Reign's Animations

Hello all :) Welcome to my art shop :) Please follow the rules and enjoy your stay :)
How this will work
1 - Place your order
2 - I will do the order
3 - You will receive a watermarked version
4 - You send payment
5 - You will receive the unwatermarked version :)
1 - Make a reservation
2 - When a slot becomes available you'll be PMed and you will then have 48hrs to place your order, then follow from step 2 up there
p1 - (Your here) Welcome, Contents, Rules, Notes/Other Info
p2 - Available animations for purchase
p3 - Order List
- I will not be doing any lineart changes on the animated ones I'm sorry
- Please try to keep relatively simple designs for the animations, I'll do my best but keep in mind I'm still new to animation
- Maximum of five characters per order please
- Characters need to have a clear ref (or set of refs) that I can follow and get their correct colours from
- Make sure to credit the art and please don't steal
- Send payment once I have sent you the watermarked versions of your order, once that's through I'll send you the unwatermarked versions to keep
- Make sure to use the forms! If you don't I'll just ignore you ok
(May add more if needed)
Notes/Other Info
- 1 apple = 900mush
- All prices are listed in mush
- Only accepting apples / mush payments for now
- I won't be doing any lineart changes for animated pieces etc, this includes adding gear and whatnot
- The featured characters in the examples belong to me and are not for sale so don't ask
- ALL bases are by NorthernRed and all colour is by me (please credit appropriately when posting)
-- Base Credits: NorthernRed - DeviantArt | Patreon
-- Colour Credits: WP: #173538 | DeviantArt | Toyhouse
- I pay a subscription to NorthernRed to have access to the bases, if you need to see proof for some reason, let me know and I will get it for you, mostly for mods though but I mean if you're genuinely concerned then yeah, feel free to ask :)
- If you leave a spot on the form blank (for example the ghosts colours on Just Keep Running) I will just take it as something random and make it up myself or will use the standard colours from the example
- If you'd like an avatar sized version let me know in the 'Other' section (This is free too by the way)(Keep in mind some animations are too big if this happens let me know and I'll see if I can adjust the frames to lower the file size) :)
- All backgrounds are a standard transparent on the Animated PNG files, if you'd like one solid colour let me know in the 'other' section and I'll add it :) I can only do one solid colour though or a very simple shape
- All backgrounds are standard white on the GIF files, unless states otherwise in your orders
Available Discounts :)
1 - Put the character's theme song in 'Other' - takes off 5% - Please do not put any songs that are rap, death metal or screamo, anything else is fine though :)
2 - If you happen to put one of my most favourite songs in the 'other' section I'll give you 10% off instead of 5 :)
3 - For your 5th, 10th, 15th (etc.) orders you will receive 5% off :)
4 - If your order happens to be the 100th, 200th (etc.) order you will receive 50% off for that order (Note- this one is not stackable, and will take precedent unless you'd rather one of the others be used instead) :)