(Warriors-A book series about cclans of cats, their lives/troubles/other stuff etc...)
This is an exact copy of the rule.
Names: The first step towards a 'fandom'
Warriors has unique names, such as the 'kit','paw', and then warrior name. They also have _______clan, and _____star for the clan and leader. If you name everything like how the books are, it'll definitely be locked... Also ranks.
Medicine cat
Make names that are similar, but not the same.
Instead of Newclan, how about The New Age Cats? Change it up a bit?
Starclan: Starclan is 100% warriors, all in the books, big nono unless you want your roleplay locked.
Names2: No using 'Star', 'kit', or 'paw' to give ranks That's technically book content.
Clans: Yes, the rule example says clans of cats are fine, but to make it more your own, use something else. Like, alliance, or group, or something else.
Not really sure what else to say, this was supposed to be a basic guide. XP No questions to me, this was something I just made to help, any questions about rules should go to a mod.
Basic Idea for a set up:
~The new age Cats~
Leader: Birch
Trainee: Littleleaf
Second in command: Nixon
Leaderhealer: Dewdrop
Trainee: Snowy
Lead Hunter: Razor
Lead guard/ patrol cat: Dogface
Guards/ patrol cats:
Nurses: (care for kittens)
Retired: )Name the previous rank)
This not to get by the 'no fandom' rule, just a point in the right direction since there have been many that have been locked.
Bye... :P
If this is not allowed, sorry. ><