Wolf Play : Secrets and Strayed Hearts (Fox RP) Open
10:20:33 Cloudz, Pumpkin
Yeah me too or ill just ignore them xD they shouldve pointed out months ago
serene, nah.
10:18:20 ET
Aight, I gotta get back to this AF attack B) won't draw itself.

Good luck with the work shenanigans though! Just gotta hope they get moved to a different department or something I guess LMAO
10:15:09 Cloudz, Pumpkin
Yeah i know, i have a few friends at work who are girls and arent drama, its just some of the girls at my job are so much drama is overwhelmes me
10:13:49 ET
Girls aren't all drama, y'know. Sounds like you're just around the wrong girls ahah.

I've seen plenty of drama with blokes too
10:13:47 Gel,Jello,Jells
She and all the Jasmine dropping creatures just like to cyber bully us in explore LMAO
10:13:46 Cloudz, Pumpkin
whats worse, is this girl who was my "friend" knows i dont pick up on social cues easily because of my health problems and before i met my boyfriend I isolated my self and she still does this... she knows i have bad health issues and a disability
10:12:33 ✧ ren
-WP Click-
Should I keep this? :,))
10:12:04 Ash H:H!!
My mouth is on fire😭
 Avatar Of Lust
10:10:57 Asmodeus (he/they)
Natures Heart hunts prey and brings it to Sugar Rush

Stats: Social +3
Affinity: Strong Like
Mood: Triumphant
The sad part is she was so close to dying too :')
10:10:39 Cloudz, Pumpkin
I have a few friends who are girls, but at my job girls have the most drama so my guy friends dont mind that I hang out with them more hehe, i prefer having more guy friends cause im just a girl who doesnt like drama :")
10:08:24 Gel,Jello,Jells
Eve always gets my first team then my second

In Eve fashion she then flees
10:03:48 ET
Ah, right, that's good then. Suppose it's just one or two irritating people.

I don't mind any gender friend wise. I get on with most people equally ahah.
10:03:04 I overthink this-
-WP Click-
Eve killed my team, I will never forgive this. :')
10:01:30 Rev
49 rarity AC seems like a waste on me
-WP Click-
09:59:32 Cloudz, Pumpkin
They are and I have a lot of them xD luckily the guys actually like me for me and I tend to do better with friends who are guys then girls honestly. Like if she told me to choose between her and my boyfriend id choose my boyfriend over and over again. Also the coworker who was a "friend" talks behind my back to another friend like she thinks thats ok to do.
09:57:45 Queen / Jo
I need to do 2 custom designs now
09:56:46 ET
Annoying coworkers are the worst. I always had pretty good luck with mine.


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Secrets and Strayed Hearts (Fox RP) OpenJune 15, 2024 01:28 PM

Thundering Embers

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Crimson | F | Forest Leader | M: Arrow, Open!
Crimson had been out all day and had just crossed the territory line, she sniffed the earth swearing that she could smell an unual scent but quickly dismissed it. She marked her territory just in case, walking around the border with her nose to the ground, she saw an eagle overhead and quickly returned to her skulk. It was evening and she was ready to hunt soon, she looked around for Arrow. She called for Arrow and checked on the food stash.
It was quite empty, hopefully she could sort out a hunting party, she would not let any fox go alone at this time of night no matter their experience. She looked around at the foxes counting them in her head, 1...2 huh, some were missing! She frantically searched the whole territory muttering to herself please don't be an eagle, please don't be an eagle. She couldn't find them, she decided to go and lie down, maybe they would just turn up?
Secrets and Strayed Hearts (Fox RP) OpenJune 15, 2024 01:32 PM

Raving Dancers

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Candy || M || Grey Fox || Forest Skulk(Sorry I haven't been on much, been busy with work, I'll be more active after tonight)
Candy was nearly half way back to the skulk when he noticed the scent of a couple of his skulk mates pass by. They seemed to be following his tail and he couldn't help the anxiety that made his fur bristle, he'd taken far to long to get home. Realizing he'd been gone most of the day with no prey to show for it he quickly dropped down and got to searching, he wasn't the best at hunting but he had to find something or the others would be suspicious. They were already warry enough around him, this couldn't get back to the leaders or he and possibly Nori would get in trouble. Luckily he hasn't been brave enough to go past the border to far, even for the his thick fur the chill in the air was off putting.
Shaking out of his thoughts he focused back on the task at paw, he had to find something to bring back. He found a few squirrels but they were all to fast for him so he tried for a couple mice, everyone knew he wasn't a good hunter so it didn't matter if he only came back with small ray prey as long as he came back with something. It took a lot longer then he would have liked and he'd had to stop several times to fix his fire after it got messed up in the Chace but finally he managed to catch three rather large mice, surely that was enough to cover for his adventures. He quickly ran back home, keeping to the brush this time since he'd heard a large eagle shreek earlier and it had been far too close for comfort. He didn't want to leave Nori with no mate just because he wanted to explore.
Secrets and Strayed Hearts (Fox RP) OpenJune 15, 2024 01:38 PM


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Chestnut/Male Red Fox/Forest Skulk/M: Firestorm
Chestnut then followed Firestorm and sniffed. He realized that ony the faint smell of Candy had been near and saw the other red fox pacing anxiously. Chestnut nudged Firestorm.

"He might have stayed on the trees. You know he loves jumping", said Chestnut trying to reassure the other fox, "Let's head back and find some prey for everyone"

Chestnut headed away from the border and began sniffing for any prey to take back.
Secrets and Strayed Hearts (Fox RP) OpenJune 15, 2024 04:48 PM


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Sable | F | Kit Fox | Desert Skulk
After ensuring the other fox had departed and that her fur was pristine, Sable emerged from her den and trotted the short three-minute journey to the skulk's nightly gathering center. One of the highlights of being in the Desert Skulk for her was the skulk's practice of teaming up at night for safety during their evening hunts. She noticed the leader, Noah, and maintained a subtle distance — not so much to raise suspicion, but enough for her own comfort. She stayed alert for the sounds of her skulk mates emerging as she hunted nearby to the group's center.
Secrets and Strayed Hearts (Fox RP) OpenJune 15, 2024 04:57 PM


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Nori-F-melinistic grey-Expecting forest mother-M: Forest skulk(indirect)
Nori eats the berries. Delicious juice floods her taste buds. Smiling she starts walking back to the camp and stops about halfway through. Her stomach feels strange. Was it the berries she ate? No, I couldn't be. Nightshade seemed so sweet. Just a little nap will be fine, just a little one. She crawls under a bush and looks around. (Commence time lapse that I completely missed.) Yawning, she wakes up and smiles. Nori's stomach feels better and she walks or it's walking to camp again. She moans. Her stomach hurts. Couldn't be the food. Maybe couldn't be. Is it? No. But.. is she? No no no no. She mutters. I'll have to tell candy later. Nori proceeds to wretch. Bitter tasting bile floods her mouth. No.. I can't be expecting. I have duties... And... Stuff. I can't go into the nursery. Should I hide it?
Secrets and Strayed Hearts (Fox RP) OpenJune 15, 2024 05:10 PM


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Nightshade/expecting female red fox/farmer x trader mix/M:
She doesn't know why she was doing this but she had become curious. She had no interest in joining but she was curious as she quickly ran into a empty log. She could smell that a new female red fox, the same male red fox, Nori, a male gray fox and a new male red fox. Nightshade felt nervous and poked her head out of the log to see if she could get away.

Not in the territory but just a little closer than she had intended. At least her sisters were living their lives. Were their lives as adventurous?
Secrets and Strayed Hearts (Fox RP) OpenJune 16, 2024 05:51 AM

Starlight Serpent

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Firestorm | M | Red Fox | Forest Skulk
"Are you sure we shouldn't look around more? Check the trees, maybe?" He kept looking up but didn't see Candy. But he did see something else skittering on a low branch. "Squirrel!" Firestorm licked his lips and leaped up, hanging from the branch with his front legs. He snapped at the squirrel but it let out a squeal of alarm before leaping from the tree and running towards Chestnut. Firestorm leapt down and chased after it.
Secrets and Strayed Hearts (Fox RP) OpenJune 16, 2024 06:01 AM


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Chestnut/Male Red Fox/Forest Skulk/M: Firestorm
Chestnut quickly ran and snapped his teeth at the squirrel causing it to to go limp as he killed it. Squirrels were fast so it was thanks to Firestorm for spotting it. Putting the now dead squirrel on the ground, he waited until the other red fox came closer. He would admit it was more of Firestorm's kill.

"Nice job. You can claim that you caught it", said Chestnut licking his fur.
Secrets and Strayed Hearts (Fox RP) OpenJune 16, 2024 06:11 AM


Posts: 2517
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Nori-F-melinistic grey-Expecting forest mother-M: Forest skulk(indirect)
nori walks back to her skulk, denying the fact all the way. She's, spots an eagle and starts running. Oh no no no. What is with wlfe going on wrong this morning. Linking your strides, she speeds up and races towards home. Nori bursts into the camp. "Ya'll know if there's an eagle outside?" She says casually. Walking over to the nursery you make or no kits were out (NPC almost grown kits)
Secrets and Strayed Hearts (Fox RP) OpenJune 16, 2024 06:28 AM

Raving Dancers

Posts: 56
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Candy || M || Grey Fox || Forest Skulk || M: Nori, forest skulk

It didn't take long to get back to the skulk with his kill of three mice, though as soon as he got into camp he dropped his kills in the prey pile and began to clean his mussed fur, the thick brush he'd been running through had tangled in his fur and the only thing that had kept him stopped fix his fur every few moments was the thought that Nori was probably waiting for him.
The young foxes ears perked up as he noticed the sound of his mates voice and after fixing one last stubborn patch of fur he stood and bound over to her as he said "Nori dear! If you're hungry I caught a few mice while I was out, they aren't much but i tried. I just set them in the prey pile so I can bring you one of your like...." His words trailed off as he noticed how anxious she seemed to be, almost seeming upset about something and his fur bristled with the possibilities of what could have upset her. Had the leaders noticed his absence and asked her about it? Or maybe she'd ran into trouble while out exploring? She did have the same wanderlust he had though he didn't think her need to explore was quite the same as his.
Candy sniffed at his mate and gave her a sweet lick on the cheek as he asked "is Everything OK? You seem upset? Did something happen while I was... Hunting." He'd hesitated just slightly when it came to admitting where he'd been all day and night, he hated keeping secrets from her but they were far too close to the rest of the skulk for him to start explaining about his adventure. It was bad enough two of their skulk mates had followed his trail that morning, he only hoped they wouldn't say anything or maybe they hadn't realized he'd left the territory at all? It was probably wishful thinking but he could hope, surely his skulk mates didn't all completely hate him.

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