eek!!! | February 18, 2024 04:10 AM | |

went to los campesinos !! gig yesterday :) very happy my throat is sore from singing ehegeg
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Your favorite band is... The farmers? That is it in english.

... yes. im well aware. peasants, actually.
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yo I just looked the band up and it seems really cool! maybe I'm biased as a music and band enthusiast myself though lmao. Not sure where to start listening to their songs and such so I'd love if you threw some recommendations at me :0

le ghost said: yo I just looked the band up and it seems really cool! maybe I'm biased as a music and band enthusiast myself though lmao. Not sure where to start listening to their songs and such so I'd love if you threw some recommendations at me :0
!!! what kind of music are you already into?
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lmao man everything :') I do love myself some electropop or yknow music with a lot of cool background stuff, and indie ALTERNATIVE ROCK AAH that's rad too. If I'm in the mood, country or folk works too but I'm kinda generic with my music tastes so I love listening to new stuff :0

hmmm maybe try dont tell me to do the math(s) knee deep at atp we are all accelerated readers sweet dreams sweet cheeks and how i taught myself to scream?
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oh also broken heartbeats sound like breakbeats
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oh alright I'll go listen to those, thanks! unfortunately it's 2 am here though lmao so I'll sleep for now
