
A place to store my doodles. I usually either pump out eight pieces a day or draw once a month... there's no in between lmao Edited at February 18, 2023 06:26 PM by Ciúin.

I guess we'll start this off with my pack picture! This was made in January 2022.
 This is "Bleachtaire", although I'm unsure whether they're an OC or just sort of... there lol. Most of my OCs nowadays are humans. I did this in a rush and on a 300 by 300 canvas, so I know the anatomy is pretty off. It was also my first time drawing an animal in quite a while. Edited at April 14, 2022 07:35 AM by Bleachtaire

Here are some of my more recent works-in-progress! Now we're on OC territory hehe, these characters all feature in a story I am writing. :))  I know they all look a little wonky in places. Most of the time I flip images and correct major mistakes, but other times I just let myself have some fun and sketch out some silly doodles. It's quite liberating to just... not care about anatomy lol!
Edited at February 18, 2023 07:08 PM by Ciúin.

Ahhhh this looks fantastic! All of these are beautiful!

Excisus said: Ahhhh this looks fantastic! All of these are beautiful!
Thank you so much!!

Edited at April 21, 2022 01:53 PM by Bleachtaire

Another drawing of my pack mascot Bleachtaire. I like how this turned out! I'll probably tweak their design again in the future though. It's nice to be drawing animals again! 

BRO- Your art is absolutely INCREDIBLE!

ScardeyKat said: BRO- Your art is absolutely INCREDIBLE!
Thank you so much!! :D

YCH for Biohazard! The initial YCH and the requested character. :)   As I was flipping the layers back and forth to correct mistakes, I created this little GIF and couldn't stop laughing as a result. :') 
Edited at April 23, 2022 04:59 AM by Bleachtaire