
Game Moderator Neutral
Wolf, Kensaku, Mukul and Kiet Wolf Sex: Female Gender: Fluidflux (She/Her and They/Them pronouns) Age: a little over two years old age Breed: Coydog Percentage: Coyote: 40.5% Ryukyu Inu 9% Basque Shepherd Dog(Iletsua variety) 9% Dhole 9% Border Collie: 9% Bouvier des Ardennes 5% Kai Ken: 4% Dutch Shepherd 3.5% Pastor Garafiano(Garafain Shepherd) 3.5% Australian Cattle Dog(Red Heeler) 3% New Ginia Singing Dog 3% American Pitbull Terrier 2.5% Orientation: Asexual Demi-homoromantic Known Relationships: Kensaku's mate; mother(through adoption) to Mukul and Kiet; sister-in-law to Mazin Personality: Wolf's personality is a bit more on the semi-serious side, but she's friendly for the most part. She's thoughtful and somewhat curious. She's cautious, careful as well as somewhat reserved in new situations and around those she doesn't know well, but is also fiercely loyal to those who she comes to trust and care about. She's a canine that prefers solitude, or being with 1-2 close friends, but that doesn't mean she doesn't want to help those who are in need of help. Kensaku Gender: Fixed/Spayed Female Age: Around 2 and a half Breed: Border Collie / Australian Shepherd / Australian Koolie / Aidi / Australian Cattle Dog hybrid. Percentage: Koolie 22% Aidi 21% Australian Shepherd 20% Border Collie 20% Australian Cattle Dog 17% Orientation: Asexual, but not Aromantic Known relationships: Mate to Wolf; mother(through adoption) to Mukul and Kiet; half-sister of Mazin Other: Kensaku has only three legs and is (currently) always seen with her blue-green checkered bandanna collar Personality: Kensaku is a thoughtful, caring and good-natured, kind, gentle and friendly dog. She can be playful at times. She always tries to look on the brighter side of things, even in the most hopeless situations. She's extremely loyal and won't ever leave the side of who she cares about, no matter how they may treat her. She has a fondness for pups and is always wanting to help them and play with them as much as possible, in some eyes her extreme fondness towards pups could partly could be because she knows she'll never be able to have any pups of her own by blood. Other important information: Kensaku used to be owned by a very kind and gentle elderly man who had raised her from the day she was born, bottle feeding her by hand. Her owner passed away when she was around 9-10 months old in the car crash that took her leg, she subconsciously blames herself for his death. She was dumped on the streets soon after getting picked up by her deceased owners son who didn't want the young female Mukul Gender: Male Age: about 2-2.5 months old Breed: Cane Corso, Alentejo Mastiff, Bullmastiff, Barak Hound, Shar Pei, Seppala Siberian Sleddog, Griffon Nivernais percentage Alentejo Mastiff 20% Cane Corso 20% Bullmastiff 18.5% Barak Hound 13% Shar Pei 13% Seppala Siberian Sleddog 8.5% Griffon Nivernais 7% Orientation: too young Other: He's got the defect of dwarfism and has many scars and deformed looking places on his body(much more than those seen in his current art below). Because he was used as a bait dog and after baiting 1-2 dogs to full out attack him the people who owned the fighting dogs tossed him out and left him for dead. Wolf and Kensaku found him and nursed him to health and decided to take him in as their pup by the time he showed signs of improvement Kiet Gender: Male Age: about 4.5-5 months Breed: Mastiff/Great Dane/Belgian Malinois/American Pittbull Terrier/Dutch Shepherd(mostly mastiff and great dane) Orientation: Gay, poly Other: The adopted son of Wolf and Kensaku. Boyfriend to Gulzar and Anu Edited at January 9, 2021 03:12 PM by Destinations End
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Game Moderator Neutral
Kasai, Raiden, Iseul, Mazin, Gulzar, Rikujō and Ren Kasai and Raiden Kasai Gender: Male Age: around 2-3 Breed: The offspring of a coyote/golden jackal/dingo and a Garafian Shepherd/Basque Shepherd Dog(Gorbeiakoa variety)/Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever/German Shepherd cross Orientation: Homosexual Known relationships: Mate of Raiden; father(through adoption) to Iseul, Mazin and Gulzar; brother-in-law to Rikujō and Ren Other: Kasai is completely blind. Ever since the death of Kōri, he hasn't been the same; even though because of Kōri's death he found his mate Raiden. Personality: Kasai is more on the reserved and serious side. He's somewhat untrusting and weary of canines other than Raiden; however if you're able to break down his walls and get close to him while earning his trust, he's extremely loyal and will stick beside you through thick and thin Gender: Male Age: about two and a half Breed: Raiden is the offspring of a Basque Shepherd Dog (Iletsua Variety), Bouvier des Ardennes, Laekenois, Otterhound hybrid and a Wire haired Portuguese Podengo, Rough hair Dutch Shepherd, Sapsali mix Orientation: Homosexual Known relationships: Mate of Kasai; father(through adoption) to Iseul, Mazin and Gulzar; brother of Rikujō and Ren Other: Raiden also has hyposomia(almost complete 100% anosmia) and talks with a noticeable stutter. Personality: Iseul, Mazin and Gulzar (adopted children of Kasai and Raiden) Iseul Gender: Male Age: about 5 months Breed: Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog, American Leopard Hound, Great Dane, Ariege Pointer, Mountain Cur hybrid Percentage: Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog 27.5% Ariege Pointer 25% American Leopard Hound 20% Great dane 15% Mountain Cur 12.5% Orientation: Pan Known relationships: Other: The adopted son of Kasai and Raiden Personality Mazin Gender: Female Age: about 4-5 months Breed: the offspring of a Texas heeler (Australian Cattle Dog and Australian Shepherd mix) and Malinois X (Belgian Malinois and German Shepherd mix) Orientation: Heteroromantic Known Relationships: Other: The adopted daughter of Kasai and Raiden Personality Gulzar Gender: Male Age: about 5-5.5 months Breed: Border Collie/Australian Shepherd/Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Orientation: Gay, poly Known relationships Other: The adopted son of Kasai and Raiden. Boyfriend to Kiet and Anu Personality Art of Iseul, Mazin and Gulzar - Age: 2.5 Gender: Male Breed: a Basque Shepherd Dog (Iletsua Variety), Bouvier des Ardennes, Berger Picard, Bouvier des Flandres, Belgian Laekenois, Otterhound, Mantiqueira Shepherd Dog, Ryuku Inu, Korean Jindo hybrid and A Wire haired Portuguese Podengo, Rough hair Dutch Shepherd, Kai Ken, Seppala Siberian Sleddog, Sapsali, Schafpudel, Smithfield Collie, Gaucho Sheepdog, Patagonian Sheepdog, Pyrenean Sheepdog, Waeller, Elo mix Orientation: Heterosexual Other: Brother to Raiden and Ren. Mate to Frisbee ~ Name: RenAge: 2.5 Gender: Female Breed: a Basque Shepherd Dog (Iletsua Variety), Bouvier des Ardennes, Berger Picard, Bouvier des Flandres, Belgian Laekenois, Otterhound, Mantiqueira Shepherd Dog, Ryuku Inu, Korean Jindo hybrid and A Wire haired Portuguese Podengo, Rough hair Dutch Shepherd, Kai Ken, Seppala Siberian Sleddog, Sapsali, Schafpudel, Smithfield Collie, Gaucho Sheepdog, Patagonian Sheepdog, Pyrenean Sheepdog, Waeller, Elo mix Orientation: Heterosexual Other: Sister to Raiden and Rikujō. Mate to Hotch - Name: Frisbee Age: 2.5 Gender: Female Breed: Orientation: heterosexual Other: Mate to Rikujō; cousin to Kavik - Name: HotchAge: 2.5 Gender: Male Breed: Orientation: Bi(female lean) Other: Mate to Ren - Name: LyricAge: 1-1.5 Gender: Breed: Orientation: Other: - Name: OmenAge: 1.5 Gender: Breed: Orientation: Other: Edited at April 28, 2023 01:46 AM by Destinations End
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Game Moderator Neutral
Gender: Male Age: about 6 months Breed: Orientation: Gay, poly Other: In a poly relationship with Gulzar and Kiet Personality: - Age: 1 and a half Gender: male Breed: a golden shepherd, Malinois X, Texas healer, Sheepadoodle, Saint Bernewfie, Bouvier des Ardennes, Berger Picard, Belgian Laekenois, Airdale Terrier hybrid[Golden Retriever, German Shepherd, Belgian Malinois,Australian Cattle Dog, Australian Shepherd, Standard Poodle, Old English Sheepdog, Saint Bernard, Newfoundland, Bouvier des Ardennes, Berger Picard, Belgian Laekenois, Airdale Terrier] Orientation: Gay Other: Mel was born without eyes. Boyfriend to Boaz - Age: between one and a half and two Gender: Male Breed: Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Great Dane x American Pitbull Terrier, English Mastiff, Boerboel hybrid Orientation: Bi or Pan Other: boyfriend to Mel - Age: 7-8 months old Sex: Male Gender: Non-binary Breed: Sapsali, Schafpudel, grande wire haired Portuguese Podengo, Bouvier des Ardennes, Berger Picard, Basque Shepherd Dog (Iletsua Variety), Laekenois, Wire haired Portuguese Podengo, Basque Shepherd Dog(Gorbeiakoa variety), Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, Pastor Garafiano(Garafain Shepherd), Harzer Fuchs, Podenco Valenciano, Pyrenean Sheepdog, Patagonian Sheepdog Orientation: Pan(very strong male lead) Other: significant other of Lucas - Age: 8 months Gender: male Breed: English Setter, Kleiner(small) Münsterländer, Großer(large) Münsterländer, Stabyhoun, American English Coonhound, Catahoula Leopard Dog X American Leopard Hound, Braque du Bourbonnais, Pyrenean Sheepdog, Patagonian Sheepdog, beagle, wire haired pointing griffin, Český Fousek, Deutscher Stichelhaariger Vorstehhund, Brittany Spaniel Orientation: Pan Other: Half brother to Bernie. Boyfriend to Pachua ~ Age: 7 months Gender: Male Breed: English Setter, Kleiner(small) Münsterländer, Großer(large) Münsterländer, Stabyhoun, American English Coonhound, Catahoula Leopard Dog X Dalmatian, Braque du Bourbonnais, German Shorthaired Pointer, Auvergne Pointer, Braque Francais Gascogne hybrid Orientation: Heterosexual Other: Boyfriend of Mazin. Half brother to Lucas -- Age: 1 year old Gender: Demiboy Breed:Carea Leonés, Greyhound, Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog, American Leopard Hound, Redtick Coonhound, Bull Arab, Treeing Cur, Mountain Cur, Berger de Savoie, Whippet, long haired Whippet, Magyar agár, Chortai, Longdog, lurcher, Podenco Orito, Silken Windhound, Aidi, Banjara Hound, Kombai dog, Mudhol Hound Orientation: gay Other: boyfriend of Gelert - Age: 1 year old Gender: demiboy/non-binary Breed:Carea Leonés, Mountain cur, Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog, American Leopard Hound, Berger de Savoie, Bluetick Coonhound, Weimaraner, Kleiner(small) Münsterländer, Großer(large) Münsterländer, Braque Francais Gascogne, Blue Picardy Spaniel, Brittany Spaniel, Tiger(hund), Rajapalayam dog, Dalmatian, Phu Quoc Ridgeback Orientation: gay Other: significant other to Dobbi Edited at April 28, 2023 01:41 AM by Destinations End
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Game Moderator Neutral
Ollin and Ohtli Ollin Age Gender: (born) Male, (identifies as) non-binary Orientation: Asexual Homoromantic Breed: Kai Ken, Ryukyu Inu, Dutch Shepherd, Kishu Inu, Korean Jindo mix Other: Ohtli's significant other - Ohtli Age: Gender: Male Orientation: Homosexual Pan-romantic Breed: Lurcher (Borzoi, Carea Leones, Xarengo Valenciano, Scottish Deerhound hybrid.) Other: Ollin's boyfriend --- Quyen and Yunru Name: Species: Orientation: Known relationships: ~ Name: Species: Orientation: Known relationships: Edited at April 28, 2023 01:59 AM by Destinations End
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Game Moderator Neutral
Saika, Rugby, Nita and Kuruk Saika Gender: Male Age: about 4 years old, but looks a lot older Breed: Unknown, most likely some sort of wolfdog Orientation: (not)Questioning, he's never had feelings towards another canine yet Other: He lived most of his life inside a testing facility, where illegal tests were preformed on him daily up until he escaped, taking the lives of a couple of the scientists during the escape to gain his freedom. Personality: Saika is an apathetic, dark, cold, reserved, untrusting and is more of a serious character. He easily can come off as cruel. He's a loner for the most part, but allows Rugby to tag along with him. He does his best not to show it, and often is successful at hiding it, but he's grown to care deeply for Rugby and is very protective of him. Rugby Gender: Male Age: about a year old Breed: Pitbull, Cursinu, (blue harlequin) Beauceron, unknown breed Percentage: American Pitbull Terrier 40% blue harlequin Beauceron 27.5% Cursinu 27.5% Unknown breed 5%(possibly a Bouvier des Ardennes, or some other wiry haired breed) Orientation: Heterosexual Biromantic Other: Rugby has a crooked tail, a badly deformed and crippled hind leg with a just as badly clubbed foot/paw on the same leg, he also is a mute. He is smaller and weaker for his age, partly because he and his litter mates were premature, but mostly because is the runt of the litter and had complications at birth. Boyfriend to Nita Personality: Rugby is naive, curious, goofy, playful, fun-loving and loves adventure. He knows very well and firsthand the cruelty and harshness that exist in the world, and even-so just like Kensaku, he's also always trying to look on the brighter side of things, because of his beliefs there's more to the world than just the cruelty, hopelessness, harshness, darkness and evil he only knew the first five to six months of his life. He's always trying to bring a smile to Saika's face and to get him out of his shell and put their horrible pasts behind them Kuruk Age: 1.5 years old Gender: Male Breed: Karelian Bear Dog/Norrbottenspets/East Siberian Laika/ Native American Indian Dog/Sulimov dog/Cane Pastore Biellese Orientation: Pansexual Other: Nita's twin brother - Nita Age: 1.5 years old Gender: Female Breed: Karelian Bear Dog/Norrbottenspets/East Siberian Laika/Native American Indian Dog/Sulimov dog/Cane Pastore Biellese Orientation: Heterosexual Other: Kuruk's twin sister. Rugby's girlfriend Edited at January 9, 2021 03:16 PM by Destinations End
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Game Moderator Neutral
Age: 1.5ish Gender: Genderfluid Breed: Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog, American Leopard Hound, Patagonian Sheepdog, Pyrenean Sheepdog, Waeller, Rough hair Dutch Shepherd, Mountain Cur, Treeing Cur, Mountain View Cur, Black Mouth Cur, Wire haired Portuguese Podengo, Podenco Valenciano, Iziban Hound(wire hair), Tiger(Hund), Carea Leonés, Sapsali, Schafpudel, Bouvier des Ardennes, Berger Picard, Beauceron, Australian Koolie, Aidi, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, Otterhound, Griffon Nivernai, Barak Hound, Armant, Smithfield Collie, Schapendoes, Mahratta Hound, Vikhan, Levriero Sardo Orientation: Other: Adoptive sibling to Legend, Lore and Fable. Legacy is crippled/paralyzed from the upper middle of the back down. And their lower back and legs are misshapen and are stuck turned out/in sideways(if that makes sense) (They have to use the front limbs to drag themself around to get anywhere they want to go.). ~ Age: 1.5-2 Gender: Male Breed: Xarnego Valenciano, Sakhalin Husky, Borzoi, Saluki, Bouvier des Ardennes, Berger Picard, (medium) Portuguese Podengo, Silken Windhound, Lurcher, Longdog, Armet, Irish Wolfhound, Scottish Deerhound, Iziban Hound(wire hair) Greyhound, Eurohound, Rajapalayam dog, Aidi hybrid Orientation: Bi Other: Adoptive brother to Legacy, Lore and Fable ~ Age: almost 2 Gender: non-binary Breed: Xarnego Valenciano, Ibizan hound, Sakhalin Husky, Iletsua Basque Shepherd dog, treeing Tennessee brindle, Cursinu, Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog, American Leopard Hound, Thai Ridgeback, Rhodesian Ridgeback, mountain cur, Berger Picard, Bouvier des Ardennes, Belgian Malinois, Belgian Tervern, Belgian Tervuren Orientation: Pan Other: Adoptive sibling to Legacy, Legend and Fable - Age: 11-13 months Gender: Female Breed: Irish Wolfhound, Scottish Deerhound, Borzoi, Greyhound, Great Dane, Sardinian Shepherd Dog, Romanian Mioritic Shepherd Dog, Armant, Otterhound, Sapsali, Schafpudel, Briquet Griffon Vendéen, Strobel, Patagonian Sheepdog, vojvodjanski pulin, Iletsua Basque Shepherd dog, Garafian Shepherd, Kuhhund, English Setter, Kleiner(small) Münsterländer, Großer(large) Münsterländer, Berger Picard, Bouvier des Ardennes, Belgian Laekenois, Rough hair Dutch Shepherd, Mantiqueira Shepherd, Sarabi dog, Kars dog, Aidi, Estrela Mountain Dog, Guejae Gae, Tiger (Hund), Waeller, Carea Leonés, Pyrenean Sheepdog, Karst Shepherd, Eloschaboro (Elo Dog), Stabyhoun, Spino degli Iblei, Cane Lupino del Gigantea Orientation: Bi(female lean) Other: Tamsin's girlfriend; Adoptive sister to Legacy, Legend and Lore ~ Nickname: Tammy Age: 1 Gender: Female Breed:Shih Tzu, Löwchen, Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka, Kokoni, Pekingese, Japanese Chin, Formosan Mountain Dog, Glen of Imaal Terrier, Alopekis, Sporting Lucas Terrier, Lucas Terrier, Kromfohrlander, Cairn Terrier, Norfolk Terrier, Norwich Terrier, Australian Terrier, Portuguese Podengo, Biewer Terrier, Russkiy Toy, Havanese, Miniature American Shepherd, Sheltie and several other unknown toy breeds Orientation: Lesbian Other: sister to Tommy. Girlfriend to Fable Only has two legs, is missing both hind limbs ~ Age: 1 Gender: Male Breed: Shih Tzu, Löwchen, Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka, Kokoni, Pekingese, Japanese Chin, Formosan Mountain Dog, Glen of Imaal Terrier, Alopekis, Sporting Lucas Terrier, Lucas Terrier, Kromfohrlander, Cairn Terrier, Norfolk Terrier, Norwich Terrier, Australian Terrier, Portuguese Podengo, Biewer Terrier, Russkiy Toy, Havanese, Miniature American Shepherd, Sheltie and several other unknown toy breeds Orientation: Gay Other: Brother to Tammy; boyfriend of Zeke. Only has two legs. He is missing his left front limb, and right hind limb. - Name: Compass Age: Gender: Breed: Pumi, Mudi, Schipperke, Dutch Smoushond, Border Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier, Biewer Terrier, Russkiy Toy, Papillon, Kooikerhondje, Kromfohrlander, Skye Terrier, Toy Poodle, Miniature Poodle, Shih Tzu, Löwchen, Pekingese, Japanese Chin, Pug, Kokoni, Alopekis, Markiesje, Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka, Bolonka, Affenpinscher, Petite Brussels Griffon, Tibetan Spaniel, Lhasa Apso, Formosan Mountain Dog hybrid Orientation: Other: Is missing two legs, both the front limbs - Age: 1 Gender: Male Breed: (Hairless) Chinese Crested Orientation: gay Other: Twin brother of Benzene, boyfriend of Tommy ~ Age: 1 Gender: Male Breed: (Powderpuff) Chinese Crested Orientation: Bi Other: twin brother of Zeke
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Game Moderator Neutral
Korbin, Chayton(Chay), Skári, Orel and Kaylum (Doberman siblings) Name: Korbin Age: Gender: Male Species: (black with tan points) Doberman Orientation: Bisexual Other: name means 'Raven, Crow'. Is the brother of Chayton, Skári, Orel and Kaylum - Name: Chayton Nickname: Chay Age: Gender: Female Species: (Chocolate/red with tan points) Doberman Orientation: Bisexual or Pansexual Other: name means 'Falcon'. Is the sister of Korbin, Skári, Orel and Kaylum - Name: Skári Age: Gender: Male Species: (Blue with rust/tan points) Doberman Orientation: heterosexual Other: Name means 'seagull' Is the brother ofKorbin, Chayton, Orel and Kaylum - Name: Orel Age: Sex/Gender: (born) Male / Identifies as Nonbinary Pronouns: They/Them/Their Species: (Isabella/pale fawn with tan/rust points) Doberman Orientation: Asexual Panromantic Other: name means both 'golden' and 'eagle'. Is the sibling of Korbin, Chayton, Skári and Kaylum - Name: Kaylum Age: Sex/Gender: (born) Female / (identifies as) Female or Non-binary Pronouns: She/Her - They/Them Species: (White) Doberman Orientation: Asexual Demiromantic Other: name is a unique spelling of Calum which means 'Dove'. Is the sibling of Korbin, Chayton, Skári and Orel. Their colors are that of a true white Doberman: Extremely light/pale cream with white markings. They also have blue eyes and a pink nose as white Doberman do.  ~  ---------- Note, Song and Echo (Rottweiler siblings) Edited at April 28, 2023 01:53 AM by Destinations End
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Game Moderator Neutral
Len and Lon (Beauceron brothers) Name: Len Gender: Male Species: (Blue harlequin with rust points, black-very dark grayish nose and blue eyes) Beauceron with uncropped ears and an undocked tail Orientation: Homosexual Other: Brother to Lon. Name means both 'lion-strong' and 'flute' - Name: Lon Gender: Male Species: (tri color with rust points, black nose and rich brown-amber eyes) Beauceron with uncropped ears and an undocked tail Orientation: Heterosexual Bi-romantic Other - Tzevi, Isi, Ayalon, Darby, Enikõ, Hjortr, Ossia (Dalmatian Siblings) - Sinopa and Tokala (Ridgeback siblings) - Bosco Edited at April 28, 2023 01:52 AM by Destinations End
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Game Moderator Neutral
Raz, Nur, unnamed and unnamed Sex: Female Gender: Male Pronouns: He/him Species: Golden Cross Fox Orientation: Asexual demihomoromantic Known relationships: adoptive brother to Nur, boyfriend to unnamed ~ Name: Nur Sex: Male Gender: Male Pronouns: He/him Species: Bat eared fox Orientation: homosexual Known Relationships: Adoptive brother to Raz, boyfriend to unnamed ~ Name: Liron Sex: Male Gender: Nonbinary Pronouns: He/him / They/Them Species: Orientation: homosexual Known relationships: ~
Name: Jace Sex: Male Gender: Demiboy Pronouns: He/him Species: Orientation: asexual homoromantic Known relationships: Edited at April 28, 2023 01:55 AM by Destinations End
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Game Moderator Neutral
Name: Species: Orientation: Known relationships: ~ Name: Species: Orientation: Known relationships: ~ Name: Species: Orientation: Known relationships: ~ Name: Species: Orientation: Known relationships: -- Name: Species: Orientation: Known relationships: ~ Name: Species: Orientation: Known relationships: --- Name: Species: Orientation: Known relationships: ~ Name: Species: Orientation: Known relationships: ~ Name: Species: Orientation: Known relationships: - Name: Species: Orientation: Known relationships: ~ Name: Species: Orientation: Known relationships:
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