
So lately I've been trying to get out of drawing cartoony cats. I've been trying to add more detail (which i need work on ;;) But can someone give my picture some tips?
Art is by me, AKA kyothered on DA ^^

I love the style and colouring! I just think you need to work on the head shape as it looks a tad bit more canine than feline. Otherwise, amazing work!

Needs whiskers and the snout thingy looks too canine-ish

The snout needs to be a little less narrow and much smaller. The ears might have to be a little bit bigger. Other than that it's pretty awesome! ^-^

The way the fur goes on the neck - there's a part where it parts a little unnaturally, like somebody's parted it with a comb. Unless they're a housecat, I suggest that you fix that. I assume that you mean for the eyes to be shaped that way, since it's a cartoon-style drawing, but still, maybe they should be rotated more south-westward. As others have said, the snout is not a feline's; it lacks the whisker points, jowls, and softer/fatter jawline of a feline. Perhaps the ears should be a little more pointy. But all in all, it's pretty good! The coloring and background flatter the shape nicely, and said colors don't contrast overall, so it finishes cleanly. Just work on the anatomy a little more, and it would overall be pretty perfect.