
You guys get it, right? Right. No posting unless you're me or Wander. Dunno if we're sticking charas in here or in the thread :')

Oh my gerd I found it
We can stick characters here and world info so we don't clog our thread

Ignore accidental double :( Edited at March 31, 2024 11:12 PM by Wanderlust

Cool cool! It's fine, at least now you can use those as chara/info posts? xD

Yes I sure can lol
So if I remember correctly; -I am playing the assassin who would be the brother(?) and he doesn't have powers/they're dormant. -You're playing the younger servant sister who advises for the assassin's target. -They then are forced to work together because of some sort of prophecy thing and because gods are assholes.

I think so? I don't remember the servant bit (might've just not been explicitly stated) :') but yeah, that sounds good! Every time you mention gods it makes me think about my idea for Death, gah--

I think I mentioned it in the original idea but we definitely don't have to use it. I don't think it really matters anyway/donate to the plot much :P
Mwahaha do we wanna develop them or focus mostly on characters for now?

Good grief I just realized what the gag this year is I can't say d e a t h - It depends. We could do both? Just plot out mini-things for the gods, skim em out a bit and just do bare bones ^^

Oh boy xD
Works for me. So I'd definitely say gods for life, d e a t h, maybe beauty, fortune, future(?), etc etc

Ooh, yeah! Maybe... instead of life/d e a t h, Existence? Hmm... Existence, Power (fame and fortune, I'd assume?), [ I'd say time but time gods are everywhere ] Some Paradox god xD, Spirit (health, spirits, whatever), and so on for the gods of consciousness? Don't have to do the ones I have, just throwing em out there ^^ For our charas- are we thinking rich fam? Poor? I loooove getting into lore about medieval stuff like festivals, celebrations, rich expectations, but also how bad poverty could be. I'm a fantasy nerd xD Edited at April 1, 2024 01:05 AM by Ebanon