Wolf Play : Graywing x Boeing
12:57:02 Silver, Luna or CWG
12:56:53 Silver, Luna or CWG
89 bones;-;
12:56:50 Fei the writer
I have Pizza and my shark wants it
 Unfulfilled Wish
12:56:46 Unfulfilled / Wish
Chat give me a random colour

I'll be stalking as always lmao Waiting for my chance to pounce.
12:54:16 Lil Techy | Techno

I may just delete them, nothing really holding to them anymore, I'll replace them with better stories

Well, if you redo, let me know :0 I also loved the ones over on your nook in the forums. It's been a bit since I coasted through your blogs, I should reread them sometime soon
I need to redo my bio >.> Doing nothing sounds like a whole lot of fun though
12:52:26 Silver, Luna or CWG
Ill still do it and on paper nonetheless XD
12:52:02 Silver, Luna or CWG
Seriously though
IÂ’m always accidentally clicking on your pack names in chat and then might as well investigate what you do, who are your characters and whats in your Market Den Also your Forum posts
12:51:57 Lil Techy | Techno

that one needs to be redone or deleted for personal reasons
 Blood lust tide
12:50:55 BewareWhoYouTrust
He's difficult lol

Yep, I especially loved the one with Teeth Junkies character ;-;
12:50:25 Fei the writer
quite a few writers tend to hide
12:50:13 Silver, Luna or CWG
Ima draw him for you nowXD
 Unfulfilled Wish
12:50:11 Unfulfilled / Wish
Uhm. . .
No comment. :T
12:49:56 Lil Techy | Techno

have you read the ones in my blog yet?
 Unfulfilled Wish
12:49:33 Unfulfilled / Wish

I swear you write the sweetest scenes ;-;
12:49:17 Silver, Luna or CWG
And I know you all are writers
If you go to my About my pack
My staus is aleays stalking you:)


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Graywing x BoeingJune 28, 2024 09:30 PM


Posts: 414
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Leaf walked into physychs class the next day. She had to wear knee high socks to cover the bite mark from yesterday. She looked around for Leo but not seeing him sat down. She rolled down her sock to inspect the bandage. She sighed, "stupid wolf," she muttered to herself. She rolled her sock back up to as she saw Leo aproaching. "Hey Leo! How are you?"
Graywing x BoeingJune 29, 2024 08:22 PM


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Leo walked into the classroom, and looked briefly at Leaf. She seemed fine. Leo resolved to act normally in front of her - she didn't know it was him who bit her ankle. Looking down, Leo could see a hint of a bandage beneath her sock, and felt a slight pang of guilt. He didn't exactly want that to be the result.
But she was a shifter. And while she didn't know it was him, he knew it was her. Which would have made it really difficult for Leo to interact with her - how are you meant to talk to the person who you know can shift into a wolf, and you bit on the leg the other day? - but Leo was going to do his best to stay even and normal in front of her. Even though he knew her shifting secret.
"Hi Leaf! I'm doing fine. How've you been?" Leo asked, smiling as he sat down.
Graywing x BoeingJune 29, 2024 09:06 PM


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"I'm good!" Her mind drifted off to thinking about yesterday. The wolf had understood her when she talked, normal wolves wouldn't have. Leaf pieced together the puzzle, the wolf had been another shifter! But, who had it been? Leaf decieded to return to the forest later that day and set a trap.
Graywing x BoeingJune 30, 2024 02:21 PM


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Leo studied Leaf for a moment. She looked as if she was plotting evil deeds - and honestly, sometimes Leo couldn't blame them. He'd be going back to the same place later today - in his human form. He could quite clearly confirm Leaf was a shifter... which meant that he would have to reveal himself. Plus, Leo felt slightly guilty about the bitten leg.
Leo, at that point, didn't exactly know what to say. Ask about the bandage? What idle chat now? He was fortunately saved by Mr Dudding (Leo still couldn't take that name) walking into the classroom. Leo, slightly relieved, turned around. At least this would save him any potential leak on his part.
Graywing x BoeingJune 30, 2024 03:13 PM


Posts: 414
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"Bye Leo! See you later!" Leaf ran back to her dorm to gather supplies. She went to a clearing in the forest, near where they had fought yesterday. She layed a trap down. "Perfect, they set off the trip wire then this thorn will scratch them on one of their front leg. All I have to do is look for the person with the scratch on their arm." Leaf shifted into her wolf form and hid in a tree nearby, ready to pounce.

Edited at June 30, 2024 03:14 PM by Graywing
Graywing x BoeingJune 30, 2024 04:36 PM


Posts: 310
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Leo wasn't entirely sure how he should go around it. Maybe he should approach in his human form? Leo wasn't entirely convinced what he should do.
Barely moments later, his mind got made up. The impenetratable tangle that the forest was made human travel practically impossible. Leo, giving up, shifted into his wolf form.
On most days, Leo liked his wolf form. It felt more powerful, and his senses were significantly better. Unlike yesterday, when he was too concentrated on what the shifter was - today he would concentrate on finding Leaf.
Leo knew roughly what he should be looking for, from the class they just had together, but he knew in his wolf form things would be different. So he had a rough idea - but considering he wasn't exactly paying attention to what she smelled like (for hopefully obvious reasons - that felt creepy) in both human and wolf forms yesterday and today, Leo only had some idea of what he was meant to be looking for.
Sniffing around, he found nothing. Nothing. And - there! A faint trail that smelled roughly like what he was looking for.
Nose to the ground, he started following the scent trail. So completely absorbed in following it, he relied on his sense of smell alone - and completely missed the physical wire she had strung.
It triggered, and - yowch, that hurt - struck him on his muzzle. Leo yelped, and jumped away from it.
Graywing x BoeingJuly 1, 2024 01:45 PM


Posts: 414
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Leaf pounced down as she heard the yelp. She landed on the wolves back knocking them over. "I know you're a shifter. You've probably figured out who I am by now. It's my turn, all I need to do is find out who has a scratch above their nose and I'll track you down." She bit the wolves' back. "Thats for my leg." She padded off leaving them laying there.

Edited at July 1, 2024 05:01 PM by Graywing
Graywing x BoeingJuly 1, 2024 03:11 PM


Posts: 310
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In any other circumstance, Leo might have pusued her. But Leo came here to reveal himself, and although he really didn't want to, he said it.
... "Leaf? Wait. Don't go."
Leo hesitated. Would she accept that it was him who was a shifter? Or, like Leo did, not exactly believe it? Because Leo still couldn't believe that Leaf - who was in his Physics class - also shifted. In all his years alive, he'd never found another shifter.
Did he really have found one now? Leo knew he had to tell her that it was him. But still - Leo wasn't entirely sure what else to say.
Graywing x BoeingJuly 1, 2024 05:14 PM


Posts: 414
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Leaf turned around to face the wolf. "So you do know who I am." She snarled, "Just... stay away from me." She flicked her tail, "I've delt with this my entire life. Trying to hide it, not being able to make friends or get close to anyone because I'm afraid they'll find out. Not even my parents know." She shifted back. "It's no use trying to hide from you anymore."
Graywing x BoeingJuly 1, 2024 06:25 PM


Posts: 310
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Leo blinked. So she really didn't know who he was.
Leo took in a breath. Leap of faith - there as a slight possibility she might literally kill him.
He had never revealed himself as a shifter to anyone. No-one past himself knew.
But... another shifter? Leo knew that he rightfully should say it was him.
Breathe out.
Leo steeled himself for this. He'd never done this in view of someone else before.
Breathe in.
Shift. Leo's entire form changed in a glimmer, from a wolf to a slightly desperate-looking man.
Leo raised his head slightly. His entire body slouched as to protect himself. He warily looked at Leaf - she knew who he was now.
... "Leaf?"

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