
2 wolves have a red cross. I guess that they are stick or injured. What should I do to treat them ?
Think you
Edited at June 24, 2017 12:45 AM by gomorck

Game Moderator Neutral
It means they're injured. You'll have to go to their page to see the injury before you know what you need to treat them.
A green potion would heal a broken paw A yellow potion heals a broken tail A red potion heals the infected wound
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Adding to what Desti said, you can either craft Potions under Relics > Craft. You have the right ingredients for each Potion though. Or you can buy Potions from other players' Market Dens under Realm > Barter > Search.

If your wolves have a red cross it means that have one of the three possible injuries. This can be cured by a Red, Yellow, Or Green Healing Potion. Make sure you know the injury before buying one of the potions because each heals a different injury. Or if you rather not have to match the injuries you can use a Robin Feather to heal any of the three injuries :) Hope this helped! I might not be the best at explaining it though I bet more will post answers to your question.
(P.S. In your case, both of the wolves have Infected Wounds so you will need to use 2 Red Healing Potions)
(P.P.S You can find these potions and feathers in Barter or craft them with certain relics)
Edit: Oops sorry. Pretty much what they said ^ Edited at June 24, 2017 12:55 AM by Albino Beasts Pack

<span id="result_box" class="short_text" lang="en"><span class="">Thank you, my wolves are cured.