Wolf Play : Ex-Soldier & Golden Flower | Cereal x Crow
 Broken Dawn
09:32:41 I complain a lot
Not big ugly snaky ones
 Meliora Wolves
09:31:46 crow (he/they/zae)
dont worms have heads???
 Broken Dawn
09:31:14 I complain a lot
You spy 1 Death Adder.
Nah, thatÂ’s a worm with a head
09:30:24 she/her
-WP Click-
09:28:41 Don't call me BJ.
She's banking on money that sadly don't exist 😭
She doesn't plan to pay me for the art I've made in the past or now, she just plans to start paying me for future art once she has money :')
BJake, oh, so she's going to pay you back or are you saying she's banking on money that doesn't even actually exist yet? rip
09:26:18 Silver, Luna or CWG
Your opinions in PMs, please
09:26:02 Don't call me BJ.
It's cause I'm her kid and she broke so obviously in the future I'll get paid
09:26:01 Silver, Luna or CWG
-WP Click-
More bones huh?
 Meliora Wolves
09:25:13 crow (he/they/zae)
-WP Click-
prettyyyy 🤩
BJake, your mom is on one, lmao. At least our cats are getting fixed but she does realize art like.. costs.. money, yeah? lmaoo
09:23:58 Don't call me BJ.
Please, my mom is getting me to make 45$ before the end of the month and now she wants to order a free Fullbody custom humanoid character what the fuck 😭
09:22:21 Itadori
AngelsWish from my friend's pack and my wolf named Pup 84 just fought over a piece of meat O^O

Stats; Battle +1
09:21:33 Silver, Luna or CWG
Buy things with Moon Flowers that
you earn during the Full Moon Celebration.
You have : 71 Moon Flowers.
Let me remind you that this is all IÂ’ve had since day 1 of My Wp Pavk
09:19:37 Ruins
crow, Silver

okay thanks^^
09:18:01 Silver, Luna or CWG
Ruins Marketplace and the Full Moon Celebration Shop
 Meliora Wolves
09:17:48 crow (he/they/zae)
they're fmc currency. if you get enough of them you can buy cool shit :D
09:17:03 Ruins
Anyone know what we do with moon flowers? I received one after my wolf DirtStar returned from border patrol and I don't know what I do with it

Mmmm tasty
09:12:17 Ruins

dang. Mine will randomly lag and then stop playing music and then randomly start playing it again, but it only happens on my chromebook


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Ex-Soldier & Golden Flower | Cereal x CrowJuly 8, 2021 12:00 PM


Posts: 1778
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Do not post here unless you are Cereal or myself, thank you.

Plot: (c) Cereal
Muse A was an ex-elite soldier for the army and was known to be the deadliest soldier on the battlefield. The enemy has known them for their insatiable bloodlust and strength, while their allies are familiar with his bravery and honor. Muse A was part of a task force called the Legendary 12, a group is known for its superior powers (strength, intelligence, etc.). When the 5-year war was over, the Legendary 12 members disappear, and went their separate ways.

Muse B is the Golden Flower of a corrupted city; not only do they have wealth, but they also have the power that many want. To protect themselves from the dangers of the city, they hire Muse A. Muse B was unaware of Muse A's past, which was kept a secret from them.

In the social system, there are rankings (from the richest to poorest): Diamond, Gold, Silver, Copper, and Rankless.

Muse A is Rankless, and everyone is unaware of their past, while Muse B is Diamond-Rank. Not only is forbidden to fall in love with someone not in the same rank, but it would be considered a sin to pity the weak.

Muse A - Cereal - Alistair Winfield - Demon
Muse B - Crow - Ellie Miles - Human
Ex-Soldier & Golden Flower | Cereal x CrowJuly 8, 2021 03:11 PM


Posts: 8866
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“Alistair Winfield”

Full Name:

Alistair Winfield


King of War, Child Born from War, The Legendary Soldier of Warlust, King of Chimeras


March 12; Year Unknown

Physical Appearance

Descriptive Appearance:

Chimera Form- In this form, he is a chimera demon and has the head of a wolf with the color of its fur jet black, and the eyes of a hawk with the color of them golden. His fangs are made of silver. His torso is shaped to be a grizzly bear, although patches of his black fur are missing due to scarring and severe burns he suffered through war. His arms are muscular and humanoid, covered in a mixture of scales and fur. On his fingers, he has claws of a harpy eagle and with closer expectation, his claws have teeth like that of a saw blade for easy shredding. He has a tail of black cobra with vibrant golden eyes that not only spews venom but fire as well.

He has the hindquarters of a leopard, making him an excellent climber and swimmer. His fur is completely dark with no visible patterns unless you reflect them under lighting which would reveal his patterns. He has the wings of a harpy eagle, but his feathers are also pitch black. Black ram horns on his head and in poor condition from the constant battles he was in. His hide is tougher than steel, making it quite hard to pierce and slash as it normally bounces off him. He’s 7’9 in height and weighs 3000 lbs. He has a few white hairs on some of his furs, but it’s hard to see.

Human Form- He has a jet black mohawk with frosted white ends, his facial structure is diamond-shaped, and a disturbing burn scar that covers the right side of his face. His nose was originally straight and has a raised tip, but now it’s a bit crooked with the tip of it slightly lowered. His eyes are almond-shaped, and his left eye a pale purple and the right a pale-gold. He has full-shaped lips with a small scar on the left side of it, however, it’s hard to notice. Alistair has sharp ears that are a bit torn and burnt from his battles, and he’s not thrilled to talk about them. Along with his jawline is a short beard that he trims daily (since he believes that looks matter). His eyebrows used to be bushy and a tad bit wild, but now he keeps up with its appearance and trims it daily too.

His body structure is a muscular mesomorph that’s covered in many scars for different battles, but don’t ask how he got them, he hates talking about it. Patches of burn scars dot his body and he keeps it hidden with his clothing. The color of his skin is light ivory, although he has a bit of a tan going on with him training outside pretty much all day. Having some facial hair, yet some don’t grow back because of the many burn injuries he went through. He’s 194 lbs in weight and 6’2 in height.



How Old Does He Appear:

The early 20s


194 lbs. (human form)

3000 lbs. (chimera form)


6’2 (human form)

7’9 (chimera form)


Muscular Mesomorph

Shape Of Face:


Eye Color:

Pale Purple (Left Eye) and Pale Gold (Right Eye)

Glasses Or Contacts:


Skin Tone:

Pale Ivory

Distinguishing Marks:

A burn scar covers the entire right side of his face and he has another burn scar that coats his entire left arm

Multiple scars in all shapes and sizes covering his body

Predominant Features:

His two-colored eyes

His burn scars

Sharpened ears

Hair Color:

Jet black with frosted ends

Type Of Hair:



Wavy Mohawk


Deep (Bass)

Overall Attractiveness:


Physical disabilities:

Has a slight limp in his right leg, but he tries his hardest to cover it

A bit deaf in his ears

Uncontrollable twitching in his left hand

Usual Fashion Of Dress:

Surcoat and woolen stocking with laced sandals (Casual)

Full-Plate Black Armor (Armor)

Favorite Outfit:

Black surcoat, woolen stockings that are also black, dark brown leather gloves, and dark brown laced sandals

Jewelry Or Accessories:


A black plume on his helmet

A black cape with his master’s family coat of arms in golden stitching


A pair of dark brown leather gloves (he wears them from time to time)


Good Personality Traits:






Bad personality traits:






Daily Mood:


Sense Of Humor:

He has one, it’s just rare for him to express it

Greatest Joy In Life:


Greatest Fear:


Personal Preferences

Most At Ease When:

Reading a book

Most Ill At Ease When:

On the battlefield once more

Enraged When:

Makes fun of his scars

Depressed Or Sad When:

Remembering his past before the war



Life Philosophy:


Soft Spot:


Greatest Strength:

His battle experience and powers

Greatest Weakness:

His “bloodlust” mode

Biggest Regret:

Killing his former friend while in bloodlust mode

Biggest Accomplishment:

Was on 20 different battlefields and won them all




Type Of Childhood:



It was mentioned that he had a cat


No one truly knows his educational experience, but from the way he acts he’s pretty knowledgeable on certain topics-mostly on war





Current Location:

His master’s manor

Currently Living With:

His master and other servants


Dain, his warehouse and trusted steed









Relationship With Her:




Relationship With Him:




Relationship With Them:




Relationship With Them:


Love Interest(s):


Relationship With Them:




Relationship With Them:


Other Important Family Members:



Optimist Or Pessimist?


Introvert Or Extrovert?


Daredevil Or Cautious?


Logical Or Emotional?


Disorderly And Messy Or Methodical And Neat?

Methodical and neat

Prefer Working Or Relaxing?


Confident or Unsure Of Himself?


Animal Lover?

Most certainly, and his main preference is cats


No one knows about his backstory except for him and he’s not one to tell it.

Ex-Soldier & Golden Flower | Cereal x CrowJuly 8, 2021 03:45 PM


Posts: 1778
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Ellie Ryan Miles

"Quit admiring me."

Name: Ellie Ryan Miles

Nickname(s): El, Miles, Golden Flower

Age: 27

Birthdate: August 8th

Species: Mortal/Human

Appearance: Standing at five foot nine, Ellie stands with a skinny and slight lean build. She has a rather longer torso, which is where she would achieve most of her height. In general, Ellie has lanky limbs and defined joints, mainly like her elbows, knees, and her skinny fingers/hands in general. Her skin complexion is made up of a slightly pale tone with warmer undertones, giving her a slight sickly look at times. This adds on to her begs that linger underneath her eyes, any visible scars and blemishes are much more prominent on her skin. However, Ellie has a clear face (from acne) apart from the scattered freckles that litter her face across her nose, cheeks, and slightly on her forehead.

Ellie's face shape is square but is a bit more rounded off to say the least. She has a defined jawline, making her face appear a bit more narrow. Ellie has a slim nose as well, being rounded to add on to that theme that seems to circulate around her. It comes down from her smaller forehead, coming straight down and curving in before coming out to a rounded point. Her nostrils are a bit small as well. Anyways, below her nose are her pale pink lips. She has a heavier lower lips, her top lip slightly thinner and the general shape of her lips are not only round, but slightly on the wider side. Moving on to her eyes, Ellie has bright, round eyes. Outlined in dark, yet thin eyelashes, Ellie's eyes are a hazel but lean to the more green side of the spectrum. They are darker as you near her pupil, giving a sense of depth. Above her eyes are her eyebrows, which are decently spaced apart and have a more angular shape to them. At the front, they are rounded off, but reaching the end they are tapered off into a point. They are slightly lighter than her actual hair color, and are normally cleaned up as she tends to sometimes pluck some stray hairs or wax them even.

Ellie was blessed with not only a full head of hair, but also healthy, thick hair. Her hair lingers just above her shoulders, normally the top half is pulled back into a bun or the whole things is pulled back into a low bun or low ponytail. It is a dark brown, some lighter streaks found in the Summer time from getting natural highlights. There is a slight wave to it, but other than that, it's pretty straight. At times, she might do something else with it... Like maybe leaving it down, curling it... Yeah, Ellie doesn't care too much for what she looks like.

Ellie doesn't care about what she wears, but those around her sure do. She likes wearing more masculine clothing rather than what those require of her, like dresses and skirts and such. Instead, she does the exact opposite (why wouldn't she?). Her clothes are lose-fitting, because not only is her frame rather small, but why would men's clothes match a women's size? Anyways, her choice contains rather boring and dull colors, like black and creams.

Personality: Ellie is no stranger to being considered protective. She's constantly looking out for those close to her, and has never really let anyone down - or so she thinks. Some may call it annoying, but Ellie considers it to be one of the better traits that apply to her personality. Ellie tends to over-do herself sometimes when it comes to those close to her, making her quite selfless and constantly observing those around her rather than herself. Perhaps this also makes her observant of people - studying body languages, the way words are pronounced, anything of the sort makes her a decent reader of the general tone of a person within a moment. If something feels off to her, the first thing that Ellie will do is go ahead and get any close ones out of danger. Something good happening? She'll encourage interaction either through her words or some sort of gesture.

Alongside her protective nature, Ellie has one hell of a temper, and this especially applies when she is around someone she doesn't like. Sometimes her temper will shine through in a moment that includes someone she might despise. Regardless, this side of her is the most game-changing thing for Ellie. It builds up her reputation of sorts. With this temper, Ellie not only becomes some mad bull, but also someone who will state whatever is on their mind, even if it meant to be said or not. Ellie will not hold back - physically or verbally, so hearing her yell while in this tempered mood is not uncommon at all. However, hearing her apologize afterwards is the rare thing. Ellie has a hard time confirming that what she said was either true or not, if she meant some sincerely, etc, so it is hard for her to come forth. She tends to swing around things that include any sort of explaining her emotions, and for good reason.

As much as it is expected, Ellie is blunt. Whether it be in a playful, sarcastic manner or a complete sincere manner, Ellie will forever have bluntness linger within her words. This normally peaks with her temper, however, Ellie just says how it is and doesn't like sugarcoating things. She's the type to literally call you out on your bullshit and bring up anything that is maybe unexpected or something that needs to be heard but nobody wants to hear it. She's opinionated in that way, but would never judge. Judging seems to be something Ellie would forever keep to herself, and only vocalizes it if she's truly uncomfortable.

Maybe the bluntness, but Ellie is honest. It truly is something she finds hard to come by nowadays, so she decided that she could at least be honest. She herself doesn't like being lied to, so why would she lie? However, there are some exceptions to this. If Ellie swore something to secrecy, that is how it will stay. This shows some sort of respect, and she figures it isn't lying if she simply doesn't say anything. Ellie finds herself piling a lot of things onto herself with this secrecy, honest, and trustworthy traits of hers, and sometimes she will simply tell you to back off with anything you have to say to her. Or even just turn you away without a word.

Ellie dwells one hell of not only an attitude, but stubborn personality. She hates being told what to do or doing something that she feels like isn't required of her. These sort of things can easily tick her off and she is someone to be wary of when it comes to what you order at her. If it's something general, she'll probably get to it at a later date. But if it's direct, and rude, or something along those lines, you can expect a tornado of a woman coming at you. Ellie is just determined to do what she pleases and wants to get things done her way, which at times, could perhaps be the longer route or the more difficult one, but she's comfortable with herself. Ellie never really lets anyone get in her way. There are only few select people who she will let give actual opinions on something she is doing and she will listen, you better not take for granted that ability.

Getting to know Ellie can be a bit of a process. It takes a lot for her to open up to you, and if she does, you must've done something right. Not much actually changes with Ellie once you get beneath the sturdy exterior, but she becomes a lot more open and vulnerable in ways you probably wouldn't expect. She will always be there for you, constantly joke with you, ask you how your day was, anything of the sort to prove that she is there for you. If you notice that she is doing these things, you can be quite happy to say that Ellie is a friend, or perhaps a close one. However, never take it for granted. Ellie doesn't like letting people in just for them to leave, so despite her slight sweetheart-nature underneath this shell, Ellie is selective on who she lets in.

If you had made any sort of impact on Ellie, you can tell that she cares for you. This doesn't necessarily go with her being a sweetheart, it's simply her looking out for someone she might care about. Checking up on you, asking how your day was, asking for small favors, being a shoulder to cry on all comes with the 'Caring Ellie' package. Ellie tries to be like this with most, however, it never truly goes that way, no matter how made she might want it to. Anyways, Ellie will become more prominent in your life if you return the same - asking her how her day was, if anything is wrong, if she needs help with something, etc. Again, Ellie is selective about these sort of things.

If it wasn't obvious enough, Ellie is relatively reserved and closed-off. She's quiet with her emotions, not one to simply open up, even if she's open to someone spilling their emotions onto her. This causes some sort of disconnect with those around her, therefore Ellie might prefer to be alone most of the time and just be considered the lone wolf in a pack. She finds that at the end of the day, all she needs is herself and maybe she doesn't need everyone, which is why she is selective about who she does and doesn't let into her life. Just know that if you even see a glint of a tear in her eye, you made a damn good impact on Ellie and it should never be taken for granted.

-Rather quick and agile
-Decent hand-to-hand combat, as her father taught her
-Ellie is very good at keeping secrets
-Being honest
-Sometimes lying, but for sure not her strongest point
-Working hard/determined
-Decent at reading people

-Her temper
-Some may consider being too protective is a weakness of hers
-She can easily be overpowered - her muscle isn't as much as you think
-Being a bit reserved and closed-off
-Being blunt and sarcastic at the same time
-Smart-ass comments

Edited at July 8, 2021 06:26 PM by Murdering_Crow
Ex-Soldier & Golden Flower | Cereal x CrowJuly 9, 2021 04:15 PM


Posts: 8866
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The sky was painted red, the ground drenched with blood and littered with bodies of the fallen. The moon has been watching the battle rage on, watching the men fight and kill one another for empty promises. The crows of death soaring in the reddening sky, mocking the survivors and pitying the dead for what they've done. Distant calls of horns blare from an unknown location, a calling that the war was finally over. Shouting out for their men to return home. However, twelve men were standing side by side on the field of the dead, and their eyes were on the moon. The twelve were men that lived and breathed on the battlefield-not having a life away from that.

Each one of their eyes held uncertainty. Not knowing what to do now that the 5-Year war was over, and they were afraid of their lives without a purpose. As the silence of the group continues, one spoke out on what they would like to do. "I would like to become a renowned lord. Have such a noble title, fertile land, and wealth," says the lavender-eye man, and with confidence that he will accomplish it. One by one, they all started sharing their future goals:








"Royal Wizard."



They all spoke of what they wanted to do-all except for one who listens to them in silence. Eleven sets of eyes turn to him, and he could feel their judging gaze. "Alistair?" Questioned the man that spoke first, and the man whose name been mentioned grunts in dismissal. Alistair was most certainly not going to answer the nosey men; instead, he turns on his heel and starts walking away from them. Deep down inside, Alistair wasn't sure what to do afterward, and he sighs. "Might end up in a ditch somewhere. Maybe hanged for whatever crime I might wind up into." His voice low to a barely audible whisper, and he closes his eyes.

≿————- ❈ ————-≾

His dream came to an end when his eyelids flutter open, and staring at a bookshelf on the left side of him. His head felt groggy, but he endures it. Lifting his head, and his vision went into a blur. "I'll be fine. I have been through worse." Giving himself morning encouragement, leaning back in his chair, and a raspy sigh left him now that he was gaining energy. Eyes turning to the desk only for a scowl to show on his face, "Slept on the blasted papers. What would Lady Ellie think when she sees the papers in these conditions?" Quickly and neatly, Alistair starts sorting out the papers from damaged and undamaged.

With everything organized, and his mind officially clear from such a small dreaded event, he thought about something. "My tea." Standing up hastily, rushing out of his office to figure out what happened to his morning beverage. Another realization hits him, making him slow he fasten pace: he's Rankless. Of course, they wouldn't serve him something that higher titles drink. That's absurd and unwise from what most nobles' standpoints are.

His tongue dry and craving the sweet sensation of his favorite sweet tea, and he grunts in annoyance. "Guess the kitchen is where I'm heading. If they give me any troubles, then they're dead." Catching his words, he stops in his tracks and grumbles scornful words in his direction. He wasn't a soldier anymore; he can't pull verbal and physical stunts like that anymore. Soft voices enter his ears, and Alistair went completely silent to hear them. "He talks the way he looks. How preposterous!" An older maid says to a younger one, and that comment alone rewarded her with a vicious glare from the ex-solder.

Watching them scurry off, Alistair can't get the feeling of satisfaction knowing that they'll spread even more gossip about him now. He lost his need for tea after hearing that and cursing the maids out in his head for ruining his moment. "I'll just get dressed and ready for the day." Striding down his walls to his room, ignoring the servants and guards rushing to the sides to avoid him. Even though he's been here for a month, he was still treated like a stranger. Worse, a monster. Finding the door that leads into his room, he grabs the handle to let himself inside and shutting it once he got through. He still felt tense and unsure even in the supposed comforts of his room, and he sits down on the bed to try to relax.

Edited at July 9, 2021 04:15 PM by Cereal

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