Wolf Play : ★ Disquietude [REVAMP] | WolfRP | N/A
12:20:33 Lil Techy | Techno
panda army
 Red River Wolves
12:20:30 Redd
Maybe it's just shy.

I have looked at your den but just never made the connection somehow XD
12:20:06 Tay
But I NEED to replenish my pandas.
12:19:52 Lil Techy | Techno
I get so many weretigers in jungle
12:19:29 Tay
Also, I've found so many bigfoots and not a SINGULAR jasmine creature in the mountains.
12:19:21 Lil Techy | Techno
12:18:32 Tay
you obviously haven't looked at my den enough then I have 25-30
12:18:30 Lil Techy | Techno

I'll explore there after I finish here cause toucan feathers were selling good
 Red River Wolves
12:17:07 Redd
Less fast and more spend hours exploring. Honestly, listen to Tay for advice because I've just been grinding the forest overnight. I didn't even know the game had pandas, although in hindsight I've seen panda familiars before.
12:16:38 Tay
I just need more blue Jay feathers but there is only one for sale.
Technition! :D

How're you doing?
12:15:53 Lil Techy | Techno

I have nearly 2k in jungle I know that feeling XD


But still you should listen to your parent.
12:14:47 Ruins

I always ruin my sleep schedule during the summer :D I actually woke myself up earlier during the school year :3
12:14:29 Tay
Mmm, its been so long since I started mountains, have you seen my explore numbers?
12:14:05 Tay

Forest might be worth it for Robin feathers then, free injury and health healing.
12:13:58 Lil Techy | Techno

When do numbers get good? I've never explored Mountains before.
12:13:30 Tay
Pandas are op.
12:13:24 Tay
Also, mountain gives decent numbers every time.

I get 500-750 mushrooms, but you find more relics because of rockfalls.

Also bald eagle feathers and winged dolls sell well for an extra boost, not FMC related but generally good for mush saving.
12:12:21 Lil Techy | Techno

How the hell are you so fast! XD
 Sunset Ghosts
12:12:07 Pit
Hehe yeah I love Milk he's my favorite boy


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    ★ Disquietude [REVAMP] | WolfRP | N/AMay 14, 2022 08:23 AM

los campesinos!

Posts: 2135
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Feelings of anxiety that make you tense and irritable.

Previously administered by Swaggyrollie. We worked on this RP together, and I co-hosted the previous forum because of this. I do not wish for this concept to die, so I have chosen to revamp it.

Two wolf packs torn through a generational vendetta, forced by mother nature to work alongside each other to avoid succumbing to an unforgiving Winter. Prey is scarce, winds are bitter, and teeth are bared. A disease is ravaging both packs, which seems to be sourced from prey as well as bodily fluids. There is little you can do to help an infected wolf other than to wish them farewell. While all will eventually perish from this pestilence, those with a weakened immune system, such as the young, sick and old tend to die out much more rapidly and catch it easier. The pestilence carries petrifying symptoms, such as foaming at the mouth, coughing blood, loss of appetite, confusion, fever and eventually, death.

The packs are based on the side of the Matterhorn mountain in the Swiss Alps. Both territories combined is 43km². Süd is based on the lower parts of the territory, below the ledges, cliff faces and overhangs. It is in a valley and a glacial cirque, their dens being inside the valley. The pack’s water comes from the stream that flows through said valley. Süd also has their territory amongst the Matterhorn town, and comes across tourists and locals often, though they always leave each other alone. Norden is based at the top of the territory. Norden’s dens are near Zmuttbach and Seebach, at the northwest of the territories. The most common death among the packs is from wolves who don’t look where they are going, and end up falling into the valley. Matterhorn contains a lot of rocks, snow and ice. The terrain is not merciful to any wolf, especially in Winter when the snow is heavy and frostbite comes easily.

1. Your character needs to be realistic in most aspects. If you cannot find an image of a real wolf or similar canid (coyote, jackal, etc.) with the coat you want to use, then you can't use it. Wolves would not be capable of sign language, writing in dirt or building elaborate structures. The furthest craftmanship your wolf will be able to carry out is using leaves to hold things, tying things poorly with vines and using sharp objects to help with hunting. No more.
2. Generally, don't make your character cringy.
3. Tied into the above rule, no mary-sue type characters. Your character will have faults.
4. Make things fair and equal, keep the ratio of sexes, roles, etc as even as possible.
5. You must tryout for higher ranked positions! We want active, decent roleplays to be in major positions to prevent the roleplay dying. I want you to PM me your past roleplays (doesn't have to be on-site) as well as a rough idea of how active you are.
6. Avoid making your own characters be tied to each other (mates, family members...).
7. Wolves die from old age at 15 years old.
8. Maximum of 20 characters within each pack, with each roleplayer being allowed 6 characters total.
9. Don't fight over roles, please.
10. Maximum of 5 dispersals.
11. This roleplay is literate, you are required to write a minimum of a two paragraphs per post, and are expected to write more. If you cannot meet this standard, don't sign up; or take a break from the rp until you can.
12. Your character must loosely fit it's region. Please don't sign up to the roleplay with a North American/Asian/whatever species of wolf. This is set in Switzerland.

Edited at March 12, 2024 12:31 PM by los campesinos!
    ★ Disquietude [REVAMP] | WolfRP | N/ASeptember 22, 2022 05:33 AM

los campesinos!

Posts: 2135
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These wolves are often viewed as Gods on Earth, they are the best example of skill and dominance there is. They are seen as among the wisest wolves, and because of this their words are seen as gospel. Alpha's mates are considered to not be as holy as the original Alpha.


This wolf is specially selected by the Alpha as the most suited to take their place, the Theta may help with this decision due to their spirituality. Some Alphas are seen as 'too divine' to interact with their pack directly, so Betas fill their social role for them. Often Betas will be the pups' of the Alpha, though if the Alpha's pup is not fit to take that role, another wolf will be selected.

Zeta, Kappa and Tau

These wolves' job is to lead their role, and to teach juveniles their role. They are the most experienced at what they do, and often end up becoming the next Beta. The Zeta is the lead Epsilon, the Kappa is the lead Lambda and the Tau is the lead Upsilon.

Theta and Iota

The Theta is the lead herbalist in the pack, they often claim to have a spiritual connection and guide the Alpha spiritually. The Iotas are other herbalists apprenticing under the Theta.

Epsilon, Lambda and Upsilon

Epsilons are wolves that are trained in battle, they guard the pack and specialize in their strength. Lambdi are wolves that provide food for the pack, they specialize in their teamwork. Upsilons are wolves trained in stealth, they scout for predators and prey in the area.


Gammas are wolves over the age of 12, they are too old to continue their duties. Gammas may help the Zeta, Kappa or Tau with training the juveniles. These wolves are treated with extreme respect for their years of service to the pack.


Juveniles are wolves under the age of two, or wolves that have not been fully trained yet. They are often ambitious, and have a passion for their chosen role. They are excited to learn to service their pack.


Newborn wolves under the age of one.

Dispersals and Vagabonds

Dispersals are wolves without a pack, that have left to form their own. Not many wolves do this, and those that do often claim to have experienced a 'sign' that they had to leave. These wolves struggle on their own and have to steal from the packs to survive. Vagabonds are dispersals who have the disease. Some pack wolves with the disease may also be referred to with this term.


The packs' passive prey consists of marmots, chamois, mountain hares, moles, roe deer, voles, rock ptarmigans, dormice, nuthatches and thrushes. Though, there are some prey who may fight back, leading to a dangerous hunt; ibex, mountain goats, red deer and highland cattle.

There are other animals in the area that are not regarded as prey due to how dangerous they are, though if a member of this species is taken down, they will be eaten; brown bears, bearded vultures, golden eagles, barn owls, lynxes, barn dogs, dispersal wolves and humans.

Edited at September 22, 2022 05:42 AM by los campesinos!
    ★ Disquietude [REVAMP] | WolfRP | N/ASeptember 22, 2022 05:48 AM

los campesinos!

Posts: 2135
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requires tryout
Alpha's Mate
requires tryout
requires tryout
requires tryout
requires tryout
requires tryout
requires tryout


Kaine [Deus Vult]
Alpha's Mate
requires tryout
requires tryout
Kross [Nox]
requires tryout
requires tryout
requires tryout
Latte [los campesinos!]
Psalm [Seiun]


Edited at October 31, 2022 04:34 PM by los campesinos!
    ★ Disquietude [REVAMP] | WolfRP | N/ASeptember 22, 2022 05:55 AM

los campesinos!

Posts: 2135
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Current Role:
Role Aspiration:
Appearence: (Description of at least 5 sentences required whether or not an image is provided.)
Personality: (7 sentences minimum required.)
Backstory: (7 sentences minimum required for adult wolves.)
Relatives: (Optional)
RP example: (Two paragraph minimum requirement)
Other info:

★ Disquietude [REVAMP] | WolfRP | N/ASeptember 22, 2022 10:48 AM


Posts: 61
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fuck it im committing to grandma energy
Name: Psalm

Age: 13yrs, 5m

Gender: Female (She/Her)

Sexuality: Ace demiromantic

Current Role: Gamma

Role Aspiration: Bro she can't do anything else anymore

Pack: Süd

lets pretend I know what gray wolves look like
Psalm is a tall and lithe gray wolf. Her pelt is slightly paler than average, which helps her blend in with the snow covered terrain. Her muzzle is graying, and her deep brown eyes are beginning to cloud from cataracts. Her movements are stiff because of her developing arthritis. She weighs roughly 55 pounds and is incredibly bony, basically looking like someone just kinda draped a blanket over a skeleton. Her build is somewhat hidden by her long fur though, giving her body volume.

Psalm is your grandma. If she were a person she'd bake you cookies every day. She greatly enjoys company and absolutely loves spending time with young pups and juveniles. Her restricted mobility and activities do upset her, since in her youth she was energetic and could hardly sit still. She dislikes being coddled, despite how badly she does need it, insisting on doing things by herself. She's developed slight amnesia in her old age, with memories of her younger days being well preserved but newer memories often are forgotten. Despite thinking she meets all the youngin's for the first time every day, she still loves them all the same. She's ecstatic to have so many wolves spending time with her. Her entire existence at this point is her just straight vibing.

Her parents were older than average when she was born, not too far off from being Gammas at the time of her birth. She grew up close to the other wolves her age, never quite growing out of her childish personality. Despite her immaturity, she proved to be an exceptional hunter, eventually gaining the rank of Kappa. Upon becoming a gamma, she initially fought the change, but accepted her new role soon enough. She

Relatives: None

Infected?: No.

Other info:

Edited at October 19, 2022 05:19 PM by Seiun
★ Disquietude [REVAMP] | WolfRP | N/ASeptember 22, 2022 11:08 AM


Posts: 207
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((can i take an upsilon that's also a vagabond?? is that possible ToT))
Name: Basil
Age: 6 years
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Current Role: Upsilon (Vagabond)
Role Aspiration: Upsilon
Pack: Norden
Appearence: . . . 5
Personality: . . . 7
Backstory: . . . 7
Relatives: . . .
Infected?: Yes
RP example: i'll send a pm!
Other info: gay gay homosexual gay ((work in progress))

Edited at September 22, 2022 11:34 AM by Skeleton.
★ Disquietude [REVAMP] | WolfRP | N/ASeptember 22, 2022 11:28 AM

los campesinos!

Posts: 2135
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yep that is possible ^^
★ Disquietude [REVAMP] | WolfRP | N/ASeptember 22, 2022 02:24 PM

Former Pack

Posts: 0
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Could I reserve alpha of Norden? rp examples are here:
Here is the most recent rp that i participated in:
I am usually pretty active, but, sometimes if I lose motivation to write, then I may go inactive for a while.

Edited at September 22, 2022 02:32 PM by Glacialis
★ Disquietude [REVAMP] | WolfRP | N/ASeptember 22, 2022 02:29 PM


Posts: 3265
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Name: Pebble
Gender: female
Role: gamma
Pack: Nordan
Sexuality: strait
Appearance: pebble is a light grey wolf with lighter points with a dark stripe on her back. She has a thick, fuzzy double coat. She has dark yellow gold eyes, with slightly matted fur whitening from age.
Personality: Pebble is mostly a calm wolf but can be annoyed easily. Mostly patient but has been known to be grouchy some days. She is a skilled wolf with lots of experience to share with younger generations. Nowadays she doesn't get out much and is tired, on days with energy though Pebble would be happy to help with anything.
Infected: might be later
Relatives: none
Once a lone wolf pebble joined the pack later in life. She trained hard and slowly earned the packs trusts she never had pups of her own but wanted to... Pebble worked hard for her pack until she became a gamma now she helps with training and rests.
Roleplay sample: (takes place in the summer before retirement)
Pebble lept threw the forest enjoying the summer warmth on her fur. The birds sang in the tree tops at the wind rustled the leaves, they sounded like rain.
Pebble heard a small sound the caught the faint scent of hare. She angled but ears towards the sound, softly stepping to avoid the hare's attention. She checked the wind... Good it was blowing the scent towards her instead of the Other way around. She crept forwards then pounced the hare alerted to the sudden scent tried to run, but it was to late, Pebble caught it then grabbed it in her mouth to bring back to the pack.

Edited at September 24, 2022 01:07 PM by Dawnforest
★ Disquietude [REVAMP] | WolfRP | N/ASeptember 22, 2022 02:58 PM

los campesinos!

Posts: 2135
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i don't do reservations for this roleplay. glacialis, your examples are edequate so you may apply for alpha

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