
Okay, so this might be a dumb topic but I was just looking for some clarification.
How do you tell if a wolf is IB or CL lined? I understand having other wolves in both parents' bloodlines is considered inbreeding. But I'm curious how to find out if they are? I've clicked the bloodlines before and I've never been able to determine if a wolf is. Do you follow the parents' sire/dam all the way back to the beginning and check from there?
And how do you determine generations? Say a pair of parents produce an albino for the first time, is that albino pup a gen 1? And if it goes on to produce another albino pup, is that second pup a gen 2?
I appreciate any help in clearing this up and I'm sorry if it's something that should be common knowledge. Thanks so much!

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For generations in the examples you used, it'd depend on what generation the parents were. If they were starters, then their albino pup would be generation two. Starters are gen one, their pups are gen two, the pups of those pups once grown up are gen three, and so on. You basically look at their bloodlines and count how many generations it goes back, count how many lines there are and add one(because starters are gen 1, and they don't show any wolves in their bloodlines, but still count as an added generation for their pups and so on)
For example https://wolfplaygame.com/wolf.php?id=1194268 Is second generation because he only has his first gen parents in his bloodlines
https://wolfplaygame.com/wolf.php?id=1477291 This one is generation three, as he has his second generation parents and his first gen grandparents
Say a wolf has grandparents on his Dad's side, but his mom is first gen. This wolf would be third gen, because you'd count the parent with the higher generation
This is a guide that explains CL and Ib https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=29&t=120 Edited at October 4, 2017 03:09 AM by Destinations End
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Here's a CL guide. :) Hope this helps.

Thanks so much for the help, guys! I really appreciate it!