s place. She still cares for her friend, but if she has to meet her in battle, she will.




This lioness was born and grew up under the prosperous time of her parents, but was horrified to watch them dethroned and then killed by two rouges. It was a rough time for the young cub, who was only a half a year at the time but was quickly taken under the wing of another young lioness. She was greatful and soon made a new friend with the sole heir of the new King and Queen. Tiwalade became her best friend, reguardless of what her parents had done, and the two grew close. Once her parents had died, whispers of rebellion stirred in her mind as the lions and lionesses of the pride planned their attack. She grew wrapped up in the excitement but was able to put an end to it and refuse to help. How could she go behind her best friend’s back to plot her downfall? But soon she was reminded of how Tiwalade‘s parents had ruled, and what they had done to her parents. With some persuading and peer pressure, she was turned against her best friend. Once the battle had been won, she was placed as the new Queen, having been the heir of the former King and Queen, and has been ruling ever since. Though a guilty feel comes over her every so often, the crown shouldn’t have been hers. Ashanti broke her promise, she and Tiwalade should have ruled together, like they planned when they were young.

Other: :)

Edited at August 6, 2021 12:26 PM by Ciao
The Return || Lion RP || Semi-Literate || Open!August 5, 2021 11:44 PM


Posts: 22525
Give Award
'The one converting pain to happiness'
Three Years Old
Lead Huntress
Basically unspoke Second to the Queen. Though she is young, she won't hesitate to verbally demolish a lioness testing her authority.
Desired Rank:
Satisfied where she is

This female most definitely encompasses the two words : elegance and beauty. From one look you can tell this is a beautiful lioness. Her pelt is smooth and well maintained , albeit she does like to roll around in dust at times. It is of a darker beige coloration with white and cream splashed upon her chest. Her face can be describe as youthful and delicate, with a elegant bearing. Here eyes are quite large and they are a bright olive-green amberish color, and on the sides of her eyes are thick white lines that accent them even more due to the thin almost eyeliner lines around them as well.

This female stands at 3.7 feet and weighs around 319-325 lbs. She has a muscular, deep-chested body as lions due. You can see the grace in her step when she walks, and she appears to be gliding when she runs. This females claws are sharp and perfect hunting machines and gives her good traction. Her legs are long and lean, which helps her to get swift in her movements and agile . Along her legs are spots that she has kept even as an adult and it adds to her small amount of stripes on her legs as well.

Her scent can be described as the delicate yet fragrant smell of hyacinth and roses with just a tinge of wild honey and fresh rain.
Stock Images. All image credits go to Robbobert on DA
This female can be described as an introvert with extrovert tendencies, both sociable and unsociable. While mare is good at making small talk with strangers she often zones out when chatting with her friends. Yet, they know she means no harm. She wants to be apart of group activities but will never plan them. Instead she push ideas onto her friends until they happen. It’s difficult for her to keep up multiple conversations, but she keep initiating them anyways. She spends a lot of time with her thoughts when she's alone, but say things without thinking when you’re with others. She can come off as blunt and coarse at times. Being around people does drain her energy but in a good way. However, being alone for lengthy periods of time makes her anxious. This femme love listening and talking to friends about their lives- their struggles, successes, and whatever they’re going through. But she won’t get involved and would rather let them fight their own battles, unless she deems necessary or feels a certain protectiveness over you. She truly treasure your relationships and friendships, but just have a hard time showing it. But when she does, it's quite sweet.

This mare can’t stay mad at people she loves for a long time. Sometimes she doesn't even get mad at all. However, once you cross her limits of toleration, she will never speak to you again. As for strangers who tend to hurt her or already did, she will turn their back without arguing and leave. She has more important things than to waste her time arguing with you. Make no mistake though, she knows how to argue and how to be effective. She doesn't seem like she has a dark side. In fact, her dark side is gray because even if she decide to yell or argue with you, they will choose words and a lower tone in order to prevent a bigger fight or make you feel offended. However, their are exceptions. If you irk her enough, or offend someone she cares about she will make you pay hell. Her words will cut and slice your heart, and their will be no sign of remorse nor pity in her eyes. But, when she is forced to this last coping mechanism she does feels bad, but is too stubborn to admit or show it, but also she doesn't want to be used or viewed as an easy mark for bullying. She also won't tolerate you talking down to her younger siblings, her children, or anyone attatched to her. So she keeps this fiery and hot-headed nature reserved for specific ocassions when her patience has completely ran out.

Her smile is contagious and she tends to share her positive energy because she is happy when people around her are happy too. Everyone enjoys hanging out with a kind person like her, however, not everyone always gets the chance. Although she is prejudice-free, she is very picky when it comes to choosing her friends or partners. This female is quite private about her emotions and her life. She rather keep you focused on your emotions and your problems and hide hers from you to spare you from worrying about her. She always seem so cheerful because she doesn't want to spread negative energy when she feels sad or disappointed. Her smile can cover her broken soul and you will never notice she's sad unless you know her better than you know yourself.

Being so aware of others’ emotions, she uses creativity and insight to craft bold ideas that speak to people’s hearts. She can be very relaxed and warm at times. She is very heartfelt, and can use her words to enourage you tremendously, even if it's just a silent look of understanding or a small sentence she think is insignificant. She encourages adventure, bravery and charging into unknown waters. And if she makes you tag along then you're her partner-in-crime. She'll stand by your side to the end of time, even if you try and shoo her away she'll have a witty or cheeky remark for you like, " You're stuck with me until we're old and wrinkled."

She knows her energy can be a lot, it's even too much for her sometimes. When she tones things down, she enjoys the quiet and calm. Liking to meditate or reflect on her day. She also likes to observe others and try to get a better understanding of the way they think and behave. She is very wise considering her young age, and she knows it's a gift and she plans on using it. While she may be adventerous and bold at times, she's not reckless. She carefully thinks out what she can and can't do within the rules and boundaries presented. Sometimes, she does break those rules because it can mean new adventures, thrills, and excitement. However, she'd always weigh the cost before doing such an action. She can be blunt, but it only adds to her straight-forward and honest nature. She'll tell you how it is: Whether she likes you, if she's just tired of you, or if she knows you're fake and is tired of your bullshit. And she'll be damned if you act fake around her friends while she's around. If you even think of making a snide remark about her best friend, Luther, she will shoot you a warning glare, but if you persist. It won't be just him on your ass, she'll be on yours too.
Selene - Mother
Selene - She absolutely hates , loathes her mother. Why should she feel like a burden for her mother's incompetent ass? Why should she owe her anything? She wants to love her but she makes it hard. Her mother neglected her as a child which led to their fall out. She doesn't even call her mother or mom, but instead Selene.
Themesong: Why should I apologize?
Luther: Her best friend. He makes her world go round, and she adores him c:

Edited at August 6, 2021 01:45 AM by Spellbound
The Return || Lion RP || Semi-Literate || Open!August 5, 2021 11:45 PM

Former Pack

Posts: 0
Give Award
oh boy here we go
Keeping everyone in a single post until more people post their own forms-
I'm so tired right now apologizes if I say anything weird

"Soldier of the People"

3 Years

Male - Masculine - Lion

Kufanikiwa Pride


Desired Rank
He's fine :)

Credits go to Robbobert

When it comes to Luther and his social life, he is a bit more on the reserved side than anything else when compared to another horse, especially that of an outgoing or extroverted one. He usually won't seek out any kind of conversation from anyone, rather them having to approach this stallion first and will hold his opinions to himself unless asked about his thoughts in which he'll share them honestly and a bit blunt. Any games or ideas he thinks of will usually have to be asked of him before he will share anything openly, though he'll be rather happily to get his opinions out and it's easy for Luther to just sit there awkwardly while another may blab to him. He's nothing of a pushover however, and can hold his own either with his own set of sharp words he will usually keep reserved to himself unless someone else is being a prick or a nasty glare someone's way if they harm any of his friends or especially his mother no matter how much older or bigger they may be when compared to his 15.3 hand height.
Luther is a tentative stallion, hesitant to do anything such as wandering too far from the herd or his mom's side or even going with a rather boisterous or energetic game of tag, maybe a game someone invites him to. It comes with both his natural attitude with things being hesitant to try stuff in gear of danger, and with the fact he's half blind and has trouble seeing certain things sometimes. It's not just trying things, sometimes it can be walking too especially when turning right or when he well knows somebody is walking on his blind side, tending to become jumpy and tense. Luther does seem more confident in doing things when in the company of someone he knows rather well be it his lovely mother who he would do anything for or one of his friends, especially his best one Asteria who he finds himself more relaxed and a bit more reckless around trusting her.

The young lion never will be one to show unkindness to most, always willing to offer them someone willing to listen to their problems or of they may need advice or to vent to someone. Never will he brush off their feelings or thoughts they may have, and always will take things into consideration even if an idea might be a little on the stupider side or thoughts unfair. He likes getting the whole story rather than heating it one sided, and even more so when he may offer some assistance to someone. That is, unless they've done something to set the stallion off or view them in a more kind of negative light. Whether they had yelled at someone or are just rude in general, he's not afraid to shoot them an icy glare or if they may insult him bombard them with an assault of words.
Luther is blind, but just as capable as any stallion when feeling confident in something or rather anything in general. He is never one to back down even in a challenge or if something may be threatening the good of the herd, and while he may be blind in one eye that doesn't mean he is totally crippled or incapable of something. Luther rather has a huge disliking for others excluding him simply for the fact he can't see through his right eye, because he knows he can be just as capable as anyone else if they would just freaking let him, and any concerns one may have for holding him back because of his disability will be met with gruff or Stern and annoyed words of his own in protest. He wants someone to care because they're stronger, or there's no way he could win because they outmatch him in any other attribute that doesn't have to do with his blindness, he wants to be hotheaded sometimes and for others to tell him to stop and think for a moment not because one side of the world is always pitch black for him but because he's being irrational about something like anyone else. Perhaps it's because he doesn't want to feel different from anyone else, or the fact that he fears of they tell him no simply because he's different because of his blindness, he'd be holding back on something that he would have been perfectly capable of doing and have missed an opportunity for something.

Luther cannot be easily dettered by anything, even if that is another horse genuinely and simply concerned for his wellbeing or maybe sometimes his mom if he's feeling particularly rebellious about stuff. It could be considered stubborn to some, and it's generally exactly that. Whether it's a raging, howling storm or someone's bad attitude that they decided to direct at him he will never back down or run away. Rather, he laughs in the face of storms (gleefully, he loves rain :D) and will never stray from someone who is suffering or angered by something or another and has directed that anger at him for whatever reason. He will stand unflinching. Little will ever deter Luther from something he wants to do, or when he puts his mind to something, and it'll take a great deal of convincing to change his mind. You think he's wrong? Convince him, give him reasons to show that whatever you stand by is instead the right decision and not whatever he has chosen to take
Like stated before, Luther Will never be one to quickly judge a situation simply by another's words unless someone close to him, and even then he'll seek out the other side of the story. The stallion rather likes hearing what another thought happened or their opinion on a matter or dispute, and will put that information to use to try and stop some kind of disagreement. He will never judge someone or quickly jump to the conclusion someone is bad simply because someone else says so, and any kind of situation another may be inside of whether accused for something, dealing with frustrating or saddening times, or even wanting to be left alone he will understand and try not to press his boundaries with the subject too much

Luther is usually a very calm stallion. Be mad at him and lash out at this lad all you'd like or be as tense or serious as the situation at hand may call for or mood that it puts you in, rarely will Luther ever bear the look of high amounts of panic or absolute dread on his face even if those around him may be feeling nothing short of those emotions. He knows how to keep his emotions in check very well, and it's only to those who deserve it or are really asking for a kick in their face to who he will snap at in a waterfall of high vocabulary words or send chilling glares to where they are due. He's not one to suddenly go into a fit of panic without a good goddamn reason, nor is one to worry or show anxiety much because of a situation at hand presented to him, but it's not like he's emotional. A light, happy smile is rather common with him and it's rare he bears something that could be considered more grim or dire befitting that of a less than ideal situation.
Luther can easily be described as an observant stallion. With his half blindness, it made him take more notice and keep information about the landscape around him tucked into his brain at all times so he may avoid tripping in a sudden pothole in the group of a pebble that sticks out of the ground just enough to be tripable. He is always one to take someone's words into consideration too, and will never dismiss something very lightly. Luther likes storing information into his brain often, however useless it may be to some in the belief it will come in handy later for some reason whatsoever. Body language is no exception to his observant eye. He can pick up on ques and the way one may shuffle or toss their head to identify how someone may be feeling, or if they look angered or even close to tears and act on those ques. Though he doesn't completely rely on them, as he uses his brain to figure out how he should act in such a thing so that he may take the action he deems the better of another. When it comes to love though, he is rather oblivious or just can't seem to pick up the ques right. Whether it's how someone may act around him or when someone comes to him telling Luther about someone they love, he can provide minimal suggestions for them if not encouragement of some sort. He's hopeless, and he kind of knows it

Nope :p
for now-




Open PM me!
~ • Asteria • ~
She's his best friend! He always cherishes the time spent with her and is someone Luther knows without a doubt that he can put his full trust into :)



• ~---~ •


2 Years

Female - Feminine - Lioness

Kufanikiwa Pride


Desired Rank
She's not too eager to become queen just yet


-Bold but not cocky
-Honest and straightforward with her words, can sometimes be blunt
-Polite, but sometimes can be unintentionally rude
-Very graceful
-Takes things a bit too literally sometimes so be careful with your words

Maybe? But ew who needs guys anyways?



Ashanti - Mother
??? - Father

Open PM me!
~ • Ashanti • ~



• ~---~ •


13 Years Old

Female - Feminine - Lioness

Kufanikiwa Pride


Desired Rank
She's sour about it, but she's good


-Old Soul, not much use in hunts anymore
-Usually strict with anyone
-Will offer many sarcastic comments to practically anyone
-Rare times where she'll genuinely say she's proud of something someone did
-A bit of a traditional girl
-Kind all the same though
-Known to roll her eyes at things she finds stupid or something only a fool would do
-While shes old she wont take crap from anyone
-There are moments she'll enjoy a calm conversation between pridemates
-Always open to give some advice

Much too old for that

Open PM me

Open PM me

Open for a brother :)

PM me :D


Is not the one who helped escort Tiwalade out of the pride lands

• ~---~ •


5 Years

Male - Masculine - Lion

Kisasi Pride


Desired Rank
He's fine.


-Absolute nervous wreck of a boy
-Any confidence or pride he may have used to hold is now gone with the wind




Open for a brother :)

Open PM me!



Edited at August 7, 2021 09:42 PM by Valinyx

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