
Welcome! This is the Discussion Thread for the Rp: Winter's Fangs. Please only post here if you've had a character accepted into the Rp. If you have not, even if you're waiting for acceptance, please do not post here until you do. Thank you!

My Activity: Hey Guys! My Activity Starting 8/31 is probably going to be nonexistent since I am going camping from 8/31 - 9/4, but probably won't be back on til 9/5 to 9/6. I might have cell reception, but I'm unsure if I will, so if I can I'll check up on the Sign Ups when and if I can, but otherwise I won't be back on til I'm back from my trip.

Have fun on your trip Imperial!!!!!



Howdyyyy. I'm still debating what guy I'm gonna use for my Travler.

I am debating on making another traveler that is an older gentleman that is a bard that could help instigate unease/drama. Edited at September 5, 2023 06:15 PM by FrostyK

I might make another lycan but idk

^^ I love everyone's characters so far and I'm super excited to use mine. I'll probably open the Rp tomorrow.

Okay. :) I am excited to see how everyone intereacts.