
🕊️i know I couldn't make you proud when you were here, but atleast I could make you smile. I hope I can make you proud when you're up there.💔 🕊️Now, I'm just saying goodbye to you every night, hoping you'd come back. All those nights I cried, I cried for you. All those tears I cried, were for you. I wish you were here, holding me in your arms, hugging me, like always. I can't let you go, I never have. Bye, my dear great grandpa. I love you as much as a human could.. 🕊️Been crying since: 2020🕊️ 💔 Edited at June 28, 2024 04:35 AM by Doomsday Blue

i still remember me running in your fields, with your cute little doggo.💔 My dad and my mom were never the same after 2020. 🕊️But when they finally told where they went when I was having a great time with my uncle, I was devastated. I never knew he died, so I started crying after they told me they went to your funeral. I said "but if he's dead, he can't see the sun!". My dad started crying after I said that. And after that horrible year, my parents had a divorce.💔 Two horrible years I will never forget. So I cried for two hours that day. Now, everytime I see a shooting star, I wish I'd see you once again..🕊️ i wish you never died. I wish you didn't have cancer. You had years to live, but it just had to be cancer. Even when I'm writing this, I'm crying. Because every tear I cry, I wish you'd be here. The pillows are always wet of my crying for you.💔 Just please, please, please come back.. 🕊️ Edited at June 28, 2024 04:21 AM by Doomsday Blue

my heart is just broken, I don't know what to do, when you're not here anymore..🕊️ You used to make so good food, now I can't eat cake nor jam, you made them so good, brings back memories and makes me cry. 💔Every time I go to Estonia, I think of you. Every time I eat pancakes, I think of you. Every time I eat something sweet, you're in my mind. You were so sweet, making me smile and laugh. You baked cakes, hugged me, made jam. It's just like yesterday. We visited you every single summer, now every single summer I cry a river..🕊️ Im wishing for you to come back, so you could glue my heart back together.. 💔

every night is full of tears, and my mind full of sadness. I never wanted to say goodbye.🕊️ You were so brave. A war hero. A father. A grandfather. A dear family member. But now, you're just a precious memory. I think of you all the time.💔 If I think of you, I get tears. That means I have tears all the time. 🕊️