
All art (c)13o2e9
This is a potato 
And this 
And so are these 
And this too

These are the many faces of a potato.
What is a potato you might ask? Well a potato is a potato unless you pronounce it like Poe-tah-toe. Then it's a potato. Edited at August 2, 2023 08:43 PM by Wilverbeast
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Rules 1. Love your potato 2. Do not claim the art as your own. Either credit me to link here, or as @Wilverbeast offsite. 3. You may resell your potato art if the character is sold 4. You may use the potato anywhere offsite, but please contact me before editing the image. 5. Use the form. No chit chat. If your form is accepted I'll dm you directly and add you to the waitlist.
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Potato Waitlist Off site | Off site | Off site | Sir Froggington | 231901 | ToadtedCyanide | 303691 | Ace | 273745 | Edited at August 2, 2023 09:23 PM by Wilverbeast
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Potato info and form A potato may take a month maximum to be finished, due to me getting busy and having other work. A potato is 100 mush each. I prefer if you order one at a time, though this is not a hard rule.
If you happen to be uploading your potato to Toyhou.se let me know! I have an account there you can credit. Five is the *maximum* amount I take. I may limit it at any point to be just two or three at a time instead. Payment of 100 mush is due after I send you the finished image through pms.
Form: Pack name: Pack number: Character Reference(s): (Credit images properly) Pose: (Optional) Personality: (Optional; One sentence) Expression: (Optional) Accessories: (Optional. Holidays also accepted!) Other: Favourite colour: (Just for fun :>) Edited at August 2, 2023 08:57 PM by Wilverbeast
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These will be up to a 1 month turn around as I having other commissions I am finishing offsite. Edited at August 2, 2023 08:52 PM by Wilverbeast
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Pack name: Sir Froggington Pack number: 231901 Character Reference(s): (Credit images properly) Pose: Free Range Personality: He is a little brash, and he can be grouchy and short tempered. Expression: Free Range Accessories: Earrings Other: I'll put it on TH Favourite colour: Blue

Pack name: Toasted Cyanide Pack number: 303691 Character Reference(s): ToxicFlare (I drew it) Pose: (Optional) Anything that makes him look snarky XD Personality: He's very cocky to say the least lol Expression: You choose! Accessories: Just his piercings! Other: Thank you <3 Favourite colour: Red!

ack name: ace Pack number: 273745 Character Reference(s): (Credit images properly) https://toyhou.se/9197443.venus-keep- Pose: (Optional) anything cute Personality: (Optional; One sentence) Expression: (Optional) just cuteness and potatoness Accessories: (Optional. Holidays also accepted!) ooh can you give her maybe little stubby angel wings? If not, that's ok too :) Other: Favourite colour: (Just for fun :>) black

Pack name: Wolventhropy Pack number: 254665 Character Reference(s): (Credit images properly) Wendi & Novak Pose: (Optional) Novak: Playbow & Wendi: Bracing Pose Personality: (Optional; One sentence) Novak is a feindish/menacing fellow. Wendigo is typically stoic but capable of aggression. Expression: (Optional) Novak: Playful & Wendi: Angry / Barking Accessories: (Optional. Holidays also accepted!) Antlers & bear skull on Wendigo, if easy to achieve. Other: Favourite colour: (Just for fun :>) Yellow! Edited at August 2, 2023 09:29 PM by Wolventhropy