I was trying to comment on someone's blog for their contest/giveaway, when suddenly I realize that lots of words got cut off when I sent my original post. So because of that, I had to try remembering what got cut off (2nd part of my comment), and shorten it to make sure that I wrap up and don't get cut off again. This sort of upsets me because I like to comment thoughtfully but what good is that on comments if I or many others get cut off?
This is my comment on the blog:
Since that happened, I got curious and tested out the comments on bios. I tested out my bio, and the long comment of "lorem ipsum" I sent got cut off. The words on the yellow note is what should've sent, but as you can see, they didn't:
Is there a warning about there being a limited amount of characters per comment? If so, where is it stated? Is this a bug or is cutting off long comments done on purpose so that they wouldn't take up too much space? Sorry, when I have a question or concern, they lead to more questions so to anyone who knows about this, please help.