
FoxDolphin wakes up to herr sister Rain shaking her. "Wake up! Today is the day we get a test to tell us what our rank is!" She yells. They both bound over to where their friend, Mint, and her brothers Midnight an Dusk, and the alpha himself are waiting. "Everybody is here. We shall start the test. First up: bring the biggest prey. Ready, set, HUNT!" the alpha yells. FoxDolphin stops at the edge of the forest and sniffs. She smells some rabbits to the right, an injured deer fawn straight forward, and a boar to the right. She climbs up a tree and heads right. Once the boar is under her, she jumps on it and lands on its neck. "ROOOAAAR!!" the boar screams, kicking and shaking. FoxDolphin finally lets go, and has a fight with the boar. Her side got bitten hard, but she had killed the boar. She lets out a victtory how. "AAROOOOOOO!" part two coming very soon