
<div align="center">So I haven't drawn a lot of wolves recently but quite a while ago I redesigned Nitronica. I wanted to give the new design a sketch but I know for a fact the back leg is a bit off but I'd like some more critique in order to improve :) https://drive.google.com/file/d/19MY7tBw1Gelo4M60AR7NFVeqr47Y4FWI/view Thank you.
-EDIT- The signature belongs to me!! This has not been traced, referenced or coied from any other art, not even a photo. I'm trying to be more independant with my art and I hope in return others will too. Please do not steal, save/download, post, share, copy, trace or change my art in any way! Please leave it be!
Edited at April 7, 2018 10:55 AM by Oakwood Guardians


Deer said: Moving to art help. :)
Ah thank you, still trying to understand forums x3

Overall this looks very good! I love the sort of jagged/sketchy style you have, it works very well with the character. ^^ The first thing I noticed is that the front legs seem a bit short in proportion to the rest of the character. That's an easy fix, though - just extend the forearms a bit and you're good to go. c:
As for the back leg, it looks like the leg is awkwardly jutting out from the "thigh" area. In that sort of running pose, the thigh bones should be extended a bit more - meaning, not as circular looking. More like an oval. :P
This is super hard to explain, and I can't to a redline for you at the moment, so I'll just post something I did that had a similar pose and hopefully you'll see what I mean. :'D https://ibb.co/kLSy4n
Other than those things, you're good!

Dash Attacked said: Overall this looks very good! I love the sort of jagged/sketchy style you have, it works very well with the character. ^^
The first thing I noticed is that the front legs seem a bit short in proportion to the rest of the character. That's an easy fix, though - just extend the forearms a bit and you're good to go. c:
As for the back leg, it looks like the leg is awkwardly jutting out from the "thigh" area. In that sort of running pose, the thigh bones should be extended a bit more - meaning, not as circular looking. More like an oval. :P
This is super hard to explain, and I can't to a redline for you at the moment, so I'll just post something I did that had a similar pose and hopefully you'll see what I mean. :'D https://ibb.co/kLSy4n
Other than those things, you're good!
Thank you so much and I see what you mean. I'll take this into consideration to improve :)