Wolf Play : Laylani | Lion Pride RP | OPEN
02:56:53 Amy
And here i keep getting duds😅
02:55:53 Rev
That's 3 Axanthic pups in a year. Without intention to breed axanthic lol
 Upstep Pack
02:55:49 the Yellow Pack
What do you think of this wolf?
-WP Click-
02:53:55 Amy
HW Axantic and DH...damn that's my dream wolf right there

Lucky you
 Night Shade
02:53:36 Graves | Chaos
Amy, Fei

I didn't expect a rosewood pup from her. Fog Bank's litters are usually monotone, so the pop of colour and a defect was a surprise. XD
02:52:26 Fei the writer
He is pretty
02:52:00 Rev
-WP Click-
-WP Click-
02:51:56 Amy
Ooo pretty i like how rosewood looks like

I better watch my step then
 Night Shade
02:50:24 Graves | Chaos
Lookie here

-WP Click-
02:48:50 Fei the writer
considering my wolves keep escaping you just might
02:40:33 Amy
She is pretty

Untill i meet Sharp snap and her mother i am okay...thise two would give my pack nightmares XD
02:37:04 Fei the writer
Mystery New Moon's daughter. Only 9 so hopefully you don't see her ;)
-WP Click-
02:33:49 Fei the writer
I had one wolf live to 23 and another to 24 until they died.

If I am right Mystery New Moon lived to 23 and her daughters or daughter still lives lol.

Also Salad has a daughter who is a pup. Looks just like him
02:29:14 Amy
Not fair...my first wolf died when she was just 16 and now Salad is terrorising the rest🤣
02:27:04 Fei the writer
Damn it Salad! Go home! You are 19 almost 20!
02:25:12 Amy
It was Salad
 Blood lust tide
02:23:58 BewareWhoYouTrust
Time sleep its 3 am😅
02:22:28 Fei the writer
what the hell? I already explored with them and we had encountered two packs while exploring.

No idea which groups went off to stalk packs
02:16:08 Amy
Another pack, Feiella, is in the area. You spot each other and approach, hackles raised.

Fei come and get your wolves they got out again XD
02:07:32 Slate, Gray
How did my wolves just chase off the birdwatcher?!!


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Laylani | Lion Pride RP | OPENJanuary 2, 2024 11:43 PM


Posts: 125
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Meaning: Expert
Pronounced: Cove-It
Age: 3 months
Gender: Male
Rank: Cub
Desired Rank: At this age he cares less for the intricacy of heirarchy and social norms, he only desires the approval of his mother and to play with his sisters lazing about whenever possible catching beetles that get too close.
Free stock image By Dr Ajay Kumar Singh
Apperance: His tail tuft sports a light beige, His figure is study like a perfect mixture of both parents physically and mentally. He weighs in at the average cub, only being heavier then his sisters by 1.2 pounds. His fur remians a light gold with lengthy ear fur that shows off a possible future mane! His leg stripes are light and largely spread from eachother making it easy to tell who he is from a glance, his rather light underbellly is also quite noticeable. His eyes are a striking deep redish brown, his fur texture is straight, silky and smooth with a slight but visable ridge of fur that runs from the top of his head to the nape of his neck finally stopping between his shoulder blades, this thick ridge has a rich honey hue.
Personality: Kovit is sweet but headstrong, being a mama's boy and his sisters favorite playmate. He finds the joy in little things rarely worrying about the world around him. Kovit's gut is strong despite often usurping it with reckless bravery. He's is activly learning about the world thus far letting birth loyaltys guide him through life.
|Sweet|Headstrong|Playful|Brave|FamiliarLoyal| Intuitive|Reckless|Active|Clouded|Reassuring|
Crush: Zefira
Mate: None! Too Young!
Offspring: None
Mother - Inaaya
Likely Father - ? (open)
Littermate/Sister - Asha
Affiliations: Zefira[Open]
Strengths: He is particulary brave when others are not, able to find the glimse of hope even in the darkest times. His selfless and brave behavior makes it easy to find loyal friends. He appears to be the strongest of his littermates but certinatly not the best wrestler. Intuition and clever thinking sometimes keeps him safe from anticipated dangers.
Weaknesses: He is still clumsy, his large paws allways getting in the way. His occasional reckless behavior often breeds trouble or injury. Brute strength and speed is not his strong suit at this age relying on sheer willpower to overcome challenges.
Other: I have Claimed Inaaya after inactivity

Edited at February 19, 2024 07:56 PM by Noricai
Laylani | Lion Pride RP | OPENJanuary 3, 2024 07:40 AM


Posts: 1492
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Meaning 'Miracle'
1.4 years old
Lone lioness/Cub
Desired Rank:
A pride lioness
Alazne is on the skinny side due to troubles with hunting for herself. A good few of her ribs are visable underneath her skin. She has a scar down her back left leg. Her eyes are a deep brown in color.
Alazne has golden fur that looks a bit more like a brown at times due to dirt and matting. She does her best to clean it and is slowly getting better at doing so. The faint brown cub spots are slowly begining to fade at this age.
| Skittish | Wary | Adaptive | Cautious | Intelligent |
Alazne is a very jumpy cub. She tends to be more 'flight' than 'fight' for her own safety. She's developed a waryness about her from being orphaned so early on in life. She'll be cautious when it comes to new things and new places. This has saved her a good few times in her short life.
Alazne's adaptiveness is one of the only reasons she's still alive to this day. She had to learn quickly what she could and couldn't do on her own. She's a fairly intelligent lioness for her age, having a lot of street smarts.
Despite all of this, she still is only young. One thing Alazne cannot resist is chasing butterflies when they fly into her view. She also enjoys rolling around in the sand, finding the warmth from the sun relaxing.
No way!
Just no.
Mother - Eiris - Deceased
Father - Unknown
None currently
-A quick learner - Allowed her to adapt and survive in her current situation.
-Speed - Allows her to flee from dangerous situations.
-Climbing trees - A skill learned to escape predators that cannot climb.
-Vulnerability to predators - Her small size means she can't fight off predators on her own.
-Trust issues - They may cause her to turn away from those trying to help.
-Hind leg pains - If she overexerts herself the old injury on her leg will act up.
Alazne's mother, Eiris, was originally a pride lioness. She got cast out when she became pregnant with a lone male's cubs. All her cubs where stillborn except for Alazne. Her name was given as her mother saw her as a miracle for surviving.
The two of them lived fairly isolated for a few months. But, at 9 months old, disaster stuck. They strayed too close to a pride's territory. The lead male in the pride found Alazne and Eiris. He gave two choices: Either let Alazne be killed and Eiris could join his pride or they'd be driven away. Eiris refused to let Alazne be killed, so the male attacked. He killed Eiris and injured Alazne's leg.
For the last few months, Alazne has been living alone. Her wound healed incorrectly in some way, giving her pains at times. She has been doing her best to survive. Slowly, she has been learning to survive.
I changed her name from Perdita as I liked the meaning of Alazne more lol.

Edited at January 7, 2024 10:06 AM by Crazydayz
Laylani | Lion Pride RP | OPENJanuary 5, 2024 09:48 AM


Posts: 1492
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Alazne is completed!
Laylani | Lion Pride RP | OPENJanuary 5, 2024 09:57 AM


Posts: 1060
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Alazne and Kovit are accepted! i'll reserve Alazne under rouge lionesses
Laylani | Lion Pride RP | OPENJanuary 5, 2024 07:52 PM


Posts: 997
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Could I reserve a cub please? Ill make a form soon.
Laylani | Lion Pride RP | OPENJanuary 5, 2024 08:32 PM


Posts: 1060
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yep! reserved!
Laylani | Lion Pride RP | OPENJanuary 5, 2024 09:25 PM


Posts: 997
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1 year and 10 months
Desired Rank:
He is hoping that he may be able to stay in the pride as a pride male but knows in a couple months he will be exiled.
Lionel has a light sandy colored fur along his whole body. He has small dark orange-gold spots along his back to his tail and on the top of his head. He has a small sand colored mane starting to come in but its barely noticable. He has small fadded gold stripe like patterns near his paws.
Lionel weighs 140 pounds and stands at 1' tall. He is smaller and weighs less than average lions his age might. He is 1'8" long.
Lionel is a very adventurous cub. He regularly gets in trouble for wandering to close to boarders. He also really loves action. He will wander around looking to start something. He sometimes gets in fights he cant win but he dosent want to back out because he feels it would make him look weak. He likes to listen to the sounds around him when he is in trouble or has nothing else to do.
Not yet maybe later through the roleplay.
Open for parents and siblings!
Following instructions
Staying still

Edited at January 5, 2024 09:25 PM by TheCuteHuskyPack
Laylani | Lion Pride RP | OPENJanuary 6, 2024 02:39 PM

Thundering Embers

Posts: 660
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Name: Armani (aa·maa·nee)
Meaning: soldier or wish,hope
Age: 4
Gender: FemaleLioness
Rank: Pride Lioness
Desired Rank: Queen or Beta in a way
Apperance: Armani is quite tall at 3'7, although she's quite tall she's on the skinny side as she had trouble finding and hunting food at a young age with her weight of just below average 310 approximately. Even though she doesn’t weigh much because of her hight she looks very intimidating but is still very strong. Her fur is an unusual colour,it’s lighter than that dark golden "normal" lion but is definitely golden compared to a white lion, but her neck and tummy is the just a bit lighter than the “normal” lion.She has scars all over her but a very significant white kind of diamond shaped on one of her right rear leg and it’s possible it’s a birth mark.
Personality: sometimes confidentmotherlyCautious
Armani is friendly to some lions/lionesses, she tends to be friendly to lions around her own age and can get somewhat protective of lions/lionesses that she’s bonded with. Armani also is quite intelligent for her age and can act quickly when she needs to but that also means that it’s not really good either as she sometimes acts before she thinks.She is very affectionate but does need telling when to stop sometimes. She’s hardworking and loves to hunt, so in turn she’s brave(just not to the Alpha male).She’s loyal to the pride and is also very ambitious.
Small History: When she was 3 she got pregnant by a rogue male but sadly the cub didn’t make it as she didn’t have the strength to hunt for food or fight of other animals, while her instincts did kick in it sadly died. She wandered of weak and starving and found the Laylani pride and they took her in.
Crush: None [Open]


Mate: None [Open]



Offspring: None [Open]





Kin: Father - Possibly Tarik

Mother - Died when she was 2 from a Rogue Male Lion, protecting cub(Armani).

Sibling - She had a sibling that died at birth

Affiliations: Pridemates [Open]
Strengths: Huntingsightstrengthagility
Weaknesses: Not really social
When she hunts she takes to much control which annoys everyone and is a bit skittish rarely though and gets scared of elephants and crocodiles. She’s short- tempered and when she explodes it’s better to just agree and let her be on her own.
Other: When she plays, she's a bit aggressive.

I may have made mistakes

Edited at January 10, 2024 04:26 AM by Thunder Hunters
Laylani | Lion Pride RP | OPENJanuary 6, 2024 04:25 PM


Posts: 1060
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Lionel and Armani are accepted!
Laylani | Lion Pride RP | OPENJanuary 7, 2024 09:56 AM

Biologist at Work

Posts: 1073
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I have finished Tarik on page 5! Sorry for the long wait^^"

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