Customers: Please subscribe to the thread.
I will post responses in the thread. Final Art links will be delivered by mail.
- = - [Link] Cyber's Art Collection (gallery) - = - |
You may credit my WP or TH account
-= Cyber's Art Shop is Currently Offering: =-
YCH (Your Character Here) avatars
* Basic Coloring: 1,000 mu
(Solid black lineart; no modifications / special effts)* Advanced coloring: 2,000 mu
(colored lineart; special effects such as glowing eyes; mild modifcations [Such as removing the iris from the eye]):* Modified Lineart; case by case basis. Minimum price: 8,000 mu
(changing the lines in any way to add or remove major features such as earrings, jewlry, more fur, less fur, etc):*Exceedingly complicated coat patterns may be considered advanced color. (such as polka dots, cheetae spots or tabby pattern, or more than 3 fur coat colors)

(these are not available to order, yet. Wolf Avatars only at the moment <3)
-= Avatar Recolor Slots: =- |
[Slot 1] Crypto Currency [Special order; next in queue]
[Slot 2] -Empty-
[Slot 3] -Empty-
Custom Gear on order: Quasar pelt matchy wings
Co-Sponsors: Saint & Winter Haven
Stage: Pre-approved! Drawing other poses
Past orders:
FINISHED: The Tea Drinkers Jan 17
FINISHED: TheCuteHuskyPack Jan 17
FINISHED: Acerbus Jan 18
FINISHED: Catori Jan 18
FINISHED: Mochi Jan 22
FINISHED: TheCuteHuskyPack Jan 22
FINISHED: Starrmutt Jan 24
Custom Gear FINISHED! Dark Fallow defect matchy wings
Sponsor: TheCuteHuskyPack Jan 26
FINISHED: TheCuteHuskyPack Feb 17
FINISHED: Lilac Moon Feb 21
FINISHED: The Grimm Feb 24
-= Order Form: =- |
(If you are paying from another account, or for another player, please fill in the form with the username and id of the account you wish to have useage rights of the art.)
Pack ID #:
Offered Payment Amount: (see price list at top)
Photo reference(s) or detailed written description:
1,000 mush = 1 apple
I accept either currency; apples preferred ;D
-= CYBERTRONION'S ART USEAGE RULES: =- Last updated: 01-17-2025 By ordering art from me, you agree to my art shop terms of service. Please take the time to read them. |
✨ Payment is sent AFTER comission completion. Send only when I tell you.(as according to WP rules)
✨ Allow me 1-2 weeks for most orders, please.
✨ If you didn't provide the detail in your original order, I am not obligated to add it in after order acceptance.
✨You CANNOT: Modify, edit, alter, or otherwise change my artwork in any way. (Please see singular exception below under "you may")
✨You CANNOT: Order more than one art slot at a time. One order per player at a time, please ❤️ (You can however bid on multiple auctions!)
✨You CANNOT: Resell my art, period, end of.
You may not transfer image ownership to another user unless you talk to me first. You both need my permission. All my currentmost art rules must be obeyed and agreed to by them, in use of my specific art piece. You may not sell the art individually, and you may not transfer the art to a new owner even if you have sold them the OC the art was for, without first talking to me about my art piece(s). I will view this as selling my art and breaking my WP art shop rules.
If i have designed an OC for you: you own the design of the OC and it's concept; not me. I release the character idea to you! <3 you do not own my individual specific artwork of the OC i designed for you. You may hire other artists to draw them. You may transfer the oc concept. You may NOT sell or transfer ownership of my art of them without my written permission. You may not use my art to advertise an OC it depicts for sale.seriously, just talk to me first <3 I don't bite hard! I'm just very very tired all the time.
✨You MAY: Repost my art anywhere, print it off to hang on your wall, use on other websites, put it on a personal t-shirt, i don't care etc etc PROVIDED you:
-*Do not modify the image in any way & obey all WP and my art shop rules
-Do not remove / hide my credits
*sole exception: cropped images for the purposes of an avatar such as on a roleplaying game like WP, is totally fine. Please credit my art in your bio or other appropriate and visible area, if so.
✨Customers who cancel any order after I have already accepted (if your order is listed in the Art Slots section, it's been accepted) said order; you will be restricted from placing orders in my art shop and all my future auctions/collabs. Do not order if you do not have the currency. Please put it in your savings if you're worried you'll spend it while waiting. Managing your wallet is NOT my responsibility. Managing my time, is.
I will send watermarked images during WIP progress shots.
(I may change this if I get comfy and start trusting people here, but for now, I'm in cautious artist mode <3)
Thank you for reading! <3