
So...this is weird,but I can't make avatars :/ I can draw something, but when I resize it to fit it gets blurry :'/ and...I dunno how to fix it and I figured I would ask here since I see some people have quite detailed pieces as avatar and still look great while my less detailed art gets blurred .-. I just wish to know your secret guys <.< Here is example of what should have been avatar,but...It's blurry. Size: 550 x 550  This below is 300 x 300 and looks just fine <.< but as avi !  ------------------------------------- My current avatar has same problem <.< --------------- Help Q.Q

What program do you use? If you use photoshop, when you go to adjust image size the little window opens. At the bottom of that window it usually says Bicubic Automatic, try some of the other options there and see what looks best? If you use sai they might have a similar setting when you go to adjust image size? Edited at April 29, 2020 05:22 AM by StormFang

I use Fire Alpaca but I don't resize with it-gives even worse results. And I use first thing that pops on Search online to resize them ×3

I'm not sure how to help with those :,> sorry! But i hope you find someone who can!

Hey there! I use firealpaca too. Resizing will give you a bit of a blurry result basically no matter what. Next time you make an avatar, when you click "New" put make it 300x300 so you don't have to resize later. -but it doesn't look very blurry to me and it's really cute!

@Storm Fang thank you on honesty and nice motive :D ---------------- @flocklin thank you ^^ but that's kinda playing it safe which is good and all,but as I use smaller canvases there is also less detail :/ but maybe I should try experimenting more :3

I paint with Ibis Paint and make the picture on a 300×300 so I wouldn't really know how to help

This may help you out: Image Sharpener.
After sizing the image down to 300 x 300, import the image here, and use the sharpen tool. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it does not but the times it has, it was the only reason I could use an avatar image in clarity.

@Dark°Halo thank you ^^ @Oakley sounds interesting and new...I'll try,thank you :3