
I'd like to do adoptables but idk what to do. Should I make a new species? Existing animal species? Humans? Humanlike creatures?? Idk. .-. Help me. xD Give me ideas?

Just a reminder that human art isn't allowed on WP :) Just don't want you to get in trouble <3

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Moving to Art Help because this isn't *TECHINCALLY* an adoptable thread yet. :)
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.n. Oh, sorry. Thanks guys. x3

Maybe winged wolves, winged foxes, winged cats? Am just saying winged animals now XD

Other than human like things... I second anything winged. Or anything space themed because I'm partial to those things. If you do anything space/constellation/stars/etc. I will definitely buy an adoptable lol

Bwah. But wings are so hard. xD

Delestold said: Bwah. But wings are so hard. xD
^^ They're quite easy. Just study the anatomy of a bird's wings for a day or two, practice drawing them and you got it