
Now I have been trying to find out on my own, but I am curious. I see players with high talented and rarity (which I know how to do with the custom maker). I've tried looking around to figure out how they add so many talents when while your in custom maker it only allows 1 Talent at a time and 10 Max of that certain one.
I want to make a custom wolf I have saved but I want him to be high talented. Which is where I am stumped. Do I load him back up into the custom maker and just change the Talent specifics? And have to pay the apples again for his markings? (Which seems costly) I didn't know if there is another step after you try to make them that allows you to add the talents more?

Administrator Lightbringer
Add the talents first. (remake him as many times as necessary) Add the markings last.

SixBears said: Add the talents first. (remake him as many times as necessary)Add the markings last.
Ok that makes sense! I was trying hard to learn on my own but kept getting stumped at the Talent part :) I'm saving up to make him but didn't want to mess up haha! Until recently I thought they lost the talents when you remake but someone answered that for me already :) I'm slowly learning everything I need to!

SixBears said: Add the talents first. (remake him as many times as necessary)Add the markings last.
Thank you so much!!