
I tried everything references Youtube but I stil don't know how to draw wolf ears please help me https://s26.postimg.org/po2a7jyzt/F4_A05486-5895-4_EDC-_BDC0-80_FA0_D1_AAE0_A.png Also can I get some lessons,I'm willing to pay Edited at January 14, 2018 08:11 PM by Wolves of Dc

I believe I can help feel free to PM me so I can send drawings of I draw them and some helpful info

Mind if I attempt to do a redline (draw over your image and see if I can fix things)? I believe right now the ears are a bit stiff looking, but I'm bad at explaining so it might be a bit easier if I just show ya. :P

Sure.I get that from a lot of people,weirdly....stiff..eh Dash Attacked said: Mind if I attempt to do a redline (draw over your image and see if I can fix things)? I believe right now the ears are a bit stiff looking, but I'm bad at explaining so it might be a bit easier if I just show ya. :P

It's pretty good, i mean not many people can do digital art, but if you need help I'll be happy to help even though i my self am still learning. Relating to the ears or if your going for a dominant look actually point them forward a little almost like a bulls horns it makes a very strong look. It you to a little more cheek fur with the more defined jaw it'll have a more muscular look. ^_^
Fur in the ears, you can do fur inside the ears to make it more 3D I'll see if i can find an example. Edited at January 14, 2018 08:29 PM by light in darkness

That's sort of the typical shape I base my ears off of (didn't add the floof inside the foreground ear, how you add that is up to you, I was just making the shape) They have a little bit of curvature to them if you look at side profiles of wolves, not completely triangle-like. The background ear is typically more diagonally pointed away, and you wouldn't be able to see any of the inner ear at that angle.
I also agree with light's point about making a more defined lower jaw and adding a bit more cheek floof, it'll help the ears look better in relation to the rest of the face. ^^
Not a complete expert, this is just how I do things, but I hope this helps~ You're doing good!

light in darkness said: It's pretty good, i mean not many people can do digital art, but if you need help I'll be happy to help even though i my self am still learning. Relating to the ears or if your going for a dominant look actually point them forward a little almost like a bulls horns it makes a very strong look. It you to a little more cheek fur with the more defined jaw it'll have a more muscular look. ^_^
Fur in the ears, you can do fur inside the ears to make it more 3D I'll see if i can find an example.
Got it ,thank you ^ ^

XD i freaked out cus i realised you just asked for ears i didn't mean to blabber on lol, Dash's got it down pat thats a nice ear shape for this wolf

Dash Attacked said:
That's sort of the typical shape I base my ears off of (didn't add the floof inside the foreground ear, how you add that is up to you, I was just making the shape) They have a little bit of curvature to them if you look at side profiles of wolves, not completely triangle-like. The background ear is typically more diagonally pointed away, and you wouldn't be able to see any of the inner ear at that angle.
I also agree with light's point about making a more defined lower jaw and adding a bit more cheek floof, it'll help the ears look better in relation to the rest of the face. ^^
Not a complete expert, this is just how I do things, but I hope this helps~ You're doing good!
Thank you this really helps I'm gonna try to fix it up a bit ^ ^

https://s26.postimg.org/lb8c2s06h/FA809219-_A03_F-4951-_AF6_E-_FD30_F1_C4_DE5_E.png What do ya think?