
Any free art program recommendations?
I've been using GIMP, and that is alright, but I'm wanting to download a program that focuses on drawing. This will mainly be used for coloring/shading, as my hands shake too badly to actually make linearts. I'll be using Inkscape to create linearts. ^^
Please do not suggest Paint Tool SAI. My computer already blocks that, so I can't download it.
Suggested Programs - FireAlpaca Edited at September 8, 2017 06:11 PM by The Pure Ones

I use Fire Alpaca and it works good. It's also free. Hope that's sorta what your looking for..

Hunters said: I use Fire Alpaca and it works good. It's also free. Hope that's sorta what your looking for..
I've seen that around, but never tried it. Thank you for the recommendation!

I also prefer MediBang! I got it free for my iPad but I'm also sure that it is on computers too. I only draw in my iPad but I don't use MediBang that much, it's pretty decent though.

MediBang Paint Pro (PC version, haven't used the apps) is wonderful. <3

Thank you both for the suggestion! ^^