Wolf Play : My book!
 The Knight Walkers
06:49:33 1Knightstar1
Gorillaz is my fav.
My favorite band is Breaking Benjamin
06:48:08 Vana
A band that I love is Greta Van Fleet <3
Discovered them in Middle school and now I'm still rocking out like I'm in the 80s (wish I was alive in the 70s and 80s just because of the music)
06:45:42 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur
-WP Click-

Love him.

-WP Click-

Hate him.
06:45:37 Kat ?
Ooo. I'll have to give em a listen sometime
 Meliora Wolves
06:44:59 crow (he/they/zae)
-Click- tis a band :3
06:44:58 Kat ?
Hey! ^^
 Sea Coast
Hi! Kat!
 Continental Wolves
06:43:56 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
06:43:54 Kat ?
Unfortunately I do not understand the reference :(
 Meliora Wolves
06:43:29 crow (he/they/zae)
i wanna say 'maelstrom blvck reference' but nobody's gonna know what im talking about
06:43:27 Kat ?
Personally, I don't like showering in thunderstorms just because with my luck something bad would happen, but I feel like if you shower in-between thunderstorms, or at least at a time where there's no thunder, you should be fine. I mean, I don't think anything bad would happen, but what if?
06:42:03 Kat ?
She kinda sucks but she has a maelstrom pelt e.e
-WP Click-
06:41:43 Vana
My mother :| I'm 20 and still listening to what my mom told me at 8 years old.

Well where I am at we have a thunderstorm now and the next 3 days. And I try to shower every other day.
06:41:05 Waterfall,Zane,Pixal
anyone up to rp pm me
-WP Click-
 Sea Coast
Doing good. Thanks for asking!
06:40:09 Kat ?
I mean, there's a risk, but I've showered in thunderstorms and survived.
06:39:57 Cloudz, Pumpkin
Its weird not having a fancy palette and normal cursor lol
 The Knight Walkers
06:39:34 1Knightstar1
Sea Coast

Im good Sea, how are you?


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Forums > Socialize > Writer's Nook

My book!August 23, 2023 06:07 PM

Stream <3

Posts: 513
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I wrote a book for creative writing, and I`m sharing it here! This is based on the Warrior Cats fandom but is not in it (based off the aspects but not in the fandom). Comments are appreciated!

Our story begins on a little Island called Bluebird`s Island. On that island lived four cat tribes, The beach, The forest, The Desert & The mountains. They all lived in harmony with few disputes until A warrior from the desert invaded the forest, burning down half of their land. This started a territory war between the cats which lasted for 500 moons. With their island in a wreck, the cats agreed to call a truce and go their separate ways. They made borders to separate the tribes. The tribes were on high alert and never trusted each other again.

This story starts with a little kitten in the Forest tribe. The little kitten called Sun’Spirt had only a mom called Morning’Heart. His father had died in the war that wrecked the island fighting for his tribe. The kitten lived in a little den overlooking the meeting place for the tribe. He had two Friends called Sooty’Frost And Cloud’Whisper. They lived happily running around the small forest inside the tribe's borders. The Kitten lived happily in his little tribe

t was a sunny day when our story began. Sun’Sprirt played with his friends in the forest as their mothers gathered food. “Have you guys ever thought about what you wanna be when you grow up?” said Cloudy’Whisper as she played with a blade of grass. “I wanna be a leader just like my father!”

“ I wanna be a warrior like my parents!” said Sooty’Frost.

Sun’Spirit paused, unsure of what to say. He hadn`t thought about that yet.

“I-i don`t know’’ He said, a little nervous.

They sat in awkward silence as they stared at each other, not knowing how to respond. Cloudy’Whisper & Sooty’Frost whispered to each other in a calm voice.

Their mothers came around and took them back to their dens. Sun’Spirit walked next to his mother solemnly.

Sun’Spirit sat in his den solemnly eating his frog. His mother watched him looking worried as she ate her toad. She looked out at the shining stars & looked back at her son.

“Is something on your mind, my love?” Asked Morning’Heart, His mother. “You haven`t touched your Berries. It`s your Favorite Food!’

“Well, I was puzzled by a question I was asked.” said Sun’Sprirt

“What question? I`m sure we can figure it out”

His mother finished her dinner & went to sit beside her son.

“Well, I was asked what I want to be when I grow up”

“I cannot help you with that. That is something you must figure out on your own. Besides, You`re only 273 moons old. You still have the rest of the year to figure it out.”

“Alright,” said Sun’Sprirt as he ate his berries in thought.

They finished their dinner & Sun’Sprirt worked on some problems he got from school while his mother put away the food she had gathered. He thought about the question while working. They soon went to bed under the shining stars in their cozy den.

Sun’Spirit awoke to the morning sun dancing across the den & the smell of a freshly caught toad. He ate his breakfast & waved his mother goodbye as he went to visit his friends. “Hey!” said Sun`Spririt as he walked towards his friends.

‘Hey!” said his friends in unison. “We`re going with our parents today, sorry!”

“Oh! Can I come?” asked Sun`Spirit

“No, sorry!” They said as they walked off, leaving Sun`Spirit by himself.

He sat down, a bit sad that his friends had gone. Suddenly an idea popped into his head. “I can figure out what I want to be!” he said. His tail perked up in excitement. He began to walk towards his den for lunch. He decided to start his project tomorrow and continued his uneventful day.

He woke excited for his adventure. He devoured his frog and ran out of the den towards the forest. He quickly greeted the foragers with whom he`d be working for the day. He began to walk with them, and the lead forager took him aside to tell him what to do. Sun`Spirit patiently listened and mentally noted what berries should and shouldn`t be picked. He soon spotted a ladybug and began to watch it, taking his mind off the forager. The foragers started to walk off, and Sun`Spirit followed.

The group came to a clearing, and the leader divided the group in half. One group would get frogs & toads, while the other would get berries. Sun`Spirit was in the berry group. The groups scattered & Sun`Spirit began to follow a butterfly. He blindly followed that butterfly far into the forest. He then tripped on a rock falling through a bush. He sat up & looked at the berry bushes before him, remembering his mission.

He quickly stood up & walked to the berries. “Hmm, which berry is safe to eat?” he thought. He tried to recall what the leader said to no avail. He then quickly grabbed a mouthful of both of the berries & then started to head back. But he didn`t know where he was as he had blindly followed the butterfly. He began to panic but then heard his name. Soon, the leader stood before him, very upset, lecturing him about not wandering off & picking good berries. He was marched home, and his mother was told about his behavior.

Sun`Sprirt awoke ready for his next job! He trotted to the border of their land to meet with a Scout. He was nervous about going outside the border but needed to be brave. He started to follow the scout out of the forest. He happily hopped through the woods and began to step into the desert. He was interested in this new land and began to sniff & wander around.

Soon, he saw a large cat with a scar on Its face. He was quickly shoved behind the scout. There was loud growling & Sun~Sprit closed his eyes. When he heard claws unsheath, he began to run. He ran and ran and ran till he reached his home. When he got home, he was given a lecture yet again. His hope in finding what he wanted to do started to diminish.

Sun’Spirit woke up ready for another adventure! This time he need not go far for his experience, for he was visiting the tribe doctor. He skipped happily to the doctor`s den and greeted the doctor. He patiently listens, not wanting to ruin anything. He followed the doctor's instructions carefully, making a lovely headache medicine.

He then observed the doctor treating a young kitten & her mom quietly. He`d then make some treatments feeling exceptionally happy with himself. He`d then get a little tired & fall asleep. He`d be called to make some more medicine & jolt awake. He`d then knock over several bottles to make more medicine. He`d feel embarrassed & run out of the den & go home.

Sun`Spirit would wake up with a frown on his face & tumble out of bed with a big THUMP. He`d quickly turn the frown upside down & head over to the tribe leader. He`d patiently listen to the leader & not mess anything up. He`d run around doing errands for the leader. He wasn`t a leader; he was more like an assistant. He`d sit down feeling very hopeless about his mission.

Sun’Spirit`d hear someone talking to him & look up. It was the leader praising him for his excellent job! He was asked to read a speech to the tribe, and he happily agreed. He read the address flawlessly & then went home. He was confused but also relieved. He hadn`t messed up but didn`t want to be a leader. He decided that leading wasn't for him & went to sleep, hopefully dreading the day ahead of him.

Sun’Spirit tumbled out of bed solemnly as he headed to the training camp. Today he was going to train to be a warrior. After his experience as a scout, he was not looking forward to this. He had to finish this, though as it was the last job on his list. He was incredibly nervous as he walked up to the dark clearing.

The camp was covered with rocks & crude mockups of enemies. In the middle was a fierce-looking coach with a frown. Sun’Spirit gulped nervously as he walked up to the coach.

he coach greeted him with an unnerving level of friendliness. The friendliness soon faded as he was made to jump over rocks till his knees ached. He was then taught how to attack enemies and was made to fight the crude mockups he had saw earlier. He trained & trained until the sun had set long ago. He walked home with every bone in his body aching. He went to bed, knowing a warrior`s path was not his.

Sun’Spirit awoke but did not get out of bed as he was still exhausted from the day before. He thought deeply about what he had done the past few days. He had ignored his friends & gone quite a bit out of his comfort zone. He did not like any of the jobs at first thought. He frowned as he realized he would either have no job & be an outcast or do something he hated. He did not want to face the consequences of his actions & sighed. He began to close his eyes so he could fall back asleep.

He was awoken by his mom yelling, “Breakfast, Sun`Spirit!”. Sun`Spirit got out of bed and walked to the kitchen with a frown. He began to eat the berries & toad, avoiding eye contact with his mom. “What`s got you down today?” his mom asked, a little concerned.

“I`ve done all the jobs, and I like none of them!” He exclaimed in a worried tone.

“Well, you can`t hate all of them. What was the one you liked the most?”

Sun`Spirit then began to think about his jobs even more. He had not thought about what was god in his jobs. As he sat there pondering, he realized that there was only one job that he did not hate.

“The tribe doctor, I guess. I didn`t hate it, but the only reason I hadn`t considered it was because I messed up.”

“Well then! That can be your job.”

Sun`Spirit smiled & finished his breakfast. As he began to walk out of the den, he heard his mom yell his name.

“Before I forget, You need to apologize to your friends. They were a bit hurt by how you ignored them”

Sun`Spirit nodded & jogged off to see his friends.

Sun`Spirit ran towards the cleaning where his friends always hung out. He saw them and began to slow down as he approached them.

“Hey,” he said sheepishly. His friends looked up at him with sad faces.

“I`ve been a horrible friend lately. The question you asked me just threw me off guard. I`m sorry, and it`s ok if you don`t want to be friends anymore.” Sooty’Frost And Cloud’Whisper looked at each other and whispered.

“We Forgive you,” They said as they sat up and walked towards him. They started to chat about what Sun`Spirit had missed. Sun’Spirit smiled and walked with his friends as the sunset shined upon the marine blue sky.

Sun`Spirit eventually became the tribe doctor and fulfilled his undiscovered dream of helping people. He was grateful every day that he could do the thing he loved. Sun`Spirit started a family with Cloud’Feather and had three young kittens who grew to lead the tribe. He kept in touch with his friends to the very end. He lived the life of his dreams and never regretted the choices he made. Sun’Spirit faded as the sun set on the horizon, ending this chapter of his life & this story.

(This did have a sentence limit per page so it`s more of a short story and we were instructed to keep dialogue to a minimum. Thank you for reading!)

Note for mods: there are no references to warrior cats or any copyrighted material owned by them. This was inspired by the concept but is very different to warrior cats. The inspired item(s) is simply the concept of a clan/tribes of cats and a sort of hierarchy, no mentions of any characters clans, or places.

Edited at August 24, 2023 02:25 PM by Stream

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