
This is for members of Dragon warriors alliance only! Don't post if you aren't a member
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Hi! Wait - I call dibs on second to post!

I am so happy you guys decided to join 😆 This is my first alliance so if you have any ideas or tips to make it the best please let me know...i will try to make a raffle soon i have some dyes just lying in inventory so stay updated😉
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For everyone who is confused about team green and team black question...it's from the series house of the dragon XD
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Amygdala said: For everyone who is confused about team green and team black question...it's from the series house of the dragon XD
Ohhhh I need to watch it.

I think strength is the main thing we need.

Very obvious: Bronze figurines! If we wanna win battles we need much higher dominance so i think a giveaway or something else with bronze figs and wolf meddalions would be needed! - Or simply just the classic contest: Who can raise their dominance the most in 7 days! There should probably only be a reward for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th so people will actually participate! They will both increase dominance and therefore also the battles we win! ^.^

I agree with Leo aswell, I don't really mind.