
Administrator Lightbringer
Welcome to our Design An Item contest for April, the Easter Event! Put on your creative thinking caps and come up with fun items to appear in the Event Shop! You only need to come up with the ideas for the items, not draw them. Our artist will draw them for you. There will be multiple winners for this and each will receive 5 copies of their item! This contest ends Next Monday the 8th. Please don't overpower the items. Think about what you would like to have. There are no monsters this month. So we will have the items for sale in the Event Shop. Your ideas can be religious or non-religious, its all welcome. Good luck everyone!

Bunny Pup toy - Basket of eggs Give to pregnant wolves for an increase chance of twins or triplets - Puppy coin gives a high Talent or High rarity PUP from wolf party Edited at April 2, 2024 02:43 PM by Bobcat

Tulip bouquet Sets playfulness to 'very high' if given.
Spring Rain Fresh water from april showers, bringing prospects of healthy and vigorous pups. Give to pregnant wolf to increase chance of pups having health-increasing boosts (celestial prosperity, divine health) Wishbone Not a new item, but I think it would be cool if these could be bought for a cheap amount of eggs (like maybe 2 each or something?) Jackelope antler An antler from a mythical jackelope. Your wolf feels the urge to explore different settings. Can be used to buy a premium wolf background.
Honeysuckle Nectar Friendly animals are attracted to the sweet aroma of the nectar. Increases encounter rate of prey animals and possibly wild familiars for 20 moves. Edited at April 3, 2024 03:01 PM by Qyusen

Chocolate Bunnies Increase a wolf's overall health by 5 (or dominance, or any other Cp if health/dominance is too overpowering?) Hot Crossed Buns Revive a retired wolf. (before a certain time, maybe before 5 days or so?) New Growth (Sapling) Use this when you want to have an increased chance of finding mushrooms in explore. Expires after 10 moves.
Edited at April 2, 2024 01:50 PM by Vulpine

Basket full of baby bunnies Give to pup as a pup toy. It increases luck by 27 CP Edited at April 2, 2024 02:09 PM by Nesta

Dandelion Patch Give this to a pregnant wolf to increase the chance of having a boost or defect in a litter by 40%

Rabbit's Foot - given to a wolf for increased luck (around 20 Cp given to wolf in luck) Golden egg- given bree for chance at getting a dye Spring Tulips- given to a pregnant female for a chance at getting all + vital pups Rainbow egg - like a pretty token but can only be used in wolfparty level 4 Edited at April 2, 2024 01:48 PM by Hound of Hell

Top Hat Give to pregnant female to increase rarity/vitals

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Petrified Egg A strange, crumbly, speckled egg. Hard to tell if it's organic or a rock, it certainly doesn't look appetising!
By feeding this item to a pregnant wolf, it can add a random amount of hours onto the prenancy time, thus speeding up the pregnancy. [Could range from 5-10 hours!] Maybe stackable to a degree?

Lions Breath Give to a wolf before a battle for a chance to get a bonus Cheeky Bunny Use this in explore to scout out any possible predators Edited at April 2, 2024 01:56 PM by Broken Night of Fire