
Welcome! This is the Discussion Thread for: Burning Embers. This is where we can plot, ship, plan, and get up to just general shenanigans. I do ask that only those accepted into the Rp post here. Those waiting to be accepted, please feel free to send me a Pm or post a reminder in the Sign Ups thread. Otherwise: Have fun!



Noelle and Kenji being bitter exes 👀 shall be very fun.

Hello Impish 🫶🏽 Imperial Sands said: Welcome Spelly<3

xD Noelle and Kenji being bitter exes while Corin is just existing.

boo im going to have to settle for being the second person in the discussion >:( living for the tension between these ex's :0

Im excited for who Akhen and Beo might choose since I'm doing the pairs differently this time :D

ooo how is it working now? Imperial Sands said: Im excited for who Akhen and Beo might choose since I'm doing the pairs differently this time :D

Im gonna have it play out in Rp. The Dragons will be in the valley and then one rider at a time will approach the dragons, when the Dragon decides thats their rider they'll step forward to claim them. It's supposed to be completely unplanned, whichever dragon comes forward to claim first gets that rider. If no one chooses that rider within 24 hours of their post, I'll spin a wheel to randomly assign. EDIT: This is subject to change of course and Im still working out kinks Ciao said: ooo how is it working now? Imperial Sands said: Im excited for who Akhen and Beo might choose since I'm doing the pairs differently this time :D
Edited at June 5, 2023 12:09 AM by Imperial Sands