Name: Elizabeth (Elsie) Frost
Gender: Female
Age: 12-15
Powers where required: Mind-reading or Fire
Weapon: A hunting knife and a stolen pistol.
Appearance: Elsie is short for her age and has soft, auburn hair that stretches to her shoulders, which is normally hastily tied back. Her eyes are unnaturally turquoise. She normally wears a dark jacket over a blue shirt with a pair of dark jeans and sturdy boots. There is a faint scar running below her left eye to her jawline.
Personality (Older): Although Elsie is mostly warmhearted and approachable, she can also be stubborn and snappy. When she isn't helping children learn about their powers and how to use them, she is practising her knife skills and battle tactics.
Personality (Younger): Elsie is bold, snappy and impulsive. She speaks what's on her mind, isn't afraid to let you know if she doesn't like you and can be very stubborn about what she thinks. She rarely trusts anyone other than the other children. Despite it, she has a somewhat likeable charm and you can't help admire her confidence when you get to know her.
Fears/Weaknesses: Her biggest fear is losing someone she trusts
Pet: Her best friend is her beloved rescue mutt Rhubarb
Current RPs: The World of Raikon, Rise of the Dead, To Make Your Own Destiny, Z-Apoc