
Open! Go ahead and sing your hearts out!

If I may ask, when are you going to decide who's going to win?

Well, the victors will participate in around four different challenges and depending on their finishing places, decided by a number generator, (Most likely 1st-5th) Will recieve points. Whom ever has the most points by the end of the challenges will win (As in first and second place).


Are the finishing places going to be decided before all the challenges? That makes the most sense to me.

When all the spots get filled, I'll notify everyone of the different challenges that the victors must compete in. ;) Edit: @ThisIsAPackName Yes, before each individual challenge I will decide the finishers. Ill keep track of the point values as well. Edited at May 28, 2020 05:14 PM by Renegades

This is interesting :O Renegades said: When all the spots get filled, I'll notify everyone of the different challenges that the victors must compete in. ;)

I hope their will be boys and girls that Anahita might flirt with lol

-Spellbound said: I hope their will be boys and girls that Anahita might flirt with lol
Same! I think it'll be interesting if a love triangle forms and someone purposely allows another to win a challenge just to woo them. XD

I'm hoping that there will be some guys Akari could be with at some point, hah. He could hypothetically be part of a love triangle if that does work out, though he probably wouldn't lose any challenges for them.