
Don't post here if you're not me or Determined_Wolf. Thank you. <3

holy shit you made this fast- thank you and I am also concerned

No need for concerns. Only joy <3

I am very joyful if I am honest- now!! are you free to briefly plan some things?? :D


okay so I have the energetic ghost hunter, you have the tired one, the one that gets them cursed in the first place is up for grabs and I kinda want him but I am good with whatever, and then there are the side characters or character who are friends with the first two and we also need to plan some of the murders they get to investigate-

You can have the one who started this whole mess >:3 That is true. Maybe they should start off simple, like a missing person's case or something like that.

yes! >:D oooo what if the missing person was also a member of their group?? also another random note, but how do you think these two would do against a cult that is in the town?

That would be the reason why they did investigations in the first place. Maybe the friend was really nice to both of them, perhaps the third person to join the group. They went missing and so our two went out to look for them. Ooo...the cult could be a nice addition and could be the reason behind the murders. Maybe they're in their final years of highschool, or starting college.

Ooo maybe! If the team was a group of four (not including the new kid/person who causes everything), that could be super cool hehehehe!~ yeah i agree! Although I am not sure which one- if it is college years, my character would either be a) taking a gap year or b) dorming with your character