
~ Let's make this quick and easy, shall we? :3 ~ • 1) I have the right to refuse any order or sale I feel necessary. 2) FOLLOW ALL OF EVE'S RULES 3) Prices are non-negotiable 4) After I give you a watermarked version of your art, you have 24 hours to send the payment or else it will be destroyed. If this rule is broken, you may be subject to banning from my shop 5) While the character may be yours, I still have the right to use any art that I make/color as an example and put it in my gallery 6) Do not steal my art! 8) Please be patient, I'm in the final stretch of my senior year in highschool and therefore I'm super busy. Pieces can take up to 3 weeks to complete, depending on the complexity. 9) I will fix small things after the piece is complete, if you want large things changed, there will be a 30 mush fee tacked on. 10) Do not order more than what you have. Make sure you can pay for it. 11) If you cancel an order, and I have already started on it, you will be required to pay half of the order's price. 12) These rules may be subject to change but if they do, an announcement will be posted about it
Edited at June 28, 2024 05:54 AM by Hells Bells
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YCHs Note: I will not take WP wolves as references Note: Anything extra (i.e not your OC's pelt/skin/etc) is concidered an accessory (ex. gore, jewelry, capes, etc) • 1) Ooo! Worm! - 200 Mush Piercings and other pieces of small gear can be added for 10 mush per piece -- 2) Hunted - 400 Mush Piercings and other pieces of small gear can be added for 5 mush per piece -- 3) Hello There - 150 Mush Piercings and other pieces of small gear can be added for 5 mush per piece There are 2 Varients: More and less fluff . Only More Fluff is pictured, but if you DM me I'll show you the other one -- 4) Swollow The Moon - 235 Mush Piercings and other pieces of small gear can be added for 15 mush per piece -- 5) Piss off - 225 Mush Piercings and other pieces of small gear can be added for 15 mush per piece -- 6) In the light of the Moon - 200 Mush Piercings and other pieces of small gear can be added for 15 per piece -- 7) Customizable Wolf - 300 Mush (Red pieces can be chosen) Piercings and small pieces of gear can be added for 15 Mush per piece -- Background choices (Does not apply to "In The Light of The Moon", "Swollow The Moon", or "Hunted") -- Solid Background - Free : Solid color Simple Background- 5 Mush : Ombré/swirl/etc or flag background Complex Background- 40 Mush : Simple scenes Edited at May 15, 2024 08:58 PM by Appalachian Entity
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Examples -- Lines by Erynnyre on Deviant Art Color by Me Owned by Crypto Currency - Lines by Biozev on Deviant Art Color by me Owned by Caeli -- Lines by Biozev on deviantart Color by me Owned by Cryptocurrency Edited at May 14, 2024 12:03 PM by Appalachian Entity
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YCH Form -- Pack Name & Number: YCH Name: Refrence/s: Background (Please state Simple or complex and what color/scene you want): Any accessories on the piece?: Anything I should know about the OC that doesn't show up on the ref?: Total: Edited at April 21, 2024 02:43 PM by Appalachian Entity
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Announcements -- 5/8/24 Prices updated and new example added. Does not apply to orders before this date. - 5/9/24 Note has been added to the YCH post, WP wolves are not allowed to be used as refrences. They are incredibly difficult for me to use - 5/10/24 New lines have been added - 5/13/24 New feature added, "Rotations" Every once and awhile at 12pm GT the lines will be rotated out, you may find some old lines mixed in with the new ones, or maybe they're all new/old! Edited at June 2, 2024 06:13 PM by Appalachian Entity
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Order List -- Currently working on.... 1) Misfit Roses - Hello There & Piss off - 455 Mush - Coming up next/Alt 1) Written the wolf - Oo! Worm! - 200 Mush - Waiting... 1) ScardyKat - Piss off - 200Mush 2) Inferno Abyss - Customizable Wolf x2 - 600 Mush 3) Crypto Currency - I Love You - 225 Mush 4) - Completed & Waiting payment 1) Lazy Kingdom - Happy In Fall and Swallow the Moon - 325 Mush Edited at May 15, 2024 07:50 PM by Appalachian Entity
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Pack Name & Number: The Midnight Howlers 307358 YCH Name: Swallow The Moon Background (Please state Simple or complex and what color/scene you want): Grey. Solid Grey. Any accessories on the piece?: Other then the ones on him, nope. Anything I should know about the OC that doesn't show up on the ref?: Bot really. Total: 235 mush.


Wolf Pride 265679 Swallow the Moon and Happy in Fall Ref: PM Background: (swallow the moon) maybe like a gray Accessories: None Anything else: Not really Total: 335
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