
Hi! I'm going to start posting all my old and new stories about my pack. Thanks for reading, and feel free to post any comments! Edited at August 23, 2023 07:38 PM by Cove of the Moon

#1: Seer's muscles tensed. He heard a rustle in the leaves before him. Smelled warm blood. He crouched and waited. Suddenly he realized what was happening. His beloved Fengari had been exploring and suddenly gone into labor. He rushed to her side. His paws touched blood. Fengari weakly lifted her head up and looked at him. "She killed him," she whispered. Her head fell down as she sunk into an exausted sleep. By her belly lay the body of their newborn son.

#2: Her eyes streamed as she ran, not pausing for anything. Branches hit her face and stung, but she didn't care. Right now, the only thing that mattered was telling her pack what had just happened. A huge paw slammed into her chest and she fell, winded. "Well, Moth Patch," the voice said. "You thought it would be that easy, did you? To think I ever loved you." With that, she sliced her throat open. Moth Patch silently apologized to everything she could. To her alphas, for not delivering the message. To the plants, for crushing them with her paws. To her true love who had now killed her. She swam into the darkness.

#3: Fengari pressed her snout against Seer's wet nose. Together they stared at the moon, their tails brushing. A shooting star flickered by. An unspoken message passed between the two wolves, and they started to pad back to their dens. Leaves crushed between their delicate paws. A shout rang out, carrying with it sorrow. The two wolves turned to see the commotion, and saw a body thick with blood just a tree length away. Before they knew it, a claw sliced through the air and caught them both in the chest.

#4: She slunk through the undergrowth, her tail twitching. She would do anything for her mate; she was the leader of the pack. She suddenly smelled a rival wolf nearby. The smell seemed almost familiar, but she had no time to waste. She lashed out without thinking, realizing too late who it had been. "Raven! Raven, I'm so sorry!"

#5: Snow Lilly stalked through the reeds. Normally, she preffered open air, but it was rather windy today and wind could now blow through her. She hated how everything could pass through Spirits. She heard a scream. Quickly, she raced towards it, just in time to spot the rival wolf Leaf Dew looking down with a horrified and heartbroken expression and then sprinting away. Where she had been looking lay the body of Light Raven. No, she thought. Not again!

#6: Comet Flash slunk through the swamp. A root caught on his hind leg and he brushed it off. The cloying smell of his rivals filled his nose. That was his goal. Spy, nothing else. The earth under his paws grew drier, and more solid. His paws started to slip into well-worn paw prints in the ground. He was almost there. He came upon a barrier made of thorns and leapt over it soundlessly. He tucked himself behind a tree to wait. Two wolves started to walk towards the tree, their tails twined. Comet Flash pressed himself against it, hoping they wouldn't see him. Their smell reeked more with each second that passed. Then suddenly they were on either side of him. He knew now there was no hope of him surviving, though he could try to take one of them down alongside him. They dragged him out and started clawing his pelt. He slashed his claws through one of their throats just as the other's caught him in the stomach. As he bled into the ground, he made out the wolf that had killed him standing over the other's body. She unclasped the thorn necklace from around the dead wolf's neck and placed it around her own. "I never loved you anyways," she said. "Now this pack is mine!"

#7: Nebula was watching his former mate, Winter. He almost let her see him, but he was cautious -- Comet Flash had told him that it could be dangerous for Spirits to become visible. Whatever that meant. A breeze softly blew through him and he shivered. He felt that there was a wolf behind him. He whipped around in time to find the rival wolves' leader, Ivy Leaf, slinking into the shadows. He stood there for a moment, and then followed her and saw her old mate, Maple, who Comet Flash had killed, talking to her. "You mean nothing to me now," Ivy Leaf sneered, and passed her paw through Maple's chest. "See? You aren't even solid." Maple's quiet voice responded, "Maybe Moth was right after all." "No, I'm right. You are insignificant and I am going to make you sorry for ever believing me." "You already have," Maple replied, fading out of Ivy Leaf's view. "Wait! No, come back!" shouted Ivy Leaf to the trees. Nebula backed out and ran over to the rest of the Spirits. This is even worse than we thought. Edited at August 23, 2023 07:37 PM by Cove of the Moon