
Administrator Lightbringer
Welcome to our Design An Item contest for June, the Voodoo Quest! Put on your creative thinking caps and come up with fun items to be dropped by enemies! The enemies this month are: Axeman Zack (Bowden) The Vampire Cauchemar The Grunch These are based on New Orleans lore, so you can look them up. You only need to come up with the ideas for the items, not draw them. Our artist will draw them for you. There will be multiple winners for this and each will receive 5 copies of their item! This contest ends Next Monday the 10th. Please don't overpower the items. Think about what you would like to have. Good luck everyone! Edited at June 3, 2024 01:33 PM by SixBears

Vampire drops bottle of blood, can be used to heal 50 points of your wolfs health The grunch drops a horn, can be used to increase amount of prey for 20 turns Zack (Bowden) drops a dagger, a wolf deals 10 extra damage for 15 turns
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Vampires: drop a vial of Cursed Blood which when given to a female wolf will give a 20% high chance at a random defect Zack: drops a rusted blade which when used before battle gives a 30% higher damage during battle for 20 moves not counting already revealed tiles The grunch: drops a cursed doll which when given to male wolves increases charisma by 13 CP Cauchemar: drops a soul of a voodoo witch , and when given to a female wolf it increases chance at a boost pup by 30%

Axeman: Cursed Axe Increase chance of landing a critical hit for 20 steps
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Axeman -gold button --give to montok for a good sum ---Oh, shiney Zack (Bowden) I looked up the lore -Addie's locket --+15 maratel, + charisma ---How sweet, he kept it with him The Vampire -old book --+20 spirituality ---Wow, this book is full of old secrects. Cauchemar -vial of shadow -- +10 resolve, +10 dom ---your wolf feels full of dark energy The Grunch -soul of a stolen child(Feel free to change name) --give to a expecting mother, and she will have an extra pup. If she was set to have 1, she will have 2. If she has 3, you get four pups. Extra pup will be white/silver ---TBA

Game Moderator Lightbringer
Vampire - Drops vial of Vampire Blood - certain amount of steps
- Causes enemies to attack themselves
- OR causes wolf who takes it to heal as they wound/kill their enemy
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Cauchemar - drops a Nightmare
- if a female wolf is in the labor window (80-96 hours?) of her pregnancy but has not gone into labor, the nightmare "scares" her into labor. But she HAS to be in the labor window. It doesn't instantly make her give birth, just forces her into labor.
Zack (Bowden) - drops Army Dog Tags
- either increases critical hit chance for 20 steps or adds 20CP to Resolve
The Grunch - drops Grunch Fang
- Used by a wolf, allows them to deal damage to an enemy over time by draining their blood.
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Vampire: drops vampire Fang. 1.Give this to your pregnant female. Give you 50% chance of defect pup 2. Increases attack for 20 moves Or 3. Heal your wolf while exploring (like how you can give your wolves berries to eat while exploring) Edited at June 4, 2024 02:09 AM by Cypress Road

Delphine (the Vampire)'s Veil Description: This thick red veil obscured the wearer's face. Perhaps it obscures sight as well. Use this item before battle to temporarily blind opponents. How it works You know how the parvo virus from the August event weakens a wolf during battle? Similar concept; When this item is used the opponent's hits will be slightly weaker. Alternatively, it could give them a higher chance of missing a hit. ------------------------------- Edited at June 4, 2024 01:45 AM by Wilverbeast
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Vampire Blood bag- giving this to your females gives her a 100% to have one defected pup Axeman Axe handle- could be used with axe head to assemble into an axe which then gives you more damage when battling enemies Caucherman Nightmare- your wolf suddenly feels very scared and looses 10 dominance (kinda the opposite of wolf medalion) The grunch Grunch horn- giving this to your wolf increses ther battle stat by 20
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