hi I run a cult on slides and would like for more people to join slide link go to my profile for rules and you will have to ask for permission to edit the slides (we've had some issues with people from my school somehow getting the link and deleteing a whole bunch of cult members slides so this is just a safety procaution) once edit access has been okayed find a empty slide set the background as a corgi picture and put your info (info requirements in the rules) the co-cult leader for this platform shall be chosen based on rules broken, and activity... this is currently a 3 platform online cult the curent leaders are me (name on slides ChimeraPlays) and nym from another wolf forum game: wolveden (I was temperarily banned for 4 years because its 16+ and I lied about my age but the ban is almost over... so nym is currently incharge there) and eilyo currently has no co-cult leader...