Wolf Play : Freedom isnt Far sign ups
08:48:39 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

I seem to be finding myself in there a lot, lately. :')
 Meliora Wolves
08:48:31 crow (he/they/zae)
exploring so hard im starting to develop a headache but i gotta keep fighting for my life to keep my spot on the hunting leaderboard
08:47:42 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
That is going in the archives. XD
08:47:33 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur
Just gonna drag 'n' drop you a new one here.
 Meliora Wolves
08:45:46 crow (he/they/zae)
imagine being a wolf chilling and doing wolf things and then some omnipotent being just switches your gender
08:45:04 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

Could've worded that better, I admit, but I wasn't really thinking about it at the time. >_>
08:42:58 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
"I think I'm going to make him a female."
I- I... I...
 Meliora Wolves
08:41:58 crow (he/they/zae)
prime example of wolfplay brainrot
08:41:00 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur
Wait, the fuck am I on? I can't do that. XD
08:39:39 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
Hi Wish ^^
08:39:15 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
That will never stop sounding wrong.
 Unfulfilled Wish
08:38:58 Blue Poison Dart
-WP Click-
-WP Click-
08:37:25 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur
-WP Click-

I think I'm gonna make him a female.
08:35:02 Queen / Jo
In game sense is there a difference between a admin and a manager just curious
 Continental Wolves
08:34:34 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
Very nice, absolutely loving see all this art from art fight
08:33:03 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur
Oof, I've been donating a lot of food to Hidden Falls lately.
08:32:08 Queen / Jo
IÂ’m glad I can come to wolfplay to get a break
Goodnight y'all
Ok I thought so
08:29:33 ET
Yes, talking about Draconis Theory and Horse Eden is fine.


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Freedom isnt Far sign upsFebruary 2, 2024 02:57 PM

Storm Runner

Posts: 226
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Hello! I'd like to reserve an apprentice if possible?
This might be my first time doing an actual RP on a forum, so...
(also what does an apprentice do?)
Freedom isnt Far sign upsFebruary 3, 2024 08:07 AM

Rogue Wildfires

Posts: 2667
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Reserving! An apprentice is kind of like a trainee. A trainee is assigned to a mentor (teacher) to be taught about hunting, fighting, healing, etc.

Storm Runner said:
Hello! I'd like to reserve an apprentice if possible?
This might be my first time doing an actual RP on a forum, so...
(also what does an apprentice do?)

Freedom isnt Far sign upsFebruary 3, 2024 05:58 PM


Posts: 22532
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Stock Images. Credits to CastleGraphics on DA .
"Lord Of The Sun"
One Year, Nine Months
Desired Rank:
Beta Male
Pack Reputation:

When meeting this young male, you can sense a rather regal and dignified aura surrounding him - one can tell from the way he carries himself that he thinks highly of himself. His posture is never lacking and he always hold his head high, even in the face of danger. This can lead to one thinking he is arrogant - and my, he can be a bit arrogant at times. This young male doesn't like to be wrong, and he can and will go out of his way to prove that he is right ( even to his detriment). He is young and a bit reckless, and wants to be right about most things - but, that doesn't mean he doesn't know when to bow out and be humble, he isn't above learning a valuable lesson ; when needed. His demeanor is a bit haughty, with him seeking attention from those higher up and doing what he can to show and prove his intelligence and worth - his eyes always seemed to be narrowed in disdain or contempt of even a perpetual scowl. One can note, that while he does like to brag and boost his own ego at times - as much as most won't like to admit it - he can back up his claims with action. His pride wouldn't allow him to speak oh so boldly and not be able to keep his word.

One can say that this young creature is rather industrious - he is rarely seen lazing about camp. Much to others surprise, one can find him doing small mundane tasks for those who can't do it for themselves or even offering to entertain pups. He is surprising patient and gentle with them - he's much more calmer with pups than peers his own age. But don't be mistaken, though he is one to like to work - it doesn't mean he wants to do it all the time, he can and will complain if it's cutting into his rest. It's no secret that when he has down time that he enjoys soaking up the sun while taking a peaceful nap ; either that, or he's taking some scenic walk around the territory because he loves to look at the landscape and appreciate it. And just because you can make him do a task, doesn't mean he will do it - he isn't a pushover and he won't be tricked into doing someone else's work. And for one thing, he despises someone lazy and one who would not do their tasks just because they know someone else will handle it.

It can be said that this young creature has a certain confidence in himself as well. He is a very well-spoken young male and he has manners gang have been drilled into him since youth. When he does speak, his words are thought out in a methodical manner - even when he's seeming "bragging" or "gloating" even his "whining" is thought out. He says what others want to hear at times, and he never speaks without a purpose. He is a very keen observer and listener - soaking in information even if it doesn't seem like he's paying attention, he is. While he can gather information when he's in a crowd - it's to be noted that he can slip into the background as well. Now his words can vary, he can be rather polished and flattering when speaking - knowing how to charm one with his words. Always being respectful to those who hold higher rank and more experience than him. But he can also be rather sarcastic and snarky as well, just because he prefers being polite doesn't mean he can't have a bit of an attitude at times.

This young male is rather good at controlling and keeping his emotions under wraps - one can rarely tell if he is upset. Aside from him being slightly passive-aggressive in his behavior, he will also put more sarcasm and wit into his words. However, those close to him know that his true anger is something that one doesn't wish to see nor experience. It's also noted he's more likely to use his more snarky language when he's upset or having a mood. Most notice when he's sad or he's in deep thought as he's more quiet and resigned - at times he can be rather melancholy when the situation calls for it. He can be rather stoic at times - bottling up and keeping his emotions to himself, it isn't healthy but he finds it hard to open up and trust others. It's possibly why he has so few friends. He does have a mask that wears and it takes a lot to get it undone. However, those close to him will tell you that those who do find a way in his heart will have his protection and love.

One would say that this young male is a suck up or people pleaser. And he would vehemently disagree with that statement while being upset that one would even call him that. It's due to not receiving proper acknowledgment that he craves recognition but that too he would deny. While he may try and please others, that doesn't mean he will change himself for them. He is confident in who he is and he knows he's flaws and well, he's working on that part about him. Overall, one can say he's a rather determined and spirited young male - one with passion and who can care deeply for others (though he won't admit that either - it's a weakness, being attached to others gets you hurt.) He's still young and has much to learn, but one things for sure - he's a quick study and he will adapt to anything you throw at him. He's one with very specific morals, not particularly seeing the world in black-and-white - he understands that some bad may need to be down to get a point across - yet, there are things even he wouldn't do. And if someone doesn't share the same values as him or goes against it - he isn't shy about showing his disdain for it, but if the need for him to lurk in the shadows and be patient for an opportunity to overtake his enemy arises - then he's your guy.

There May Be Someone Who's Caught His Fancy
Not One, Yet . . . .
Familial Relationships:
Freedom isnt Far sign upsFebruary 3, 2024 08:52 PM

Rogue Wildfires

Posts: 2667
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Accepted! You can join the rp thread whenever you want!

Spellbound said:

Stock Images. Credits to CastleGraphics on DA .
"Lord Of The Sun"
One Year, Nine Months
Desired Rank:
Beta Male
Pack Reputation:

When meeting this young male, you can sense a rather regal and dignified aura surrounding him - one can tell from the way he carries himself that he thinks highly of himself. His posture is never lacking and he always hold his head high, even in the face of danger. This can lead to one thinking he is arrogant - and my, he can be a bit arrogant at times. This young male doesn't like to be wrong, and he can and will go out of his way to prove that he is right ( even to his detriment). He is young and a bit reckless, and wants to be right about most things - but, that doesn't mean he doesn't know when to bow out and be humble, he isn't above learning a valuable lesson ; when needed. His demeanor is a bit haughty, with him seeking attention from those higher up and doing what he can to show and prove his intelligence and worth - his eyes always seemed to be narrowed in disdain or contempt of even a perpetual scowl. One can note, that while he does like to brag and boost his own ego at times - as much as most won't like to admit it - he can back up his claims with action. His pride wouldn't allow him to speak oh so boldly and not be able to keep his word.

One can say that this young creature is rather industrious - he is rarely seen lazing about camp. Much to others surprise, one can find him doing small mundane tasks for those who can't do it for themselves or even offering to entertain pups. He is surprising patient and gentle with them - he's much more calmer with pups than peers his own age. But don't be mistaken, though he is one to like to work - it doesn't mean he wants to do it all the time, he can and will complain if it's cutting into his rest. It's no secret that when he has down time that he enjoys soaking up the sun while taking a peaceful nap ; either that, or he's taking some scenic walk around the territory because he loves to look at the landscape and appreciate it. And just because you can make him do a task, doesn't mean he will do it - he isn't a pushover and he won't be tricked into doing someone else's work. And for one thing, he despises someone lazy and one who would not do their tasks just because they know someone else will handle it.

It can be said that this young creature has a certain confidence in himself as well. He is a very well-spoken young male and he has manners gang have been drilled into him since youth. When he does speak, his words are thought out in a methodical manner - even when he's seeming "bragging" or "gloating" even his "whining" is thought out. He says what others want to hear at times, and he never speaks without a purpose. He is a very keen observer and listener - soaking in information even if it doesn't seem like he's paying attention, he is. While he can gather information when he's in a crowd - it's to be noted that he can slip into the background as well. Now his words can vary, he can be rather polished and flattering when speaking - knowing how to charm one with his words. Always being respectful to those who hold higher rank and more experience than him. But he can also be rather sarcastic and snarky as well, just because he prefers being polite doesn't mean he can't have a bit of an attitude at times.

This young male is rather good at controlling and keeping his emotions under wraps - one can rarely tell if he is upset. Aside from him being slightly passive-aggressive in his behavior, he will also put more sarcasm and wit into his words. However, those close to him know that his true anger is something that one doesn't wish to see nor experience. It's also noted he's more likely to use his more snarky language when he's upset or having a mood. Most notice when he's sad or he's in deep thought as he's more quiet and resigned - at times he can be rather melancholy when the situation calls for it. He can be rather stoic at times - bottling up and keeping his emotions to himself, it isn't healthy but he finds it hard to open up and trust others. It's possibly why he has so few friends. He does have a mask that wears and it takes a lot to get it undone. However, those close to him will tell you that those who do find a way in his heart will have his protection and love.

One would say that this young male is a suck up or people pleaser. And he would vehemently disagree with that statement while being upset that one would even call him that. It's due to not receiving proper acknowledgment that he craves recognition but that too he would deny. While he may try and please others, that doesn't mean he will change himself for them. He is confident in who he is and he knows he's flaws and well, he's working on that part about him. Overall, one can say he's a rather determined and spirited young male - one with passion and who can care deeply for others (though he won't admit that either - it's a weakness, being attached to others gets you hurt.) He's still young and has much to learn, but one things for sure - he's a quick study and he will adapt to anything you throw at him. He's one with very specific morals, not particularly seeing the world in black-and-white - he understands that some bad may need to be down to get a point across - yet, there are things even he wouldn't do. And if someone doesn't share the same values as him or goes against it - he isn't shy about showing his disdain for it, but if the need for him to lurk in the shadows and be patient for an opportunity to overtake his enemy arises - then he's your guy.

There May Be Someone Who's Caught His Fancy
Not One, Yet . . . .
Familial Relationships:

Freedom isnt Far sign upsFebruary 4, 2024 04:08 AM


Posts: 38
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may i reserve female omega?
Freedom isnt Far sign upsFebruary 4, 2024 06:21 AM

Rogue Wildfires

Posts: 2667
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Nueva said:
may i reserve female omega?

Freedom isnt Far sign upsFebruary 4, 2024 11:52 AM


Posts: 2166
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Sign-up form
Name: Falcon
Gender: male
Appearance: (at least 4 sentences)
(CastleGraphics @DA)
He is a medium size wolf but he looks big he is a black to brown color wolf with greenish eyes. He has a little white spots on his two front paws and on his snout, he had a scar under his belly and his tail, if you watch him you may see him limping on his right back leg he is almost blind on his left eye
Personality: (At least 5 bullet points)
• Loyal
• Kind
• Loving
• Playful
• Loves hunting
• Rude a bit
• Goes against the pairings but doesn't say anything
Role you want: Delta
Strengths: (3+)
• Fighting
• Eye sight
• Running
• Hunting
Weaknesses: (2+)
• Strength
• Keeping my tongue to myself
• Back talking
• Females
• Puppys
Brother : Open (pm me )
None (pm me )
None ( pm me )
Other: n/a

Edited at February 4, 2024 12:03 PM by Tauriel
Freedom isnt Far sign upsFebruary 4, 2024 12:59 PM

Lucid Insanity

Posts: 1224
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(c) landkeks-stock on DA

Enigma is about medium height and build. She has a thick white coat that has started to gray. Her eyes are yellow, however, she is slowly loosing her eyesight so they may appear a bit hazy.


Enigma, as her name suggests, comes across as mysterious and hard to figure out (cause she's not like the others girls obviously lol). She is silent and calm rarely speaks unless absolutely necessary. In her older age she has become less involved in pack affairs often looking on from a distance observing others and their interactions. She is easily annoyed by the pups and juveniles do to their ignorance and tendency to not focus on serious matters. While not outright resentful or hostile to Rowan himself, she knows that he will not last long and neither will the pack. Enigma has made no plans for a alternative future for herself, since again, she is old and will probably die soon, which is something she has accepted.

(more will have to develop in the RP. Only saying this cause I don't like how unfinished that is lol)




Wisdom, Cautious (compared to say maybe those younger pups and juveniles), Sense of smell


Hostile and becoming more and more physically weak. She is constantly needed to rest.

Kin / Offspring / Mate
All open! PM me please!! Need some drama!!!!!


Edited at February 4, 2024 01:00 PM by Lucid Insanity
Freedom isnt Far sign upsFebruary 4, 2024 01:00 PM


Posts: 2511
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Edited at February 4, 2024 01:00 PM by Blaze
Freedom isnt Far sign upsFebruary 4, 2024 01:04 PM

Rogue Wildfires

Posts: 2667
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Falcon and Enigma are accepted! You can join the rp thread whenever you want!

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