Wolf Play : The Return || Lion RP || Semi-Literate || Open!
11:38:47 Goblin Queen|Rave
Fallen is sticking
11:38:06 Luna/Phantom
Fallen, Brander, Cynfael, Drusus
 Night Shade
11:35:35 Graves | Chaos

I instantly thought Juniper, but I don't know if it fits XD
11:34:35 Goblin Queen|Rave
This dude needs named still
-WP Click-
 Night Shade
11:32:56 Graves | Chaos

I can see it. 🤔
11:32:44 Goblin Queen|Rave
Hero noice
11:32:39 Luna/Phantom
11:32:05 Luna/Phantom
They remind me of a Snow Leopard a bit.
 Night Shade
11:30:27 Graves | Chaos
I didn't realize I had a token and had the urge to go to the wolf party. Ended up with this boy. Name suggestions?

-WP Click-
11:27:37 Lil Techy | Techno

11/16 werms sketched weee
 Avatar Of Lust
11:27:17 Asmodeus (he/they)
hi chat
 Blood lust tide
11:27:13 BewareWhoYouTrust
Your wolves played: blood splattered watches the pups practice wrestling.
 Blood lust tide
11:26:59 BewareWhoYouTrust
11:25:23 Goblin Queen|Rave
My wolves are dumb
im so broke now but its been strange without it
11:23:07 Phantom
 Blood lust tide
11:22:54 BewareWhoYouTrust
We should buy it together xD
finally have my premium account back i missed my lovly banner
11:22:26 Goblin Queen|Rave
I get payed the day after it drops hehe
 Blood lust tide
11:22:08 BewareWhoYouTrust
You got blood on my paws one still working on


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The Return || Lion RP || Semi-Literate || Open!August 10, 2021 11:40 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10684
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May I reserve a Warrior of the Kufanikiwa Pride, and a Huntress of the Kisasi Pride? ^^
The Return || Lion RP || Semi-Literate || Open!August 10, 2021 11:43 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10684
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Kufanikiwa Warrior

5 Years
Kufanikiwa Pride
Desired Rank:
Content, but Always Happy with Higher

Credit for All Images Belongs to Fotostyle-Schindler on DA. These are Stock Images.

Mzamo is a more average, if not slightly above average, sized male. He may not stand out amongst the largest males, but he can definitely still hold his own against most. Standing at about 4.2 feet in height, he's no slouch, and he weighs at about 530 lbs, maybe a bit over or under depending on his most recent meal. Muscular and brawny, the male doesn't quake in fear of others, knowing of the capabilities of his own skills. Certainly he is worthy of some note in the eyes of the ladies?

If not for his decent size, perhaps for his looks. The male comes with a golden tan coat, which lightens along his legs and underbelly to a more creamy golden color. Not anything too bright or obscene, but close to the average tawny color. His mane is long and large, exactly the heavy crown a male lion would desire to carry. It ranges from his head down past between his front legs and onto his belly. The hair of his mane has an ombred affect, starting off as a golden color all males are born with, and then darkening to black the lower it goes. Overall, rich in color, the male wears it with pride.

He isn't without his scars, though, many adorn his coat from the battles he's fought. Nothing noteworthy stands out, but they are there nonetheless. His scent is something rich and earthy, like overturned desert soil. It has a wild undertone to it that is hard to pin down, but it makes the scent intriguing and unique. His voice is a rich, low baritone, but not so low as to be hard to understand or off-putting.
Mzamo is, generally speaking, a rather friendly soul, one who is always up and open for conversation and typically tends to enjoy it. He's a rather confident male, and isn't afraid of a little socialization, in fact, it tends to be where is excels. Mzamo can be quite charismatic, able to lay on the charm without even batting an eye. He isn't necessarily schmoozing either, the male just really enjoys interacting with others. That doesn't mean he is everyone's friend though. Many might think they are, and realize later on he knows a whole lot more about them than they ever knew about him.

This tends to be because, despite his overly friendly appearance and genuine enjoyment of conversation, the male doesn't trust easily. He is a rather adept listener, always offering a shoulder for others when needed, without ever revealing much about himself. That's how he prefers it, liking it when he can get to know someone first before he decides whether to trust them or not. Because of this, he has an inate ability for keeping others at an arm's length. This doesn't mean he never trusts, he just takes longer to do so. But when he does, Mzamo is a loyal supporter, someone who is always in their corner and willing to back them up on almost anything.

Once you get past the slightly guarded exterior, there is a much more in depth interior. Zam is a rather protective male of those things, and lions, he considers as his. He doesn't take kindly to someone else stepping up to what is his, and he will be quick to remind them of their place. He also has not hesitation, or qualms, with getting his paws a little dirty. Not afraid of blood, violence, or death, the easy going male is quite proficient in these arts.

That being said, once under the surface of his skin, it's easy to see that his interior isn't much diffeerent than the guard he displays. Confident and social, the male is rather easy to get along with. He isn't shy by any means, and if wants something, he's going to go for it, even if it displeases another. He isn't cocky though, and isn't going to tote around about his looks or accomplishments, it's just not his style. However, flirting? Flirting is definitely his style. He might flirt just because he wants to, it may be harmless for him to do so, but he enjoys it quite a bit.

Overall, though, Mzamo is an easy going spirit who is pleasant to be around until crossed.
Definitely Open
Probably None
Maybe Open
Also Open
We love the Aloe Vera plants.

Edited at August 11, 2021 07:19 PM by Imperial Sands
The Return || Lion RP || Semi-Literate || Open!August 10, 2021 11:44 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10684
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Kisasi Huntress

4 Years
Kisasi Pride
Desired Rank:
Content, but Always Happy with Higher

Credit Belongs to Emelyanova2010 on DA. Stock Image.

Izula is a tall lioness, by no means the tallest, but the feminine creature has some height to her standing at three feet and 5 inches. What she might lack a little bit in height, though, the lioness makes up for in weight, being around 368 lbs. Zula isn't the largest lioness, but the female is tough and big enough to put up a good fight with almost anyone. And she has the attitude to think she can win.

Everything about Izula's frame screams "huntress". Powerful legs. Wide, padded paws. Deadly curved claws. This lioness, like many others, was designed to be a pain in everything's ass, literally. Powerful muscles ripple through the young lioness' body, her youthful physique barely marred with the scars of hunts. Her legs are long, but not so much so to be gangly, and her muscular build isn't so much so as to be unfeminine.

The lioness is equipped with the makings of death, but her appearance can cause her to stand out from the crowd. While many have lighter, tawny colored pelts, Zula's is more so a darker shade. Reddish hues coat her body, the ruddy tan color significantly deeper than the normal color. In the shade, the female is nearly a lighter shade of russet. Her coat color contrasts with the creamy shade of her underbelly, giving her a distinctive and defined look. Her eyes are a brought, golden amber color, as if someone caught a ray of the sun within them. Her scent is something akin to amber, vanilla, and lilac (think something like Dragon's Blood if you're familiar), comforting and rich, but never overpowering.


Izula is a lioness of.. complicated nature. Fierce and proud, she's the lioness who lifts her chin in defiance just to spite someone else. If she was one of the seven deadly sins, she would be Pride, as the female has a tendancy to look down on others. Combine this with more stubbornness than a mule, and you have a lioness who is incredibly difficult to deal with at times. It's not that she isn't pleasant to be around, but more so if you mess up, she's going to tell you, and she is going to tell it to you straight. If you like that kind of abrasiveness, she's the girl for you.

Overall, though, the lioness has a very indifferent attitude to others. Taking very little interest in them and their lives, this especially applies to males. The female isn't a huge fan of them, and views them more so as dead weight than anything, and finds them more so annoying with their macho antics. A male could spend a whole year trying to court you, and he will get about as far as an ant trying to push a boulder. Izula is just overall not impressed by males, it would take a lot to capture her attention, even for the barest of moments. This does tend to cross over lines though, making her relatively unavailable emotionally to all. She keeps herself closed off, and others at arms length so she doesn't have to be disappointed, or so she tells herself.

The lioness is known to be dedicated to her pride and her tasks, a determined huntress in everything she does. If there is something she wants or is working towards, there is very little that would be able to stop her. She is the type to know what she wants, and she is going to go for it no matter what. She isn't a lioness who knows much shame, and cares little for the opinions of others. Pretty much the opposite of a people pleaser, but she is dedicated nonetheless. If there is a lioness you want trying to put food out there for the pride, she's the one. If she fails, she will be back out there trying again. Failure is not an option for her. This means she is quite an ambitious lioness, if she has her eyes set on something, you can bet she's learning everything she can to get it. Wants to be a Queen? She will watch the Queen like a hawk, not only to learn but so she can exploit any sort of weakness if needed. This tends to make her a very observant and studious lioness, taking in things around her so she may always try to have the upper paw.

Izula is known to be more serious, but there is another base quality to her personality. The female is sarcastic, snide, and witty. Her words can roll like venom off her tongue, aimed to maim or kill anyone they're directed at. Unfortunately, she does have a bit of a short temper, and the easiest way to tell if she's getting fed up is when her sarcasm starts to become too mean. Of course, with an attitude like hers, this is to be expected. The female is practically a professional eye roller, it's a miracle her eyes haven't been stuck in her head like that.

Overall, the female is a rather independent and self-reliant character. She hates ever having to rely on others, and gets easily annoyed when she has to be dependent on them for anything. The only thing she might hate more is showing weakness. As mentioned, failure isn't acceptable, but neither is weakness in her mind. If she ever is weak, she will likely lash out at those around her to push them away in hopes they won't see her so vulnerable.

Like I said, complicated.
Maybe Open
Also Open
Look at the boy's form.

Credit Belongs to Arghel on DA. Stock Image.

Edited at August 11, 2021 12:06 AM by Imperial Sands
The Return || Lion RP || Semi-Literate || Open!August 10, 2021 11:44 PM


Posts: 4518
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Reserved :D
The Return || Lion RP || Semi-Literate || Open!August 11, 2021 12:06 AM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10684
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Izula is done, let me know if I need to fix her since I did just birng her from a different Rp.
The Return || Lion RP || Semi-Literate || Open!August 11, 2021 12:09 PM


Posts: 4518
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Izula is accepted :)
The Return || Lion RP || Semi-Literate || Open!August 11, 2021 01:41 PM


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Name: Kudadisi [Coo-Daw-dee-see] ("curious" in Swahili)

Nickname: Disi [Dee - see]

Age: 4

Gender: female

Pride: Kufanikiwa

Rank: Pride Member

Desired Rank: Satisfied


As far as coloring goes, this lioness is pretty usual. Despite the slightly unique shade that every lion has, hers being a bit cooler and lighter in shade, she's "vanilla". Her coat is full and healthy, bearing only minor scars here and there from hunting accidents and playful wrestling with others in the pride.

Something not unique, but quite noticeable, is her lithe build and powerful legs. She uses both these to hunt, and loves to tease about being one of the better hunters. She is quite graceful and agile, however, and able to climb, jump, and run incredibly. Like most lionesses, however, she lacks physical strength compared to a full-grown male or a larger prey animal, and could only take on any powerful opposition with the help of the others.

She stands at about 3'9" and weighs around 290 pounds. From nose to base of her tail, she has a length of about 5'10". Her eyes are the usual golden brown-green hue, but they sparkle with curiosity and intelligence, something anybody paying attention would notice.

(c) rensstocknstuff on DA


To start out, she has an incredible love for everybody in the pride, but especially the queen. She would never consider challenging any authority. As one might assume, she isn't all that ambitious when thinking of herself as an individual. However, she would love to assist the pride in becoming more powerful if the opportunity presented itself.

This female is also extremely humorous, teasing, and even flirtatious at times. If anybody gives her an opportunity to crack a joke, she's on top of it. However, she is not full of a wild energy. She is well reserved when she should be, yet still has a good sense of humor. She often uses humor as a way of trying to cheer up others, but she's not against simply sitting with them in silence and solidarity.

While she will be quick to comfort anybody she notices feeling down, she is also always extremely curious about what's bothering them. Though she'll try to keep her mouth shut and comfort them the best she can without being too nosy, her curiosity has a way of chipping away at her until she's satisfied it. This applies to all aspects of her life, she always wants the answers to everything.

She is gentle and affectionate with the members of her pride, but this female can become very hostile and aggressive if there is a threat to the pride. She is extremely protective of the pride, and especially those within it that she has a special love for. However, she is never possessive of anyone or anything. She would never want to hover or be too far into somebody's business.

When it comes to romance, this female can be a bit upfront, and a bit shy at the same time. If she cares for a male, she would want to tell him eventually, but might decide to wait for the right moment. In a situation where "the right moment" never comes, she might never tell him. However, she would make herself confront him eventually, as she isn't one to let her feelings go unsaid for too long. She might hint towards it by subconsciously teasing him a bit more than others or even something more obvious such as staying close to him or knowing his location at all times.

Crush: Hmmm... Mzamo ;)

Mate: None

Cubs: N/A; Open to early pregnancy

Kin: N/A; Open to a sibling

Affiliations: TBD

Other: flower

Edited at August 11, 2021 07:33 PM by Meian
The Return || Lion RP || Semi-Literate || Open!August 11, 2021 04:00 PM


Posts: 4518
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Disi is accepted ^^
The Return || Lion RP || Semi-Literate || Open!August 11, 2021 07:20 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10684
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Mzamo is complete :)
The Return || Lion RP || Semi-Literate || Open!August 11, 2021 10:39 PM


Posts: 4518
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Mzamo is accepted *^*

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