
What are defects and what effect do they have?

Defects are things that can decrease a wolves ability to do something. With a few defects such as cleft palate, albino, leucism, melanism and a few others don't affect the wolf albino, leuc, mela, vilitgo, and ery affect the defects pelt and make it different color here is a guide to defects.
<font class="mainlineblack">Deaf - 50 CP penalty in PerceptionHip Dysplasia - 100 CP penalty in Battle, 150 CP penalty in AgilityAnosmia - 120 CP penalty in Perception. 50 CP penalty in StealthRunt - 100 CP penalty in BattleHydrocephalus - 100 CP penalty in Empathy, 150 CP penalty in Wisdom, 50 CP penalty in Agility, 100 CP penalty in SpiritualityBlind - 120 CP penalty in Perception, 120 CP penalty in BattleDwarfism - 50 CP penalty in Battle. 50 CP penalty in AgilityHyposmia - 100 CP penalty in PerceptionCerebellar Hypoplasia - 150 CP penalty in Dominance. 100 CP penalty in Stealth, 150 CP penalty in Battle, 150 CP penalty in AgilityClub Foot - 50 CP penalty in Agility, 20 CP penalty in Battle.Spina Bifida - 150 CP penalty in Agility, 150 CP penalty in BattleAlbino - White wolf, pink nose, pink eyesHeart Murmur - No known effect at this timeExtra Vertebrae - No known effect at this timeEntroprion - No known effect at this timeCrooked Tail - No known effect at this timeExtra Kidneys - No known effect at this timeBald - No known effect at this timeCleft Palate - No known effect at this timeExtra Toes - No known effect at this time
a few might be missing sorry if they are.
