
Simply start with the words did you know... and finish it from there. Then the person below will reply with whether they already knew that or not, and can rate the did you know fact on how interesting they think it is. Then they post a did you know. So on and so forth... . ~Example~ Person 1: Did you know the first man to survive going off Niagara Falls later died by slipping on an orange peel. Person 2: Never knew that before!!! 10/10!! :D Did you know... Giraffes are unable to cough. Person 3: Yes, 4/10 Did you know.... (and so on) - All of eve's rules apply, keep it friendly! —————————————————————————— I will start. Did you know you're always able to see your nose but your brain just ignores it. Edited at January 27, 2022 05:50 PM by Evenfall Lament

8/10 nope . did you know bats arnt actually blind?

2/10 yep ~~ did you know that usually perfumes that smell really good, contain whale poop?

10/10 WHAT --------- did you know... eye liner... is made of... bat poop- *pukes*

Did you know... That T-Rexes had binocular vision like modern raptors (the birds)
(Can I post here more than once after a few turns after me?) Edited at October 11, 2021 07:26 PM by the Wayne pack

7/10 did you know... your pet will not hesitate to eat you?

1/10 Seen so many cases of that Did you know that your foot is as long as your forearm?

8/10 ok? dont know what im gonna do with that . did you know that cats cant actually see in the dark they just pick up on the little bit of light in a room and are able to see with that

0/10 yes that and they use there wiskers did you know that dolphins sleep with half their brain at a time, and adults help young ones, as they have yet to learn how

10/10 really? If you fold your middle finger and put your hand down palm first you cant lift your ring finger