Name: Lyssa
Nickname: (Idk, just call her your own risk)
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Role: Outcast/Traveler
Sexuality: She has no fucking idea.
(Btw, she has an undercut that she let the back of grow out)
Attire: Several piercings, a necklace, an anklet, a strap/sheath thingy for her spear, and gun holster, and several sheaths for her knives/daggers. Her clothes usually consist of jeans, a T-shirt, and a hoodie, with some boots to finish the look.
Personality: She's always mad at something or someone. She's loud and constantly yelling. Everything she does is aggressive. She doesn't like to call people by their names, she comes up with rude nicknames for them instead. She's disappointed in herself so she takes it out on everyone else. When she cares about someone she'll call them by their name and treat them good-ish, although in an aggressive manner. She likes to think of herself as the best to hide her insecurities. She is very impulsive and says things she doesn't mean without thinking. She's very good in battle and makes good choices overall.
Likes: Battling, winning, fire, warmth.
Dislikes: Her parents, people, weaklings, losing.
Strengths: Battle, hand-to-hand combat, spears.
Weaknesses: Axes(she constantly makes mistakes when she tries to use them), dealing with her emotions, being the cause of a big accident/tragedy.
Items: Spear, couple knives/daggers, a gun, and a backpack in which she keeps her personal items(clothing, toothbrush, etc.)
Backstory: She was born in a village where magic is constantly used, and everyone is the same. When her parents found out she had no magic they were disgusted and angry. Soon, everyone knew. They all called her slurs and told her she was worthless. Anger started to build up in her. She started to fight back. She became good with weapons and fighting. Lyssa started to be ignored(she was still bullied by some), instead of pushed around. One day she had enough, she left her village and set off.
Other: Tsundere? Uh...idk.