
Here's the image https://s14.postimg.cc/4h7dmgk29/Random_Galaxy.png
For some reason, something's been really bothering me about this picture and I can't seem to figure out what.
All critiques are appreciated, or just tell me what you wish was changed Edited at April 16, 2018 09:43 PM by Embers.

Maybe more stars? We don't really see them Except for that, I don't see what could be wrong ^^

DarkCloudClan said: Maybe more stars? We don't really see themExcept for that, I don't see what could be wrong ^^
Alright, lemme spam the stars and update the picture XD
Edit: UPDATED Edited at April 16, 2018 09:43 PM by Embers.

Honestly, I really like it XD Maybe you need some subtle hue shifts in there? For example, since this art seems to be getting warmer the lighter it is, you should make the highlights a bit more red where the purple is brightest, if that makes any sense?
Or maybe it's because of the front? If you look at it some more, it seems to be more like a cloud in front than part of the galaxy because the stars are brighter around the purple. So maybe you can try to make the stars brighter there? I like it a lot (:

a m b e r said: Honestly, I really like it XD Maybe you need some subtle hue shifts in there? For example, since this art seems to be getting warmer the lighter it is, you should make the highlights a bit more red where the purple is brightest, if that makes any sense?
Or maybe it's because of the front? If you look at it some more, it seems to be more like a cloud in front than part of the galaxy because the stars are brighter around the purple. So maybe you can try to make the stars brighter there? I like it a lot (:
XD Thanks, let me update it again

I really like it! Possibly a couple other colors blended? Lighter blues and brighter pinks maybe. Just a subtle change.

Maybe if you make it a bit lighter?

I love It! I don't know much about art, but the purple cloud/nebula looks a little on the denser side.
Still, it's really beautiful! :D