
Hello. We all have some issue over here so why not make a group of it. Wether it be physical or mental issues we all have some kind of injury or something over here. We were founded by Coral River. She brought us together in chat and so now we live here. Bask in our presence as we take over the world with our various health issues. Now enjoy and mingle with one another. We accept all. ^^

Our mother is Coral River she takes care of us while also letting us help her out to UvU Also everyone gets cookies and pizza Pillows lay about so we can hit each other if we need to or scream into them if you were having a ruff day Everyone also gets a plush of their choice along with a cozy blanket Hot chocolate will also be given out Edited at May 22, 2022 01:46 AM by Cloudystar

Please let us know your pronouns and nickname you would like to be called if you want to join. Thank you! ^^

Name: Bug Prounouns: He/They UnU

i am obviously mother at this point

Obviously Coral river said: i am obviously mother at this point

lol Cloudystar said: Obviously Coral river said: i am obviously mother at this point

Oh right everyone can call me Cloudy and I use they/them pronouns she/her are also fine but I prefer they/them ^^

(Nick-) Names: Yuketa, Yuk, Yucca Pronouns: She/her, they's aight Let's eat chips and destroy the world together! :D

other than mother for those who need to know i is she or her and constantly hungry