
This is a Private RP, so do not post if your name isn't in the title. Thank You!

Echo landed on the roof quietly, folding her wings. She slid into her room through the window she left open, dropping onto the ground with a little thud. "They think they can tell me what to do." She muttered to herself. "They think they can decide my future, tell me who to meet and who to love. Tell me that 'you should be honoured to be the one to patch the relationship between the to species'. Yeah right." Someone coughed behind her. Echo whipped around to see the head of the house, her father, standing behind her. "You should be more thankful, brat." He told her, scowling. Echo groaned, tugging the hood of her vest over her head and face planting into her bed. "You all keep saying that." She mumbled. "It's getting really, really, annoying at this point." Echo heard her Father grunt, and heard him say, "Where even were you? You've been gone for the past four hours." When Echo didn't answer, he walked over to her and rolled her over on her side to face him. "I'm talking to you brat. When I talk, you answer." Her Father growled. Echo rolled her eyes and sat up. "I was just flying around. Maybe got a bite to eat. Nothing much. Didn't take you to be so worried about me, Father." She smirked. He narrowed his eyes at her. "I wasn't worried about you. We can't miss this meeting. It's to -" "Heal the rift between Demons and Angels, who's fighting has been going on for centeries, blah blah blah. Yeah, I know. Everyone thinks I've forgotten, so they keep reminding me." Echo interuppted, tapping the side of her face in complete boredom. Her Father growled. "Get yourself together, and then come downstairs. We're leaving soon." As he left her room, Echo made a face. "I'm fine as I am." She mumbled, pulling the vest closer to her. "I don't care what those Angles think about me." She exited her room and walked down the stairs, ready to go to this stupid meeting.

Tristan was messing around with his friends in a wide open, airy atrium in the center of the angels domain, when his mother caught his arm, and dragged him to the side. She was giving him that look, the one that boy are you in trouble. He shifted uncomfortably, trying to figure out what he forgot, and was most likely missing at that very moment. His mother pinched her lips, but still managed to look lovely and ethereal. "You know you forgot it." She sounded tired as she said it, and he felt somewhat apologetic. "Sorry, mum." He followed her back to their home, and she explained what he'd forgotten, and what was happening soon. She was very vague on some details, which made him awfully suspicious, especially when she said something about "marriage." He brushed away the strange thoughts, and freshened up, even carefully smoothing the white feathers of his wings, and followed his family off to the Embassy, where the meeting was taking place.
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Echo followed her parents as they walked in front of her. She looked around, catching a glimce of the Embassy. It was a mix of the Demon Realm and the Angel Realm. Will the Angel side was white and silver, it's torches burning in Gold and Silver tones, the Demon side was black and red with blazing black and green flaming torches. Echo sneered. This was going to be fun, but her parents better think twice about trying to tell her what to do. Se thought about ditching the meeting, but her brother, who was walking beside her, caught her looking behind them. "I know you wanna dip, sis." He whispered, only loud enough for the two of them to hear. "But you can't. Father and Mother will have our horns if you do. We can go... I don't know, go to the Blazing Forest after this or something." Echo grinned at her brother's offer. The Blazing Forest was one of her favorite places. A vast expance of Burning land, a perfect place for an Inferno Demon like her to bask in the flames and chaos. She nodded to her brother, not really caring enough to answer him back. They reached the entrance to the Embassy, and her parents pushed open the doors, and the Katz Family walked into the great halls of the Embassy.

Tristan walked into the Embassy, glancing up at the high, sloping ceilings. He'd always liked the Embassy. He watched as groups of demons came in, and he studied them. He'd never disliked the demons, in fact, he agreed with them on certain things. And yet, it just never felt right.
Tristan followed his sister to their seats. He was surprised that they were sitting in the front. Usually, those seats were reserved for important Angels. However, he fogot that when he saw one of the most exquisite angels, Adina. She smiled at him, and he smirked back. Once the meeting was done, he was definately going to go talk to her.
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Echo watched as the group of Angels walked in. She sneered, and held her head high. She spread her wings slightly, letting the bones gleam in the light streaming into the Embassy. She never felt...right...while in the presence of an angel. She always felt judged and looked down at, two things she hated. She was a demon and proud of it. She had never really interacted with many angels before, so being in the some room as so many of them made her feel irritated. She strutted up to the front of the demon side and sat down, already hating this. Her brother, Coal, sat next to her, and her parents by her brother. Echo wanted to get this over with and leave. Someone was waving towards her, trying to get her attention. She glances over and saw one of her best friends, Ajax, smirking at her. Echo smirks and flips him off, laughing inwardly at his mockingly shocked and hurt face. Echo promised herself she would go over and talk to him after this meeting.

Tristan glanced up as the meeting began, the head angel, Lady Maristza Clarence welcoming everyone to the Embassy, and thanking them for being there. He immediately stopped paying attention. These meetings were always boring.
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Echo slouched in her seat, staring at the front boredly as Khaos Flame, the head demon, and that head angel, started the meeting. Echo groaned inwardly. What was the point of having a long meeting if the outcome was always the same? She glanced over at the Angels in the front seats again. There were two around her 'age'. A female and a male. She scoffed. What was she doing, looking at Angels?

Tristan boredly ran a hand through his hair. The heads of each group were talking about alliances, and being them together. He rolled his eyes. There was something like this every couple of years, where they tried to bring the two groups together, and it always failed. Now they were talking about the unbreakable bands of marriage. That was weird. He pulled himself back to attention, to see what this was all about.
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Khaos cleared his throat once more. "Bonds are unbreakable things. The bond of marriage even more so. Lady Maristza Clarence and I have both chosen one of our species." He looked over at the front of the demon chairs, and his black eyes met Echo's crimson ones. "The Chosen Demon One is Echo Katz. Echo Katz, step forward." Echo froze. "Are you serious?!" She growled. Coal shoved her out of her seat. "Go on, sis! Hurry up so we can all go home!" A couple of demons laughed at that. Echo snarled and walked forward, up to the stage. She tugged her hood over her face again, casting her face in shadows so that her eyes gleamed. She glanced over at Ajax. He was looking at her with genuin shock in his eyes.