
i don't have time recently to commit to commissions but i still want to maintain the habit of drawing regularly, hence the birth of this forum 🎉
while this is free, low-effort art, i still ask that you follow wp's rules. please do not remove my credits, and please link back to my TH for crediting if posting offsite. please also note that i maintain the right to post any art i create as examples, both below in this forum and my art gallery on site. this isn't guaranteed art - i will pick and choose requests as i please, in no particular order. i will, however, attempt to fulfil all requests. art may range from messy sketches with flat colours to cleaner, miminally shaded pieces, depending on how inspiring the character and description is. i'm most confident in feral art, but feel free to also post humanoid requests too. art will be inboxed to you when complete :) Art Request Form:Pack Number: OC Link/Ref: OC Personality: [a summary, ~2-5 sentences as a guide]Extra Info: Edited at June 13, 2024 08:07 AM by limbo

Edited at October 24, 2024 09:22 AM by limbo

Pack Number: 309090OC Link/Ref: Wander OC Personality: There is a White Wolf and a Black Wolf. The Black Wolf inside us is filled with fear, anger, envy, jealousy, greed, and arrogance. The White Wolf is filled with peace, love, hope, courage, humility, compassion, and faith. They battle constantly. Extra Info: Sorry for the bad picture, I don't have any art of her yet. She has a white stripe from her muzzle to her tail, which is hidden becasue of the wings (Which you don't have to add). Otherwise, free range. Edited at June 27, 2024 07:37 AM by SwiftfireClan

Pack Number: 265679 OC Link/Ref: https://i.postimg.cc/pTg0NqZG/8ffb2481-6a23-4c40-a2ba-eb5de5c6840d.png OC Personality: He is a highly energetic dog. He loves the sunshine and loves to play in the woods, or swim in the lake. He chases just about anything, loves to hike, and enjoys games like tug of war. He is very kind, adverturous, playful, and most of all, brave. Extra Info: he has a brown and black brindle, with a black face mask and black paws. His ears are half flopped, so not fully down. UT not up either, somewhere in the middle.
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Pack Number: 286831 OC Link/Ref: Kate <3OC Personality: [a summary, ~2-5 sentences as a guide] Kate is a former (and technically still) assassin. She was the Midlock Program's best weapon after Travis, until she broke off and escaped, seeking a better life. She is defiant and firm, and constantly alert. She's not the smiling type, but she's fericely protective and loving over her family. Extra Info: She's a girl boss and has some scars

Pack Number: 222668 OC Link/Ref: IriswhiskerOC Personality: Twitchy, unstable feline with a tendency to undermine his allies. Constantly smells like death and always has flies around him. Extra Info: He does have some scars - over his right eye and left hip/back. Pack Number: 222668 OC Link/Ref: WillowOC Personality: Bit of a dreamer and an absolute sweetheart! Loves the stars and the sea deeply. She's weirdly good at mimicking bird calls. Extra Info: (She really just here so you have more to choose from! I'm not expecting you draw both, just giving some options :D)

Pack Number: 220404 OC Link/Ref: CarnivalOC Personality: Carni is known for his arrogant, prideful demeanor that's painted with charisma. He's cocky and full of himself, making him believe he should rule the world, which he will stop at nothing to achieve. He's a trickster at the very core, manipulating his circus to gain the souls of those that lose his games. Extra Info: Circus is a shapeshifting animatronic, but his main/true form is a wolf. His pelt is kind of rotting and he has a nightmare form which hasn't been created yet. If you're interested in that, just DM me and I'll send you a description
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Pack Number: 313020 OC Link/Ref: https://postimg.cc/rRrSLcQ1 OC Personality: Badgerpelt is a very mischievous and playful cat. Ever since kittenhood his favorite plaything has always been the tail of an unaware clanmate. His pastimes include sleeping in the sun, pranking others, and chattering at birds who sit too high for him to climb. Extra Info: Feel free to draw him as a kitten or adult, this is just the only art I have of him at the moment.

Pack Number: 272861 OC Link/Ref: Ivy <3OC Personality: [a summary, ~2-5 sentences as a guide] Ivy is very closed off and can be slightly aggresive at times. She's passionate and at times snarky. Extra Info: N/A

Pack Number: #212658 OC Link/Ref: NovaOC Personality: Constantly thinking about new planets and galaxies to add to her systems. Busy-body, alwaus trying to learn new things. Kind but can be closed off sometimes. Extra Info: Constantly floats/ walks on air.
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