
Name: Storm (Skye) Species: Wolf. Age: 4 Birthday: June. 12 Gender + Pronouns: Female, she/her/hers. Sexuality/sexual orientation: Bi, males and females Personality: Very sarcastic, but happy, and funny, she’s always in the mood to play a game! Strengths: Speed, she has won several races because of her amazing agility and speed. She loves to swim and teaches pups to swim too. Weaknesses: Waiting or anyone to catch up to her, and not swimming for more than a few days makes her anxious. Likes: Hanging out near the stream to blow off some steam, swimming, hunting with her friends. Dislikes: Social events that she doesn’t have to go to, she won’t. Kin: Her mother always said; “If someone can’t be nice, get rid of them.” Storm took this literally, and got rid of her mother. Her father never cared about her, and left once she was born, leaving 5 starving pups and her mother alone. She was the only survivor. S/O: None Favorite color: Green, but sometimes also red! (I know this isn't a wolf in my den, but I made this wolf character. kinda messed up background if ya ask me though...)

Game Moderator Neutral
Name: Age: 3 Gender: Female Breed: Orientation: Pan Other: was the runt of the litter, was born with the defects of dwarfism, a cleft lip and palate, a crooked tail and has only two legs; still has the front right and the hind left ~ Name: Age: 3 Gender: Female Breed: Orientation: Bi Other: --- Name: Wolf Age: around 2 and a half Gender: Fluidflux Breed: Coydog (mostly coyote) Percentages: - Coyote: 41.5%
- Basque Shepherd Dog(Iletsua variety) 10%
- Ryukyu Inu 10%
- Korean Jindo 5%
- Kai Ken: 5%
- Rough Haired Dutch Shepherd 5%
- Bouvier des Ardennes 5%
- Berger Picard 5%
- New Ginia Singing Dog 3.5%
- Pastor Garafiano(Garafian Shepherd) 3%
- Border Collie: 2.5%
- American Pitbull Terrier 2.5%
- Australian Cattle Dog(Red Heeler) 2%
Orientation: Asexual Demihomoromantic Relations: Mate to Kensaku; adoptive mother of Mukul and Kiet. Sister-in-law to Mazin Other: Completely blind in right eye. Has multiple health problems and disabilities - Age: between two and two and a half Gender: Spayed female Breed: double merle Australian Koolie, Aidi, Australian Shepherd, Border Collie, Australian Cattle Dog Percentages: Koolie 27.5% Aidi 25% Australian Shepherd 22.5% Border Collie 17.5% Australian Cattle Dog 7.5%
Orientation: Asexual Homoromantic Relations: Mate to Wolf, adoptive mother to Mukul and Kiet. Half sister of Mazin Other: has a decreased sense of sight and hearing, though she's not completely blind or deaf, which the majority of double merles are. - Age: between two and a half and three years old Gender: Male Breed: The offspring of a coyote/golden jackal/dingo and a Garafian Shepherd/Basque Shepherd Dog(Gorbeiakoa variety)/Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever/German Shepherd cross Orientation: Gay Other: Kasai is completely blind. Mate to Raiden; adoptive father to Iseul, Mazin and Gulzar - Age: two and a half Gender: Male Breed: a Basque Shepherd Dog (Iletsua Variety), Bouvier des Ardennes, Berger Picard, Bouvier des Flandres, Belgian Laekenois, Otterhound, Mantiqueira Shepherd Dog, Ryuku Inu, Korean Jindo hybrid and A Wire haired Portuguese Podengo, Rough hair Dutch Shepherd, Kai Ken, Seppala Siberian Sleddog, Sapsali, Schafpudel, Smithfield Collie, Gaucho Sheepdog, Patagonian Sheepdog, Pyrenean Sheepdog, Waeller, Elo mix Orientation: Gay Other: Raiden also has hyposomia(almost complete 100% anosmia) and talks with a noticeable stutter. Mate of Kasai; adoptive father of Iseul, Mazin and Gulzar - Age: 2-3 months old Gender: Demiboy Breed: Cane Corso, Alentejo Mastiff, Bullmastiff, Barak Hound, Shar Pei, Seppala Siberian Sleddog, Griffon Nivernais Percentage Alentejo Mastiff 20% Cane Corso 20% Bullmastiff 18.5% Barak Hound 13% Shar Pei 13% Griffon Nivernais 8.5% Seppala Siberian Sleddog 7% Orientation: too young(grows up to be asexual aromantic) Other: - Age: 6 months old Gender: Male Breed: Mastiff/Great Dane/American Pittbull Terrier/East European Shepherd/Dutch Shepherd(mostly Great Dane and Mastiff) Orientation: Gay, Poly Other: The adopted son of Wolf and Kensaku. Adoptive brother to Mukul; Boyfriend to Gulzar and Anu - Age: 5 months old Gender: Male Breed: Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog, American Leopard Hound, Great Dane, Ariege Pointer, Mountain Cur, Braque du Bourbonnais hybrid Percentage: Braque du Bourbonnais 27.5% Ariege Pointer 27.5% Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog 15% American Leopard Hound 15% Great dane 7.5% Mountain Cur 7.5% Orientation: Hetero Other: Adopted son of Kasai and Raiden; adoptive sibling to Mazin and Gulzar; boyfriend to Avery - Age: 5 months old Gender: Female Breed: the offspring of a Texas heeler (Australian Cattle Dog and Australian Shepherd mix) and Malinois X (Belgian Malinois and German Shepherd mix) Orientation: Hetero Other: Adopted daughter of Kasai and Raiden; adoptive sister to Iseul and Gulzar; girlfriend of Bernie - Age: 6 months old Gender: Make Breed: Border Collie/Australian Shepherd/Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Orientation: Gay, poly Other: Adoptive son to Kasai and Raiden; adopted sibling to Mazin and Gulzar; boyfriend to Kiet and Anu - Age: 6 months old Gender: Male Breed: (Mutt) standard schnauzer / giant schnauzer / Wirehaired Pointing Griffon / Scottish Deerhound / Pudelpointer / Sapsali / Carea Leonés / Dutch Sheepdog / Schafpudel / Bouvier des Flandres / Bouvier des Ardennes / Berger Picard / treeing tennessee brindle / Mountain cur / grande wire haired Portuguese Podengo / other unknown breeds Orientation: Gay, poly Other: boyfriend to Gulzar and Kiet - Age: 1 and a half Gender: male Breed: a golden shepherd, Malinois X, Texas healer, Sheepadoodle, Saint Bernewfie, Bouvier des Ardennes, Berger Picard, Belgian Laekenois, Airdale Terrier hybrid[Golden Retriever, German Shepherd, Belgian Malinois,Australian Cattle Dog, Australian Shepherd, Standard Poodle, Old English Sheepdog, Saint Bernard, Newfoundland, Bouvier des Ardennes, Berger Picard, Belgian Laekenois, Airdale Terrier] Orientation: Gay Other: Mel was born without eyes. Boyfriend to Boaz - Age: between one and a half and two Gender: Male Breed: Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Great Dane x American Pitbull Terrier, English Mastiff, Boerboel hybrid Orientation: Bi or Pan Other: boyfriend to Mel - Age: 7-8 months old Sex: Male Gender: Non-binary Breed: Sapsali, Schafpudel, grande wire haired Portuguese Podengo, Bouvier des Ardennes, Berger Picard, Basque Shepherd Dog (Iletsua Variety), Laekenois, Wire haired Portuguese Podengo, Basque Shepherd Dog(Gorbeiakoa variety), Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, Pastor Garafiano(Garafain Shepherd), Harzer Fuchs, Podenco Valenciano, Pyrenean Sheepdog, Patagonian Sheepdog Orientation: Pan(very strong male lead) Other: significant other of Lucas - Age: 8 months Gender: male Breed: English Setter, Kleiner(small) Münsterländer, Großer(large) Münsterländer, Stabyhoun, American English Coonhound, Catahoula Leopard Dog X American Leopard Hound, Braque du Bourbonnais, Pyrenean Sheepdog, Patagonian Sheepdog, beagle, wire haired pointing griffin, Český Fousek, Deutscher Stichelhaariger Vorstehhund, Brittany Spaniel Orientation: Pan Other: Half brother to Bernie. Boyfriend to Pachua ~ Age: 7 months Gender: Male Breed: English Setter, Kleiner(small) Münsterländer, Großer(large) Münsterländer, Stabyhoun, American English Coonhound, Catahoula Leopard Dog X Dalmatian, Braque du Bourbonnais, German Shorthaired Pointer, Auvergne Pointer, Braque Francais Gascogne hybrid Orientation: Heterosexual Other: Boyfriend of Mazin. Half brother to Lucas -- Age: 1 year old Gender: Demiboy Breed:Carea Leonés, Greyhound, Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog, American Leopard Hound, Redtick Coonhound, Bull Arab, Treeing Cur, Mountain Cur, Berger de Savoie, Whippet, long haired Whippet, Magyar agár, Chortai, Longdog, lurcher, Podenco Orito, Silken Windhound, Aidi, Banjara Hound, Kombai dog, Mudhol Hound Orientation: gay Other: boyfriend of Gelert - Age: 1 year old Gender: demiboy/non-binary Breed:Carea Leonés, Mountain cur, Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog, American Leopard Hound, Berger de Savoie, Bluetick Coonhound, Weimaraner, Kleiner(small) Münsterländer, Großer(large) Münsterländer, Braque Francais Gascogne, Blue Picardy Spaniel, Brittany Spaniel, Tiger(hund), Rajapalayam dog, Dalmatian, Phu Quoc Ridgeback Orientation: gay Other: significant other to Dobbi - Age: between 3-5 years, but looks a lot older Gender: Male Breed: Unknown, most likely some sort of wolfdog Orientation: (not)Questioning, he's never had feelings towards another canine yet Other: - Age: between 11-14 months old Gender: Male Breed: American Pitbull Terrier, Staffedshire Bull Terrier, Bandog, American Staffedshire Terrier, Cursinu, Treeing Tennessee Brindle, (blue harlequin) Beauceron, unknown breed(s) Percentage: - American Pitbull Terrier 18%
- Staffedshire Bull Terrier 18%
- Bandog 18%
- American Staffordshire Terrier 17%
- (blue harlequin) Beauceron 9%
- Treeing Tennessee Brindle 9%
- Cursinu 6%
- Unknown breed 5%(possibly a Bouvier des Ardennes, Berger Picard, Scottish Deerhound, Irish Wolfhound, American staghound, Australian Staghound, (Rough Haired) Dutch Shepherd or some other wiry/coarse/rough haired breed)
Orientation: Demi-Heterosexual Demi-Biromantic Other: Rugby has a crooked tail, a badly deformed and crippled hind leg with a just as badly clubbed foot/paw on the same leg, he also is a mute. He is smaller and weaker for his age, partly because he and his litter mates were premature, but mostly because is the runt of the litter and had complications at birth. Boyfriend of Nita Edited at May 13, 2023 08:30 AM by Destinations End
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Game Moderator Neutral
Age: 1.5-2 Sex: Female Gender: Male Breed: Minowa Shiba Inu, American Akita, Japanese Akita, Hokkaido, Kai Ken, Ryukyu Inu, Dutch Shepherd, Kishu Inu, Korean Jindo mix Orientation: Asexual Demihomoromantic Other: significant other of Ohtli ~ Age: 1.5-2 Gender: Male Breed: Borzoi, Carea Leones, Tiger(Hund), Waeller, Patagonian Sheepdog, Pyrenean Sheepdog, Gaucho Sheepdog, Aidi, Australian Koolie, Australian Shepherd, Cane Pastore Biellese, Berger de Savoie, Xarengo Valenciano, Bouvier des Ardennes, Berger Picard, Scottish Deerhound, Irish Wolfhound, Portuguese Podengo, Silken Windhound, American staghound, Australian Staghound, Iziban Hound(wire hair) Greyhound, (long haired) Whippet, Saluki, Magyar agár, Chortai, Mudhol Hound, Eurohound, Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog, American Leopard Hound hybrid. (Longdog X Lurcher X Mutt) Orientation: Pan(lean's towards males) Other: boyfriend to - Age: 1.5 Gender: Male Breed: Karelian Bear Dog/Native American Indian Dog/Sulimov dog/Cane Pastore Biellese/Utonagan/American Alsatian/Karafuto Ken/Guejae Gae/Korean Jindo/Yakutian Laika/Norrbottenspets/Ryuku Inu/Kawakami Ken/Pyrenean Sheepdog/Kuhhund/Tiger (Hund)/Waeller/Gaucho Sheepdog/Aidi/Elo/Carea Leonés/Mantiqueira Shepherd Dog/Harzer Fuchs/Strobel/Tornjak/Kintamani/Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Orientation: pan(very strong lean towards males) Other: Nita's brother open for possible romance(though unlikely) ~ Age: 1.5 Gender: Female Breed: Karelian Bear Dog/Native American Indian Dog/Sulimov dog/Cane Pastore Biellese/Utonagan/American Alsatian/Karafuto Ken/Guejae Gae/Korean Jindo/Yakutian Laika/Norrbottenspets/Ryuku Inu/Kawakami Ken/Pyrenean Sheepdog/Kuhhund/Tiger (Hund)/Waeller/Gaucho Sheepdog/Aidi/Elo/Carea Leonés/Mantiqueira Shepherd Dog/Harzer Fuchs/Strobel/Tornjak/Kintamani/Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Orientation: Other: sister to Kuruk. Girlfriend of Rugby -- Age: 2.5 Gender: Male Breed: a Basque Shepherd Dog (Iletsua Variety), Bouvier des Ardennes, Berger Picard, Bouvier des Flandres, Belgian Laekenois, Otterhound, Mantiqueira Shepherd Dog, Ryuku Inu, Korean Jindo hybrid and A Wire haired Portuguese Podengo, Rough hair Dutch Shepherd, Kai Ken, Seppala Siberian Sleddog, Sapsali, Schafpudel, Smithfield Collie, Gaucho Sheepdog, Patagonian Sheepdog, Pyrenean Sheepdog, Waeller, Elo mix Orientation: Heterosexual Other: Brother to Raiden and Ren. Mate to Frisbee ~ Name: RenAge: 2.5 Gender: Female Breed: a Basque Shepherd Dog (Iletsua Variety), Bouvier des Ardennes, Berger Picard, Bouvier des Flandres, Belgian Laekenois, Otterhound, Mantiqueira Shepherd Dog, Ryuku Inu, Korean Jindo hybrid and A Wire haired Portuguese Podengo, Rough hair Dutch Shepherd, Kai Ken, Seppala Siberian Sleddog, Sapsali, Schafpudel, Smithfield Collie, Gaucho Sheepdog, Patagonian Sheepdog, Pyrenean Sheepdog, Waeller, Elo mix Orientation: Heterosexual Other: Sister to Raiden and Rikujō. Mate to Hotch - Name: Frisbee Age: 2.5 Gender: Female Breed: Orientation: heterosexual Other: Mate to Rikujō; cousin to Kavik - Name: HotchAge: 2.5 Gender: Male Breed: Orientation: Bi(female lean) Other: Mate to Ren - Name: LyricAge: 1-1.5 Gender: Breed: Orientation: Other: - Name: OmenAge: 1.5 Gender: Breed: Orientation: Other: - Age: 1.5ish Gender: Genderfluid Breed: Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog, American Leopard Hound, Patagonian Sheepdog, Pyrenean Sheepdog, Waeller, Rough hair Dutch Shepherd, Mountain Cur, Treeing Cur, Mountain View Cur, Black Mouth Cur, Wire haired Portuguese Podengo, Podenco Valenciano, Iziban Hound(wire hair), Tiger(Hund), Carea Leonés, Sapsali, Schafpudel, Bouvier des Ardennes, Berger Picard, Beauceron, Australian Koolie, Aidi, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, Otterhound, Griffon Nivernai, Barak Hound, Armant, Smithfield Collie, Schapendoes, Mahratta Hound, Vikhan, Levriero Sardo Orientation: Other: Adoptive sibling to Legend, Lore and Fable. Legacy is crippled/paralyzed from the upper middle of the back down. And their lower back and legs are misshapen and are stuck turned out/in sideways(if that makes sense) (They have to use the front limbs to drag themself around to get anywhere they want to go.).
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