
Hi Wolf Play, I was wondering if there were any Halloween or day of the dead moments that was scary or you had fun in that you would like to share? Mine is: There's this house half a mile away at the end of a culdesac. (A road where the dead end is a bit rounded) The house always has the most realistic Halloween and Christmas and thanksgiving decorations and two years ago for Halloween it was graveyard themed with mist over everything. The owner of the house is a six foot five guy and he was dressed as a scythe. When we reached the house for trick or treat, he was standing there and everyone thought he was a decoration. My brother walked up to get candy and the man reached over and tapped him on the shoulder. I haven't seen anyone jump so high! What's yours?

I have this radio. I'm pretty sure I have a ghost, maybe more, in my house. Its a really old(130 years exact) house and a parsonage next to a church. The ghost in my room messes with my radio all the time, turning off, changing the time, volume, etc. I've stopped caring and will tell the ghost fine I'll turn it off before I leave and everything is fine. Also sure that they've been moving my stuff around. I have this bracket my father bought me a week ago and when I woke up it was in the little brother's room sitting on his dresser. He goes to bed before me and I took it off at around eleven last night lol. So yeah ive a got a ghost rommate :)

Me and my friends, we are a group of six, run around the richer neighborhoods and try to see who can get the most candy by the end of the night (meaning from six in the evening to three in the morning when we meet at our rendezvous), and who gets the least has to wear a t-shirt that says in big red letters: F is for Failure to Commit to the Spooky Spirit of Halloween and Hobgoblins. The winner gets twenty bucks from each person. It's called the candy heist, and I have never once had to wear the t-shirt. I cried because last year I was out of state for Halloween and so the group didn't do the candy hiest. (P.S. The key to winning is to get a running start and get ahead of eveyone so you can tell the candy givers that you're having a competition.)