
LARGE UPDATE!! I now do bio decor!! ~ examples; Example of the set I'm working up to using, it's got bio decor(I will add text to it[whatever you want]), banner AND Avi. Ofc my current ones are always my art and can be great examples of how my art is evolving. ~ My Avi; Austan Vindar's Avi; Darcy's Avi; The Midnight Howlers' Avi; And a few others I need to track down. I often don't stray from this style, but I can try!! ~ Avi pricing; Simple, 2-4 colors, round 500 mush * Designed background, 4-6 colors, any shape + 2 extras 2 apples * Banners; 2-4 colors, simple design, rectangle 700 mush * 4-6 colors, edge style, more Intricate design 1-2 apples * Bio decor; Simple and small(half the length of a banner) 1 apple * Note; One extra color added to any design-> +50 mush Animals or living things-> +1 apple Full length bio decor-> +100 mush (Second order? Here have a 25% off token!) ~ *SPECIAL!!* neon avis!! A neon avi with a max of 4 colors, your pack name, and a simple symbol will be permanently 300 mush! Example; ~ Please specify which avi your filling out a form for, if you are filling one in for a neon, state that somewhere so I know to accurately charge you after :3 Here's forms: Avi form Pack name/number; Colors; Pattern(optional); Extras; Shape; * neon avi form Pack name/number; Colors; Symbol; Name you'd like on the Avi; * Banner form; Pack name/number Colors; Theme; Extras; Fancy edge?; * bio decor form; Pack name/number; Inspo pics(optional if good description is given); Length(full[see notes]) Colors; ~ I will try my best to get this done within 2 days... If I'm taking to long please PM me reminding me to hurry up. I'd appreciate if you'd specify your price on your form so I do not have to refer back and can avoid uncomfortable situations :3 Edited at September 16, 2024 11:27 PM by -Sweet-Poison-

Pack name/number: River Soul, 307368 Colors: A pallete of blues that match or are similar to my current pallete Pattern(optional): something river/ wave like Extras: Just my pack name Shape: Circle (I think it's very unique)

I'm exited for this one! I'll get started right away! River Soul said: Pack name/number: River Soul, 307368 Colors: A pallete of blues that match or are similar to my current pallete Pattern(optional): something river/ wave like Extras: Just my pack name Shape: Circle (I think it's very unique)

-Sweet-Poison- said: I'm exited for this one! I'll get started right away! River Soul said: Pack name/number: River Soul, 307368 Colors: A pallete of blues that match or are similar to my current pallete Pattern(optional): something river/ wave like Extras: Just my pack name Shape: Circle (I think it's very unique)
Thanks so much!

Pack name/number; Meeko 299677 Colors; Black, grey, #2A0134, #4F2335A Pattern(optional); No clue, but maybe try to include some stars Extras; My name and If you could maybe a little raccoon face somewhere, if you cant do it too detailed just like do a black, grey or white outline of the face. (whichever looks best) Shape; circle and I like the way you do the little outline on austan and darcys. Edited at February 14, 2024 03:03 AM by Meeko
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I'm exited for this one!! I'll get started right away! Meeko said: Pack name/number; Meeko 299677 Colors; Black, grey, #2A0134, #4F2335A Pattern(optional); No clue, but maybe try to include some stars Extras; My name and If you could maybe a little raccoon face somewhere, if you cant do it too detailed just like do a black, grey or white outline of the face. (whichever looks best) Shape; circle and I like the way you do the little outline on austan and darcys.

your art is super cute!would you take tiems instead of mush?

We can work something out in PMs I'm sure!! Howling to the moon said: your art is super cute!would you take tiems instead of mush?

Pack name/number; Leo's 310238 Colors; Like some colours like lion themed? Like a bit dark yellow and then the mane (look below) brown like a mane Pattern(optional); Nothing (If you have an idea please send it to me) Extras; My name with around same writing like meekos and maybe around the edge something that looks a bit like a mane (like some fluffy brown hair). Shape; Just a circle with a black edge Ehhhhm, i may need a few days to get the mushrooms for it but i'm so excited (And if you're done before i have got the mushrooms i also have a few apples) Hope you can use it. Otherwise i'm so excited!! :-)))

You want the edge to be fluffy :'), I can do it but it will interfere with the black outline you mentioned. I should have it done later this afternoon. I'll send you the price with the avi Leo's said: Pack name/number; Leo's 310238 Colors; Like some colours like lion themed? Like a bit dark yellow and then the mane (look below) brown like a mane Pattern(optional); Nothing (If you have an idea please send it to me) Extras; My name with around same writing like meekos and maybe around the edge something that looks a bit like a mane (like some fluffy brown hair). Shape; Just a circle with a black edge Ehhhhm, i may need a few days to get the mushrooms for it but i'm so excited (And if you're done before i have got the mushrooms i also have a few apples) Hope you can use it. Otherwise i'm so excited!! :-)))